2024-03-12 DeepFM

2024-03-12 DeepFM

作者: 胜果铺子 | 来源:发表于2024-03-11 04:55 被阅读0次

    PDF: Hello and welcome to the PDF file on DeepFM: An End-to-End Wide & Deep Learning Framework for CTR Prediction! This paper introduces a new neural network architecture, DeepFM, that combines factorization machines and deep learning to emphasize both low- and high-order feature interactions for maximizing click-through rates in recommender systems.

    1. What are the key components of the DeepFM framework and how do they work together to improve CTR prediction?
    2. How does DeepFM compare to existing models, such as the Wide & Deep model from Google, in terms of feature engineering and performance?
    3. What were the results of the comprehensive experiments conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of DeepFM-D and DeepFM-P for CTR prediction on benchmark and commercial data sets?

    Me: What are the key components of the DeepFM framework and how do they work together to improve CTR prediction?

    PDF: The DeepFM framework consists of two main components: the FM Component and the Deep Component, which work together to improve click-through rate (CTR) prediction.

    1. FM Component:
    • The FM Component utilizes factorization machines to model low-order feature interactions.
    • For each feature, a scalar weight w_i is used to represent its order-1 importance.
    • A latent vector V_i is used to measure the impact of interactions with other features.
    • The latent vectors V_i are fed into the FM Component to model order-2 feature interactions.
    1. Deep Component:
    • The Deep Component leverages deep neural networks to capture high-order feature interactions.
    • The same input is shared between the FM Component and the Deep Component.
    • The parameters, including w_i, V_i, and the network parameters, are trained jointly for the combined prediction model.
    • The output of the Deep Component, denoted as y_{Deep}(x), is combined with the output of the FM Component, denoted as y_{FM}(x), using a sigmoid function to predict the CTR.

    DeepFM framework allows for the incorporation of various network architectures in the Deep Component, such as DeepFM-D with a deep neural network (DNN) and DeepFM-P with a product-based neural network (PNN). By integrating the strengths of factorization machines and deep learning, DeepFM can effectively learn feature interactions of all orders in an end-to-end manner without the need for extensive feature engineering, leading to improved CTR prediction performance,.

    Me: How does DeepFM compare to existing models, such as the Wide & Deep model from Google, in terms of feature engineering and performance?

    PDF: DeepFM differs from existing models like the Wide & Deep model from Google in terms of feature engineering and performance:

    1. Feature Engineering:
    • DeepFM requires no feature engineering besides raw features, unlike the Wide & Deep model which may rely on expertise feature engineering for input to the "wide" part.
    • The input to the Wide & Deep model can include manually designed pairwise feature interactions, increasing complexity, while DeepFM handles input directly from raw features.
    • DeepFM shares the feature embedding between the FM Component and the Deep Component, influencing feature representation by both low- and high-order interactions without the need for explicit feature engineering,.
    1. Performance:
    • DeepFM is designed to learn feature interactions of all orders in an end-to-end manner, emphasizing both low- and high-order interactions, which can lead to improved CTR prediction performance.
    • Comprehensive experiments conducted on benchmark and commercial data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of DeepFM-D and DeepFM-P over existing models for CTR prediction, showing significant improvements in click-through rates.
    • Online A/B tests conducted in a production environment, such as the Huawei App Market, reveal that DeepFM-D leads to more than a 10% improvement in click-through rate compared to a well-engineered logistic regression model, showcasing the superior performance of DeepFM in real-world scenarios.

    In summary, DeepFM offers a more streamlined approach to feature engineering and achieves superior performance in CTR prediction compared to existing models like the Wide & Deep model from Google, making it a powerful framework for recommendation systems.

    Me: What were the results of the comprehensive experiments conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of DeepFM-D and DeepFM-P for CTR prediction on benchmark and commercial data sets?

    PDF: The comprehensive experiments conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of DeepFM-D and DeepFM-P for click-through rate (CTR) prediction on benchmark and commercial data sets yielded the following results:

    1. Offline Experiments:
    • DeepFM-D and DeepFM-P were compared with other state-of-the-art models empirically.
    • The evaluation results indicated that DeepFM-D and DeepFM-P outperformed all other state-of-the-art models in terms of CTR prediction.
    • Efficiency tests were also performed to assess the computational efficiency of DeepFM-D, DeepFM-P, and baseline models.
    1. Online Experiments:
    • A consecutive seven-day A/B test was conducted to evaluate the performance of DeepFM-D in a production environment.
    • DeepFM-D demonstrated more than a 10% improvement in click-through rate compared to a well-engineered logistic regression model.
    • The online A/B test results consistently showed that DeepFM-D outperformed the logistic regression model in terms of CTR and conversion rate (CVR) throughout the testing period.
    1. Commercial Data:
    • DeepFM-D and DeepFM-P were evaluated on both benchmark and commercial data sets, showing consistent improvements over existing models for CTR prediction.
    • The online A/B test conducted in the Huawei App Market confirmed that DeepFM-D led to significant improvements in CTR compared to the logistic regression model, highlighting the effectiveness of DeepFM in real-world recommendation systems.

