

作者: 水随天去2018 | 来源:发表于2018-11-26 21:02 被阅读0次

    A truly progressive day

    What scares me most about office? Well, I guessit would be idleness, just imagining sitting there without anything to do scaresthe shit out of me. But, the really question is: why don’t you have anything todo?

    I have to admit that I haven’t really changed my thought model, still want to sit there waiting for order or assignments, typical students thinking model, which is really not going to work in a workplace.

    I have been learning the company’s products for a while, why does everyone think that I have little knowledge about the solutions and products? It confused me a lot, thinking back, I didn’t have a proper feedback system, just like FD said, continuous reading and watching without tests means nothing, it absolutely has little help to your studying, I also need to establish a feedback model for myself, actually, the way I figure out is actually easy and practical to performance: just imaging that you are doing a presentation for your clients, boom, you just get everything you need.

    Today, I was really touched by what ZX said,the words just came from the bottom of his heart, I can felt it, and I’ve learned my lessons. Confident, yes, where is the confident guy that think there’s nothing in the world a man can not achieve, I definitely need bring that guy back. Today’s work is still not done, I guess I have to get back to work and improve my skill. Just strive, Zems!



