charming spring

charming spring

作者: charmingspring | 来源:发表于2016-08-25 09:22 被阅读18次

We met in a charming spring

You ran into my life on 1/5/2009

The sunlight is beautiful, and so you are

The lollipop is sweet, and so you are.

The rose is beautiful, and so you are.

From 27/9/2009 on, we will stay together forever

on 12/31/2015, we registered finally

AT SDU and ZJU, we are unseparable  like shadows

In JN and HZ, i said bong and  you said shakalaka

IN SH,  i lost myself and you help  me find it back

IN TC, life is simple and this  is it

Our life will be brilliant

Treasure you like all the years before

I promise.


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