Outsource Streaming Range Query

Outsource Streaming Range Query

作者: SeanC52111 | 来源:发表于2018-07-20 21:46 被阅读0次


    • range query authentication
    • data stream
    • partially materialized digest (PMD)
    • one-shot and sliding window queries

    Problem Definition
    Use the sliding window model ( query the latest n tuple) to search the data stream.
    Definition : we see a data stream S as a non-limited length series S=(a1,a2...). Each tiime only one tuple arrives. We only condier a size n sliding window containing (a_{t-n+1}, a_{t-n+2}, ... a_{t-1}, a_t). This is the sliding window data stream model.

    PMD strategy authentication
    The disadvantage of traditional MHT:

    • redundant verification. The internal hash number is rather high.
    • rely too much on the single root signature: once the single signature is corrupted or forged, no matter the result is correct or not, the client cannot verify the authenticity of the data.
    • fail to fast locate the corrupted position: the client can only know the result is corrupted but fail to find the specific wrong tuple. The DO needs to resend all the tuple and the server needs to reconstruct the tree.



          本文标题:Outsource Streaming Range Query