    Overall, the experiments demonstrated that DeepFM-D and DeepFM-P are highly effective for CTR prediction, outperforming other models in both offline and online settings, and delivering substantial improvements in click-through rates in commercial applications.

    Me: explain the FM part

    PDF: The Factorization Machine (FM) component is a crucial part of the DeepFM framework for click-through rate (CTR) prediction. Here is an explanation of the FM component:

    1. Purpose:
    • The FM component is designed to capture low-order feature interactions, specifically pairwise interactions between features.
    • It excels at modeling interactions between features, especially in scenarios where data is sparse and traditional models like logistic regression may struggle to capture complex relationships.
    1. Model Architecture:
    • The FM component utilizes latent vectors to represent the features in the input data.
    • For each feature, a scalar weight w_i is assigned to capture its importance in the prediction.
    • Additionally, a latent vector V_i is associated with each feature to measure its interaction with other features.
    • The output of the FM component is a combination of a linear term (reflecting the importance of individual features) and a set of inner product terms representing pairwise interactions between feature latent vectors.
    1. Mathematical Formulation:
    • The output of the FM component, denoted as y_{FM}(x), is calculated as follows:
      y_{FM}(x) = \langle w, x \rangle + \sum_{i=1}^{d} \sum_{j=i+1}^{d} \langle V_i, V_j \rangle x_i \cdot x_j
      • w is a weight vector for linear terms,
      • V_i and V_j are latent vectors for features i and j,
      • x_i and x_j are the values of features i and j in the input data,
      • The inner product term captures the pairwise interactions between feature latent vectors.
    1. Importance:
    • The FM component is effective at capturing second-order feature interactions, making it suitable for tasks like CTR prediction where feature interactions play a crucial role.
    • It can learn feature interactions even when certain interactions are sparse or unseen in the training data, making it a powerful tool for modeling complex relationships in recommendation systems.

    In summary, the FM component in DeepFM plays a key role in modeling pairwise feature interactions, complementing the deep learning component to provide a comprehensive framework for CTR prediction.

    Me: what does \langle w, x\rangle mean?

    PDF: The notation \langle w, x \rangle represents the dot product between vectors w and x. In the context of the DeepFM framework for click-through rate (CTR) prediction, this dot product is used in the calculation of the linear term in the FM component.

    Here is a brief explanation of the dot product \langle w, x \rangle:

    • The dot product of two vectors w and x is calculated by multiplying corresponding elements of the vectors and then summing up the results.
    • For vectors w = [w_1, w_2, ..., w_n] and x = [x_1, x_2, ..., x_n], the dot product \langle w, x \rangle is computed as:
      \langle w, x \rangle = w_1 \cdot x_1 + w_2 \cdot x_2 + ... + w_n \cdot x_n
    • The dot product operation results in a scalar value, which represents the similarity or projection of one vector onto another.

    In the context of DeepFM, \langle w, x \rangle is used to calculate the linear term that reflects the importance of individual features (represented by vector w) in the prediction, when combined with the input features (represented by vector x). This linear term is part of the overall output of the FM component in the DeepFM framework for CTR prediction.

    Therefore, \langle w, x \rangle in the DeepFM context signifies the dot product operation between the weight vector w and the input feature vector x to capture the linear relationship between features and their corresponding weights in the model.

    Me: where does the weight come from?

    PDF: In the context of machine learning models like DeepFM, the weights are parameters that are learned during the training process. These weights play a crucial role in determining the importance of features and their contributions to the model's predictions. Here is where the weights come from in the DeepFM framework:

    1. Initialization:
    • Initially, the weights are typically initialized randomly or using specific initialization strategies to kickstart the training process.
    • For example, in the FM component of DeepFM, the weight vector w associated with the linear terms is initialized with random values.
    1. Training:
    • During the training phase, the model iteratively adjusts these weights to minimize a defined loss function (e.g., mean squared error, cross-entropy loss) on the training data.
    • The optimization algorithm (e.g., stochastic gradient descent, Adam optimizer) updates the weights based on the gradients of the loss function with respect to the weights.
    1. Learning:
    • As the model learns from the training data, the weights are updated to capture the relationships between features and their impact on the predictions.
    • The weights are learned in a way that the model can generalize well to unseen data and make accurate predictions.
    1. Importance:
    • The learned weights reflect the importance of each feature in the model's decision-making process.
    • Higher weights indicate features that have a stronger influence on the predictions, while lower weights suggest features with less impact.

