某次需要通过命令行给Windows Server的DNS服务上添加大量的DNS记录,手工累不说还容易出错,研究了一下,发现命令行命令是DnsCmd,这个早期的Windows Server上可能要另外安装,但我在Windows Server 2016上默认是有安装的。
- 首先介绍一下DnsCmd的用法
1.1 运行DnsCmd /?或者DnsCmd可以获得全部命令及使用方式:
C:\>DnsCmd /?
Usage: DnsCmd <ServerName> <Command> [<Command Parameters>]
IP address or host name -- remote or local DNS server
. -- DNS server on local machine
/Info -- Get server information
/Config -- Reset server or zone configuration
/EnumZones -- Enumerate zones
/Statistics -- Query/clear server statistics data
/ClearCache -- Clear DNS server cache
/WriteBackFiles -- Write back all zone or root-hint datafile(s)
/StartScavenging -- Initiates server scavenging
/IpValidate -- Validate remote DNS servers
/EnumKSPs -- Enumerate available key storage providers
/ResetListenAddresses -- Set server IP address(es) to serve DNS requests
/ResetForwarders -- Set DNS servers to forward recursive queries to
/ZoneInfo -- View zone information
/ZoneAdd -- Create a new zone on the DNS server
/ZoneDelete -- Delete a zone from DNS server or DS
/ZonePause -- Pause a zone
/ZoneResume -- Resume a zone
/ZoneReload -- Reload zone from its database (file or DS)
/ZoneWriteBack -- Write back zone to file
/ZoneRefresh -- Force refresh of secondary zone from master
/ZoneUpdateFromDs -- Update a DS integrated zone by data from DS
/ZonePrint -- Display all records in the zone
/ZoneResetType -- Change zone type
/ZoneResetSecondaries -- Reset secondary\notify information for a zone
/ZoneResetScavengeServers -- Reset scavenging servers for a zone
/ZoneResetMasters -- Reset secondary zone's master servers
/ZoneExport -- Export a zone to file
/ZoneChangeDirectoryPartition -- Move a zone to another directory partition
/ZoneSeizeKeymasterRole -- Seize the key master role for a zone
/ZoneTransferKeymasterRole -- Transfer the key master role for a zone
/ZoneEnumSKDs -- Enumerate the signing key descriptors for a zone
/ZoneAddSKD -- Create a new signing key descriptor for a zone
/ZoneDeleteSKD -- Delete a signing key descriptor for a zone
/ZoneModifySKD -- Modify a signing key descriptor for a zone
/ZoneValidateSigningParameters -- Validate DNSSEC online signing parameters for a zone
/ZoneSetSKDState -- Set Active and/or Standby keys for a signing key descriptor for a zone
/ZoneGetSKDState -- Retrieve dynamic state for a signing key descriptor for a zone
/ZonePerformKeyRollover -- Trigger a key rollover in a signing key descriptor for a zone
/ZonePokeKeyRollover -- Trigger a key rollover in a signing key descriptor for a zone
/ZoneSign -- Signs the zone using DNSSEC online signing parameters
/ZoneUnsign -- Removes DNSSEC signatures from a signed zone
/ZoneResign -- Regenerate DNSSEC signatures in a signed zone
/EnumRecords -- Enumerate records at a name
/RecordAdd -- Create a record in zone or RootHints
/RecordDelete -- Delete a record from zone, RootHints or cache
/NodeDelete -- Delete all records at a name
/AgeAllRecords -- Force aging on node(s) in zone
/TrustAnchorAdd -- Create a new trust anchor zone on the DNS server
/TrustAnchorDelete -- Delete a trust anchor zone from DNS server or DS
/EnumTrustAnchors -- Display status information for trust anchors
/TrustAnchorsResetType -- Change zone type for a trust anchor zone
/EnumDirectoryPartitions -- Enumerate directory partitions
/DirectoryPartitionInfo -- Get info on a directory partition
/CreateDirectoryPartition -- Create a directory partition
/DeleteDirectoryPartition -- Delete a directory partition
/EnlistDirectoryPartition -- Add DNS server to partition replication scope
/UnenlistDirectoryPartition -- Remove DNS server from replication scope
/CreateBuiltinDirectoryPartitions -- Create built-in partitions
/ExportSettings -- Output settings to DnsSettings.txt in the DNS server database directory
/OfflineSign -- Offline signing zone files, including key generation/deletion
/EnumTrustPoints -- Display active refresh information for all trust points
/ActiveRefreshAllTrustPoints -- Perform an active refresh on all trust points now
/RetrieveRootTrustAnchors -- Retrieve root trust anchors via HTTPS
<Command Parameters>:
DnsCmd <CommandName> /? -- For help info on specific Command
In future versions of Windows, Microsoft might remove dnscmd.exe.
If you currently use dnscmd.exe to configure and manage the DNS server,
Microsoft recommends that you transition to Windows PowerShell.
To view a list of commands for DNS server management, type
"Get-Command -Module DnsServer" at the Windows PowerShell prompt. Additional
information about Windows PowerShell commands for DNS is available at
DnsCmd <命令> /?
DnsCmd /RecordAdd /?
