it's flag time

it's flag time

作者: 轩轩糖 | 来源:发表于2017-02-08 00:20 被阅读15次

long time no see~jianshu~

I wanna to set a flag.just the time!but there are too much flags around me.which flag do I should to set.......hum.......I think language be the first,maybe.All my vacation is fulling by dubbing.and I'm totally not end of interesting of it.my spoken is pretty much better than before.

now here is the huge thing about the words!!

my words of English is only enough for me to write a diary.....

I even can't write a poem!!

I wanna be a poet!!it's just so beautiful!

(because I just saw the film "death poets society",hahaha.)

now all I need is to recite words!!

I even forget about the word"recite",I look out in the dictionary,my God.

wish me luck ,new flag is quivering on the horizon.

anyway,I'm kind of a snobbish person.


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