    In the DeepFM framework, the weights associated with the linear terms (such as the weight vector w in the FM component) are learned alongside other parameters (e.g., latent vectors, network weights) during the training process. These weights are crucial for capturing the linear relationships between features and are updated iteratively to improve the model's predictive performance.

    Therefore, the weights in DeepFM are learned through training, allowing the model to adapt to the data and make informed predictions based on the importance of different features in the input.

    Me: what does d mean?

    PDF: In the context of the DeepFM framework and specifically in the explanation of the FM component, the symbol d represents the dimensionality of the feature space. Here is what d signifies in this context:

    1. Dimensionality of Feature Space:
    • In the FM component of DeepFM, the symbol d is used to denote the dimensionality of the feature space, where each feature is represented as a vector in this space.
    • The value of d corresponds to the total number of features or dimensions in the input data that the model considers.
    1. Weight Vector and Latent Vectors:
    • The weight vector w associated with the linear terms in the FM component has a dimensionality of d, where each element of the vector corresponds to a weight for a specific feature.
    • Similarly, the latent vectors V_i and V_j associated with pairwise interactions have a dimensionality of d, representing the latent factors for features i and j in the feature space.
    1. Impact on Model Complexity:
    • The value of d influences the complexity of the model and the number of parameters that need to be learned during training.
    • A higher value of d implies a higher-dimensional feature space, which may require more computational resources and training data to effectively capture feature interactions.
    1. Practical Considerations:
    • The choice of the dimensionality d is often determined based on the characteristics of the dataset, the complexity of the relationships between features, and computational constraints.
    • It is essential to strike a balance between a sufficiently high-dimensional feature space to capture interactions effectively and avoiding overfitting due to excessive model complexity.

    In summary, in the context of DeepFM and the FM component, the symbol d represents the dimensionality of the feature space, influencing the representation of features, weight vectors, and latent vectors in the model. The value of d plays a significant role in determining the model's capacity to capture feature interactions and make accurate predictions in CTR prediction tasks.

    Me: how many layers of parameters are there in FM?

    PDF: In the Factorization Machine (FM) component of the DeepFM framework for click-through rate (CTR) prediction, there are two main layers of parameters involved:

    1. Linear Layer:
    • The linear layer in FM consists of parameters associated with the linear terms, represented by the weight vector w.
    • This layer captures the importance of individual features (order-1 interactions) in the prediction model.
    • The linear layer contributes to the overall output of the FM component through the dot product operation between the weight vector w and the input feature vector.
    1. Pairwise Interaction Layer:
    • The pairwise interaction layer in FM involves parameters associated with pairwise feature interactions, represented by the latent vectors V_i and V_j.
    • This layer models the impact of interactions between pairs of features (order-2 interactions) in the prediction model.
    • The pairwise interaction layer captures the relationships between features by computing inner products between the latent vectors of feature pairs.

    Therefore, in the FM component of DeepFM, there are two layers of parameters: one for the linear terms (weight vector w) and another for pairwise feature interactions (latent vectors V_i and V_j). These layers of parameters work together to model both low-order and high-order feature interactions, contributing to the overall predictive power of the DeepFM framework for CTR prediction.

    Me: what's the dimension of dense embedding layer?

    PDF: In the DeepFM framework, the dimension of the dense embedding layer is determined by the choice of the embedding size k for each feature. Here is what the dimension of the dense embedding layer signifies in this context:

    1. Embedding Size (k):
    • The embedding size, denoted by k, represents the dimensionality of the dense embedding vectors for each feature in the input data.
    • Each feature is mapped to a dense embedding vector of size k, where k is a hyperparameter that needs to be specified before training the model.
    • The embedding size k is typically set based on domain knowledge, experimentation, or as a tunable parameter during model development.
    1. Dense Embedding Layer Dimension:
    • The dimension of the dense embedding layer is determined by the embedding size k and the number of features in the input data.
    • If there are m features in the input data and each feature is embedded into a dense vector of size k, then the dimension of the dense embedding layer would be m \times k.
    • The dense embedding layer transforms the sparse, high-dimensional input features into a lower-dimensional, dense representation that captures meaningful feature interactions.
    1. Importance of Embedding Dimension:
    • The choice of the embedding size k influences the capacity of the model to learn feature representations and interactions effectively.
    • A higher embedding size can capture more complex relationships between features but may require more computational resources and data to train.
    • On the other hand, a lower embedding size may lead to underfitting and insufficient representation of feature interactions.

