《与焦虑、敏感和低落的孩子工作》第一章 1.6

《与焦虑、敏感和低落的孩子工作》第一章 1.6

作者: 渭北春树_Joshua | 来源:发表于2017-06-29 23:47 被阅读60次
    《Working with Anxious, Nervous and Depressed Children》

    译者: Joshua @LeZhi (hillfree@126.com)



    1.6 什么构成了道德教育?

    Allow me, in what follows, to deal with some phenomena of child development that seem to me to be receiving much too superficial attention from current academic psychology and educational science. I propose, in so doing, that we agree to continue accepting the hypothesis of children’s guardian angels on a working basis, in order to become at home with a way of thinking which assumes their involvement to be a fundamental fact.


    Let us explore the characteristics of a guardian angel as it watches over a child and is active within it.

    It is a being that has taken on the task of helping a child, in the course of his or her personality development, to grow ever stronger in forming ideals and becoming idealistically motivated, providing the impulses needed to overcome the conflict between individual striving and social responsibility. It is the angel’s activity in a child’s growing-up that leads the child to begin concerning himself with a humane and charitable approach to his fellows and to feel the first stirring of caring and a selfless readiness to help; this cannot be ascribed solely to the effects of our authoritarian moralizing, as psychoanalysts would have us believe.


    Both backgrounds play a part, of course; children do learn the social virtues from observing the behavior of the adults they copy. But how do they come to feel for those virtues? Just to hear themselves praised? Those who think so are habitual materialists in their thinking rather than realists taught by experience.


    Rudolf Steiner had good cause to assert consistently and firmly that preaching and insisting on morality was not only useless, but actually harmful when considered as a means of developing a dependable morality for later life. Morality fostered through preaching breeds opportunism; it hinders the development of an autonomous morality that rises to the height of creating autonomous ideals.


    An educational method based on teaching children that more can be gained then lost by sacrifice puts the capacity for altruism, inborn in human nature and pressing for expression, in a depressingly false light. If, for example, we let a child sense that she can profit from magnanimous giving or an uncomplaining nature, that certain benefits accrue from putting others’ needs and demands before her own, we supply her with anything but good motivation. The virtue of consideration for others is dragged down to the level of a school report and correspondingly rewarded or punished. This handling can be equated with pressure for moral accomplishment. Rather than furthering social sensitivity, it encourages a species of slyly calculated diplomacy totally devoid of social caring.


    We see, therefore, that an education that moralizes is a contradiction in terms. The development of interpersonal social values and attitudes in childhood is, by definition, a mere conforming to adult expectation and overlooks an absolutely decisive fact: there is nothing of a moral nature in mere conformity on the social level; it can at best be termed pseudo morality.


    Of course, one might raise the objection, “well then so be it”; there is only pseudo morality.

    There is no use letting oneself in for endless discussion; it is a waste of time. Let us stick instead with observations of living reality and ask what moves a child that is not subjected to “moral education” by precept to develop imitative feeling for social values that are real rather than demanded.


    Living examples are decisive here! But even that would be ineffective if children did not possess an inherent capacity to appreciate the conduct witnessed and, with joy, make it their own way of behaving, totally uninfluenced by any expectation of benefits that would be forthcoming to them.


    This is an example of having an inner affinity for what is good in the world, and it is not a taught lesson. It depends on education whether this basic and, as-yet-undefined tendency to love the good, finds proper outlets, even though education is not its source. Education can only spell its ruin.


    Just notice the shining eyes of children listening to a telling of the legend of Good Roland, or of St. Nicholas, or to stories in which “the good person” rises to heroic stature. Observe the pride and delight with which elementary school pupils react to accounts of “good deeds” done by their parents. Parental misdeeds call forth no such reactions. And do not make the mistake of thinking that the inner rejoicing experienced by children listening to tales of admirable human beings that cause their eyes to lighten up can be accounted for by any moral teaching they have received. We understand less than nothing if we persist in explaining soul phenomena as the outcome of such simplistic motivation.




          本文标题:《与焦虑、敏感和低落的孩子工作》第一章 1.6
