Emoji smart finder 隐私政策 (Google

Emoji smart finder 隐私政策 (Google

作者: toddy_chen | 来源:发表于2017-05-09 10:43 被阅读0次

Emoji smart finder 隐私政策



当你使用Emoji smart finder软件的拍照、地图定位等功能时,我们不会以任何形式储存您的图片、位置、电话等信息,也不会收集及以任何形式储存您在社交网络上的任何个人资讯。 



联络信箱: pegbundy1943@icloud.com

Emoji smart finder  Privacy Policy 

We do not collect and store any message from your social network or advertisements or other operating organizations in any form.

Personal information

When you use Emoji smart finder software to take pictures, map and other features, we will not store your pictures, location, phone and other information in any form, nor will you collect and store any personal information on your social network in any form.

Privacy Policy Terms

By using this App, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not use the App. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add or remove this part of the policy at any time. Please visit this page regularly to see any changes. If you continue to use any changes to our App later, the release of these terms will mean that you have accepted these adjustments.

Contact email: pegbundy1943@icloud.com


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      本文标题:Emoji smart finder 隐私政策 (Google