    In summary, the dimension of the dense embedding layer in the DeepFM framework is determined by the embedding size k chosen for each feature. The dense embedding layer plays a crucial role in transforming sparse input features into a lower-dimensional, dense representation that facilitates learning of feature interactions and improves the model's predictive performance in CTR prediction tasks.

    Me: so its d \times k ?

    PDF: Yes, in the context of the DeepFM framework and the dense embedding layer, the dimension of the dense embedding layer can be represented as d \times k, where:

    • d represents the total number of features or dimensions in the input data (dimensionality of the feature space).
    • k denotes the embedding size, which is the dimensionality of the dense embedding vectors for each feature.

    Therefore, when each feature is embedded into a dense vector of size k, and there are d features in the input data, the resulting dimension of the dense embedding layer would be d \times k. This indicates that the dense embedding layer has d rows (corresponding to the number of features) and k columns (representing the embedding size for each feature).

    The d \times k dense embedding layer serves as an intermediate representation that captures the relationships and interactions between features in a lower-dimensional space, enabling the model to learn complex patterns and make accurate predictions in tasks such as click-through rate (CTR) prediction.

    Me: feature is binary or real-valued?

    PDF: In the context of the DeepFM framework and similar models for click-through rate (CTR) prediction, features are typically treated as binary or categorical rather than real-valued. Here's why features are commonly considered binary or categorical in CTR prediction tasks:

    1. Sparse Input Data:
    • CTR prediction tasks often involve high-dimensional, sparse input data where each feature represents a categorical variable or a unique identifier.
    • Features in CTR prediction models are typically one-hot encoded, resulting in binary vectors where only one element is active (1) to indicate the presence of a specific feature.
    1. Categorical Features:
    • Features in CTR prediction models commonly include categorical variables such as user demographics (e.g., gender, age group), item categories, timestamps, and interaction indicators.
    • These categorical features are converted into binary representations using one-hot encoding, where each category is transformed into a binary vector with a single active element.
    1. Embedding Layer:
    • To handle categorical features in neural network models like DeepFM, an embedding layer is used to map each categorical feature to a dense, low-dimensional vector representation.
    • The embedding layer converts the sparse, high-dimensional binary input features into dense, real-valued embeddings that capture the relationships between features.
    1. Model Input:
    • The input to the DeepFM model consists of these dense embeddings derived from the original binary or categorical features, enabling the model to learn complex feature interactions and make predictions based on the transformed representations.

    Therefore, in the context of CTR prediction models like DeepFM, features are typically binary or categorical in nature, with one-hot encoding used to represent categorical variables as binary vectors. These binary representations are then transformed into dense embeddings for further processing within the neural network model to capture feature interactions and predict click-through rates accurately.

    Me: write simple model definition of FM layer in PyTorch

    PDF: To define a simple Factorization Machine (FM) layer in PyTorch, you can create a custom module that implements the FM computation. Here is a basic implementation of an FM layer in PyTorch:

    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    class FMLayer(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, num_features, embedding_dim):
            super(FMLayer, self).__init__()
            self.num_features = num_features
            self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
            # Embedding layer for feature interactions
            self.embedding = nn.Embedding(num_features, embedding_dim)
        def forward(self, x):
            # x: Input tensor of shape (batch_size, num_features)
            # Embedding lookup
            embeddings = self.embedding(x)  # Shape: (batch_size, num_features, embedding_dim)
            # Pairwise interactions
            sum_of_squares = torch.sum(embeddings, dim=1) ** 2
            square_of_sums = torch.sum(embeddings ** 2, dim=1)
            # FM output
            fm_output = 0.5 * (sum_of_squares - square_of_sums)
            return fm_output

    In this simple PyTorch implementation:

    • The FMLayer class defines an FM layer that takes the number of features (num_features) and the embedding dimension (embedding_dim) as input parameters.
    • Inside the __init__ method, an embedding layer is initialized to map input features to dense embeddings.
    • The forward method computes the FM output based on the input tensor x, which represents the input features for a batch of samples.
    • The input tensor x is first passed through the embedding layer to obtain dense embeddings for each feature.
    • The FM computation involves calculating the sum of squares and square of sums of the embeddings to derive the pairwise interactions.
    • Finally, the FM output is computed as 0.5 times the the difference between the sum of squares and square of sums.

    You can instantiate an instance of the FMLayer class and use it within a neural network model for tasks such as click-through rate prediction, where FM is used to model pairwise feature interactions efficiently.



          本文标题:2024-03-12 DeepFM
