【1.】I know how hurt you are. You never let people see your soft side! But everyone who cares knows it's there!
【2.】Marriage takes… infinite patience and forbearance, as well as love.
【3.】Independence has its charms. It also has its challenges. But I make shift, and so far haven't disgraced myself at all.
【4.】The Complete Works Of Shakespeare. There's a universe of literature within these boards. Shakespeare earned his living by his pen. He wrote spectaculars, and he entertained the people. But he also created works of such beauty that the world is still sustained by them. One need not exclude the other.
【5.】Poverty always enriches those who rise above it.
【6.】There is a defect of character one encounters in the young, when they are engulfed by intimation of romance. I call it the spice of perversity, and it leads to hot heads and bitter reflection!