I've found my mind judge quickly while change easily. I've read a article today. When I reading through the first paragraph of it, which says that a regional council has proposed banning all domestic cats to protect native animals.And It occurred to me at once that it's unfair and cruel to cats and why sacrifice cats for the sake of other animals. My mind didn't change until I clicked on the video below the article. I explain the necessity of the banning to me. Then I shifted my sites as quickly as I made my judgment. It tells me that New zealand as a island country evolve differently to other countries for thousands of years. there had been no predator species, neither cats nor dogs. So the native species lack of the ability to escape from predators. For example, the country's national bird, the Kiwi, evolved to lose wings and ability to fly. they were wiped out as the result of the introducing of the cats and other predators with the arrival of Europeans. Cats are adorable, but they could become somehow intimidating to the ecosystem in New Zealand. I bet you change your mind too. Don't judge, unless you dig into it and know what's behind it.