DAY8 - A16453 - 商业写作8

DAY8 - A16453 - 商业写作8

作者: 7382d888d85e | 来源:发表于2017-04-10 22:48 被阅读13次

No leader interview agenda

9:30  Check in

` confirm personal information

` get attendee’s number

10:00-10:10  Host welcome and introduction

` host of the interview introduces themselves and welcomes interviewers

` host introduce the agenda of interview

10:10-10:30  Receivea project

` interviewers receive the topic, find the problems and think about solutions

10:30-10:45  Groupdiscussion

` discuss the topic and share own ideas one by one

` group votes one person to make conclusions

10:45-10:50  Conclusion

` one of theinterviewer conclude

10:50-11:00  Questions& Answers

` host ask everyinterviewer questions

` interviewers value their performance



    本文标题:DAY8 - A16453 - 商业写作8