C:\>DnsCmd /RecordAdd /?
Usage: DnsCmd <ServerName> /RecordAdd <Zone> <NodeName> [/Aging] [/OpenAcl]
[/CreatePTR] [<Ttl>] <RRType> <RRData>
<RRType> <RRData>
A <IPAddress>
CNAME,DNAME <HostName|DomainName>
NS,MB,MD <HostName|DomainName>
PTR,MF,MG,MR <HostName|DomainName>
MX,RT,AFSDB <Preference> <ServerName>
SRV <Priority> <Weight> <Port> <HostName>
SOA <PrimaryServer> <AdminEmail> <Serial#>
<Refresh> <Retry> <Expire> <MinTTL>
AAAA <Ipv6Address>
TXT <String> [<String>]
X25,HINFO,ISDN <String> [<String>]
MINFO,RP <MailboxName> <ErrMailboxName>
WKS <Protocol> <IPAddress> <Service> [<Service>]..]
DHCID <Base64Data>
NAPTR <Order> <Preference> <FlagString> <ServicesString>
<RegExpString> <ReplacementDomain>
WINS <MapFlag> <LookupTimeout>
<CacheTimeout> <IPAddress> [<IPAddress>]
WINSR <MapFlag> <LookupTimeout>
<CacheTimeout> <RstDomainName>
DNSKEY <Flags> <KeyProtocol> <CryptoAlgorithm> <Base64Data>
RRSIG <TypeCovered> <CryptoAlgorithm> <LabelCount>
<OriginalTTL> <SigExpiration> <SigInception>
<KeyTag> <Signer's Name> <Base64Data>
DS <KeyTag> <CryptoAlgorithm> <DigestType> <Digest>
NSEC <NextName> <Type> [<Type> ...]
NSEC3 <HashAlgorithm> <Flags> <Iterations> <BinarySalt>
<NextHashedName> [<Type> ...]
NSEC3PARAM <CryptoAlgorithm> <Flags> <Iterations> <BinarySalt>
<Zone> -- <ZoneName> | /RootHints
<ZoneName> -- FQDN of a zone
<NodeName> -- name of node for which a record will be added
- FQDN of a node (name with a '.' at the end) OR
- node name relative to the ZoneName OR
- "@" for zone root node OR
- service name for SRV only (e.g. _ftp._tcp)
<Ttl> -- TTL for the RR (Default: TTL defined in SOA)
<HostName> -- FQDN of a host
<IPAddress> -- e.g.
<ipv6Address> -- e.g. 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8
<Protocol> -- UDP | TCP
<Service> -- e.g. domain, smtp
<TypeCovered> -- type of the RRset signed by this RRSIG
<CryptoAlgorithm> -- 1=RSA/MD5, 2=Diffie-Hellman, 3=DSA
<SigExpiration> -- yyyymmddhhmmss - GMT
<SigInception> -- yyyymmddhhmmss - GMT
<KeyTag> -- used to discriminate between multiple DNSKEYs
<DigestType> -- 1=SHA-1
<Signer's Name> -- domain name of signer
<KeyProtocol> -- 1=TLS, 2=email, 3=DNSSEC, 4=IPSEC
<Base64Data> -- DNSKEY, RRSIG or DHCID binary data in base64 notation
<NextName> -- domain name of next RRSet in zone
<HashAlgorithm> -- 1=SHA-1
<BinarySalt> -- NSEC3 salt as a sequence of hexadecimal digits
- digits are case-insensitive
- no white space allowed
- represent no salt with a single '-' (no quotes)
<NextHashedName> -- Base32Hex representation of the hash of the next owner
/Aging -- Specifies that this resource record is eligible for
scavenging. If this parameter is not used, the resource
record will not be scavenged.
/OpenAcl -- Specifies that new records are open to modification by
any user until the first update. Without this parameter,
only administrators may modify the new record.
/CreatePTR -- Specifies that when this A or AAAA resource record is
created the corresponding PTR record should also be
created in the reverse lookup zone if that zone exists
on the local server.
In future versions of Windows, Microsoft might remove dnscmd.exe.
If you currently use dnscmd.exe to configure and manage the DNS server,
Microsoft recommends that you transition to Windows PowerShell.
To view a list of commands for DNS server management, type
"Get-Command -Module DnsServer" at the Windows PowerShell prompt. Additional
information about Windows PowerShell commands for DNS is available at
1.2 简介一下我们要用到的/RecordAdd命令的简化后的格式
DnsCmd <ServerName> /RecordAdd <Zone> <NodeName> <RRType> <RRData>
DnsCmd <服务器名称> /RecordAdd <区域> <节点名称> <资源记录类型> <资源记录数据>
DnsCmd . /RecordAdd demo.local pc_hr_001 A
图1. 批量生成命令的Excel表格数据格式
="dnscmd . /RecordAdd " & D2 & " " & A2 & " " & B2 & " " & C2
建好工作表后,把上面的公式复制粘贴到E2单元格里即可,最后在DNS服务器上打开Command Prompt或者PowerShell后,把第E列的所有命令一把复制一次性粘贴进去即可完成批量创建。