树-多路搜索树和B树, since 2022-06-12

树-多路搜索树和B树, since 2022-06-12

作者: Mc杰夫 | 来源:发表于2022-06-12 05:31 被阅读0次

(2022.06.12 Sun)

多路搜索树 Multiway Search tree


  • 每个内部节点包含至少两个节点,即每个内部节点都是d-node,其中d\ge 2
  • 每个树T的内部d-node w有子树c_1, \cdots, c_dw保存了d-1个k-v对有序集合(k_1, v_1), \cdots, (k_{d-1}, v_{d-1}),其中k_1 \le k_2 \cdots \le k_{d-1}
  • 定义k_0 = - \infty, k_d = + \infty,对w的以c_i子树节点中的(k, v)i=1,\cdots, d,有k_{i-1} \le k \le k_i

一个d-node保存了d-1个常规key。外部节点external node仅仅作为占位符,不保存任何数据,用None引用表示。根据上面定义,多路搜索树的k-v对的个数与外部节点数有如下关系:



从树T的根节点开始,在d-node w,比较搜索的key kw上的key k_1, \cdots, k_{d-1}。如果k=k_i,则搜索完成。否则,我们在w的子节点c_i上搜索k_{i-1} < k < k_i。如果到达外部节点,我们直到树T中没有key k,搜索失败。

Multiway search insertion


We discussed a linked data structure for representing a general tree.
This representation can also be used for a multiway search tree. When using a general tree to implement a multiway search tree, we must store at each node one or more key-value pairs associated with that node. That is, we need to store with w
a reference to some collection that stores the items for w.
During a search for key k in a multiway search tree, the primary operation needed when navigating a node is finding the smallest key at that node that is greater than or equal to k. For this reason, it is natural to model the information at a node itself as a sorted map, allowing use of the find_ge(k) method. We say such
a map serves as a secondary data structure to support the primary data structure represented by the entire multiway search tree. This reasoning may at first seem like a circular argument, since we need a representation of a (secondary) ordered
map to represent a (primary) ordered map. We can avoid any circular dependence, however, by using the bootstrapping technique, where we use a simple solution to a problem to create a new, more advanced solution. In the context of a multiway search tree, a natural choice for the secondary structure at each node is the SortedTableMap. Because we want to determine the associated value in case of a match for key k, and otherwise the
corresponding child ci such that k_{i−1} < k < k_i, we recommend having each key k_i in the secondary structure map to the pair (v_i, c_i). With such a realization of a
multiway search tree T, processing a d-node w while searching for an item of T with key k can be performed using a binary search operation in O(\log d) time. Let
d_{max} denote the maximum number of children of any node of T, and let h denote the height of T. The search time in a multiway search tree is therefore O(h \space \log d_{max}).
If d_{max} is a constant, the running time for performing a search is O(h).
The primary efficiency goal for a multiway search tree is to keep the height as small as possible. We next discuss a strategy that caps d_{max} at 4 while guaranteeing a height h that is logarithmic in n, the total number of items stored in the map.

(2, 4)-tree (2,4)树


  1. 尺寸属性:每个内部节点最多有4个子节点,最少2个,这也是该数据结构名字的来源
  2. 深度属性:所有外部节点有相同的高度

假定外部节点都是None。(2, 4)树保证了每个节点的二级数据结构足够小,同时保证了多路主树的平衡。

(2, 4)树的高度有如下定理:

Proposition:存储了n个元素的(2, 4)树的高度是O(\log n)

证明该定理可以考虑两种阶段情况,即每个内部节点都只有2个子节点,和有4个子节点。当每个内部节点有2个子节点,则形成了二叉树,对于外部节点的个数与高度满足2^{h} = n+1,或h=\log(n+1);每个内部节点有4个节点,则外部节点的高度与节点个数满足4^{h} = n+1,或h=\frac{1}{2} \log (n+1)。这两种极端情况使得真实的高度h所在的范围是\frac{1}{2} \log(n+1) \le h \le\log (n+1),得证。

该定理表明尺寸和深度属性对于保持多路搜索树平衡来说已经足够。此外,这个定理也显示出对(2, 4)树做检索的时间复杂度为O(\log n),且二级存储结构的实现对于设计来说影响不大因为最大子节点数d_{max}为常数。


执行对(2, 4)树T的插入(k, v)之前,首先执行检索。如果树中没有key k,则搜索终止于外部节点z。设外部节点z的父/母节点是w。在w中插入新元素,并在z的左侧加入新的子节点y。这种插入方法并没有破坏深度属性,因为我们在已经存在的外部节点中加入了新的外部节点,但却破坏了尺寸属性。节点w之前是4-node,插入后成为5-node,使得T不再是(2, 4)树。这种与尺寸属性的冲突称作在点w的overflow。


  • w'w''代替w,使得
    • w'是3-node,子节点c_1, c_2, c_3,存储keys k_1k_2
    • w''是2-node,子节点c_4, c_5,存储keys k_4
  • 如果wT的根节点,创建一个新的根节点u,否则将u设为w的父/母节点
  • 将key k_3插入u,使其成为w'w''的父/母节点,所以如果wu的第i个子节点,则w'w''相应的成为uii+1个子节点。


d_{max}最多为4,初始对新key k的所搜在每一层的时间是O(1),因此总的时间是O(\log n),考虑到树的高度是O(\log n)。对于单个节点插入新key的操作运行时间O(1)。执行多次split操作的次数被树的高度限制,所以插入阶段的运行时间是O(\log n)。(2, 4)树执行插入操作的总时间的是O(\log n)

split demo
insert demo case
insert from empty demo


(2, 4)树的性能分析

(2, 4)树的渐进性能(asymptotic performance)保证了多数情况下的log边界。

  • n个节点的(2, 4)树的高度是O(\log n)
  • 拆分、转换和融合操作的时间是O(1)
  • 检索、插入、删除需要访问O(\log n)个节点


B-tree/B树是一种(a, b)树,d阶B树满足a=\lceil d/2 \rceilb=d


1 Goodrich and etc., Data Structures and Algorithms in Python


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      本文标题:树-多路搜索树和B树, since 2022-06-12
