Swift Advanced-Protocol basic ex

Swift Advanced-Protocol basic ex

作者: 后青春期的诗大喵 | 来源:发表于2016-06-14 12:54 被阅读32次
    • Protocol

      Definition: protocol— allow you to specify and work with the interface of a type without knowing the type itself.

    • basic example

    import Cocoa
    protocol TabularDataSource {
        var numberOfRows: Int {get}
        var numberOfColumns: Int {get}
        func labelForRow(row:Int) -> String
        func labelForColumn(column: Int)->String
        func itemForRow (row:Int ,column:Int)->Int
    func padding(amount:Int) -> String{
        var paddingString = ""
        for _ in 0..<amount{
         paddingString += " "
        return paddingString
    func printTable(dataSource:TabularDataSource){
        //Create arrays of the row and column labels
        let rowLabels = (0..<dataSource.numberOfRows).map{dataSource.labelForRow($0)}
        let columnLabels = (0..<dataSource.numberOfColumns).map{dataSource.labelForColumn($0)}
        //Create an array of the width of each row
        let rowLabelWidths = rowLabels.map{$0.characters.count}
        //Determine length of longest row
        guard let maxRowLabelWidth = rowLabelWidths.maxElement() else {
        //Create first row containing column headers
        var firstRow:String = padding(maxRowLabelWidth) + " |"
        //keep track of the width of each column
        var columnWidths = [Int]()
        for columnLabel in columnLabels{
            let columnHeader = " \(columnLabel) |"
            firstRow += columnHeader
         for i in 0..<dataSource.numberOfRows{
            //Pad the row label out so they are all the same length
            let paddingAmount = maxRowLabelWidth - rowLabelWidths[i]
            var out = rowLabels[i] + padding(paddingAmount) + " |"
            //Append each item in this row to our string
            for j in 0..<dataSource.numberOfColumns{
                let item = dataSource.itemForRow(i, column: j)
                let itemString = "\(item) |"
                let paddingAmount = columnWidths[j] - itemString.characters.count
                out += padding(paddingAmount) + itemString
    struct Person {
        let name: String
        let age:Int
        let yearsOfExperience : Int
    struct Department:TabularDataSource{
        let name: String
        var people = [Person]()
        init(name: String){
            self.name = name
        mutating func addPerson(person:Person){
        var numberOfRows: Int{
            return people.count
        var numberOfColumns: Int{
            return 2
        func labelForColumn(column: Int) -> String {
            switch column {
            case 0 : return "Age"
            case 1 : return "Years of Experience"
            default: fatalError("Invalid column!")
        func labelForRow(row: Int) -> String {
            return people[row].name
        func itemForRow(row: Int, column: Int) -> Int {
            let person = people[row]
            switch column {
            case 0 : return person.age
            case 1 : return person.yearsOfExperience
            default: fatalError("Invalid column!")
    var department =  Department(name: "Engineering")
    department.addPerson(Person(name:"Joe",age: 30,yearsOfExperience: 6))
    department.addPerson(Person(name:"Karen",age: 40,yearsOfExperience: 18))
    department.addPerson(Person(name:"Fred",age: 50,yearsOfExperience: 20))
    • usage summation

    <small> In order to give a method the right data to process ,we let the data to confirm to a designed protocol.When the data come out from the protocol, it can fit for the method and then the method process is well-functioned as before </small>



          本文标题:Swift Advanced-Protocol basic ex
