Swift 代码规范中文-Swift Style Guide

Swift 代码规范中文-Swift Style Guide

作者: Aaron升 | 来源:发表于2021-11-26 20:22 被阅读0次

    Swift Style Guide


    Make sure to read Apple's API Design Guidelines.

    Specifics from these guidelines + additional remarks are mentioned below.

    This guide was last updated for Swift 4.0 on February 14, 2018.
    本指南最后一次针对Swift 4.0更新是在2018年2月14日。

    Table Of Contents


    • Swift Style Guide
    • Swift代码规范指南
        1. Code Formatting
        1. 代码格式
        1. Naming
        1. 命名
        1. Coding Style
        1. 编码规范
        • 3.1 General
        • 3.1 概述
        • 3.2 Access Modifiers
        • 3.2 访问修饰符
        • 3.3 Custom Operators
        • 3.3 自定义操作符
        • 3.4 Switch Statements and enums
        • 3.4 Switch语句和枚举
        • 3.5 Optionals
        • 3.5 可选类型
        • 3.6 Protocols
        • 3.6 协议
        • 3.7 Properties
        • 3.7 属性
        • 3.8 Closures
        • 3.8 闭包
        • 3.9 Arrays
        • 3.9 数组
        • 3.10 Error Handling
        • 3.10 错误处理
        • 3.11 Using guard Statements
        • 3.11 使用 guard 语句
        1. Documentation/Comments
        1. 文档/注释
        • 4.1 Documentation
        • 4.1 文档
        • 4.2 Other Commenting Guidelines
        • 4.2 其他注释原则

    1. Code Formatting

    1. 代码格式

    • 1.1 Use 4 spaces for tabs.

    • 1.1 使用四个空格进行缩进。

    • 1.2 Avoid uncomfortably long lines with a hard maximum of 160 characters per line (Xcode->Preferences->Text Editing->Page guide at column: 160 is helpful for this)

    • 1.2 每行最多160个字符,这样可以避免一行过长 (Xcode->Preferences->Text Editing->Page guide at column: 设置成160行即可)


    • 1.3 Ensure that there is a newline at the end of every file.
    • 1.3 确保每个文件结尾都有空白行。


    • 1.4 Ensure that there is no trailing whitespace anywhere (Xcode->Preferences->Text Editing->Automatically trim trailing whitespace + Including whitespace-only lines).
    • 1.4 确保每行都不以空白字符作为结尾 (Xcode->Preferences->Text Editing->Automatically trim trailing whitespace + Including whitespace-only lines)。


    • 1.5 Do not place opening braces on new lines - we use the 1TBS style.
    • 1.5 左大括号不用另起一行。
    class SomeClass {
        func someMethod() {
            if x == y {
                /* ... */
            } else if x == z {
                /* ... */
            } else {
                /* ... */
        /* ... */
    • 1.6 When writing a type for a property, constant, variable, a key for a dictionary, a function argument, a protocol conformance, or a superclass, don't add a space before the colon.
    • 1.6 当在写一个变量类型,一个字典里的主键,一个函数的参数,遵从一个协议,或一个父类,不用在分号前添加空格。
    // specifying type
    let pirateViewController: PirateViewController
    // dictionary syntax (note that we left-align as opposed to aligning colons)
    let ninjaDictionary: [String: AnyObject] = [
        "fightLikeDairyFarmer": false,
        "disgusting": true
    // declaring a function
    func myFunction<T, U: SomeProtocol>(firstArgument: U, secondArgument: T) where T.RelatedType == U {
        /* ... */
    // calling a function
    someFunction(someArgument: "Kitten")
    // superclasses
    class PirateViewController: UIViewController {
        /* ... */
    // protocols
    extension PirateViewController: UITableViewDataSource {
        /* ... */
    • 1.7 In general, there should be a space following a comma.
    • 1.7 通常来说,要在逗号后面加空格。
    let myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    • 1.8 There should be a space before and after a binary operator such as +, ==, or ->. There should also not be a space after a ( and before a ).
    • 1.8 在二元运算符前后要加空格,例如+, ==, 或 ->。而在左括号( 后面和有括号)的前面不要加空格。
    let myValue = 20 + (30 / 2) * 3
    if 1 + 1 == 3 {
        fatalError("The universe is broken.")
    func pancake(with syrup: Syrup) -> Pancake {
        /* ... */
    • 1.9 We follow Xcode's recommended indentation style (i.e. your code should not change if CTRL-I is pressed). When declaring a function that spans multiple lines, prefer using that syntax to which Xcode, as of version 7.3, defaults.
    • 1.9 遵守Xcode内置的缩进格式 (如果已经遵守,按下Control+i键,代码格式不会有变化). 当声明的一个函数需要跨多行时,推荐使用Xcode默认的格式,目前Xcode 版本是 7.3。
    // Xcode indentation for a function declaration that spans multiple lines
    func myFunctionWithManyParameters(parameterOne: String,
                                      parameterTwo: String,
                                      parameterThree: String) {
        // Xcode indents to here for this kind of statement
        print("\(parameterOne) \(parameterTwo) \(parameterThree)")
    // Xcode indentation for a multi-line `if` statement
    if myFirstValue > (mySecondValue + myThirdValue)
        && myFourthValue == .someEnumValue {
        // Xcode indents to here for this kind of statement
        print("Hello, World!")
    • 1.10 When calling a function that has many parameters, put each argument on a separate line with a single extra indentation.
    • 1.10 当调用的函数有多个参数时,每一个参数另起一行,并比函数名多一个缩进。
        firstArgument: "Hello, I am a string",
        secondArgument: resultFromSomeFunction(),
        thirdArgument: someOtherLocalProperty)





    • 1.11 When dealing with an implicit array or dictionary large enough to warrant splitting it into multiple lines, treat the [ and ] as if they were braces in a method, if statement, etc. Closures in a method should be treated similarly.
    • 1.11 当遇到需要处理的数组或字典内容较多需要多行显示时,需把 [] 类似于方法体里的括号, 方法体里的闭包也要做类似处理。
        someStringArgument: "hello I am a string",
        someArrayArgument: [
            "dadada daaaa daaaa dadada daaaa daaaa dadada daaaa daaaa",
            "string one is crazy - what is it thinking?"
        someDictionaryArgument: [
            "dictionary key 1": "some value 1, but also some more text here",
            "dictionary key 2": "some value 2"
        someClosure: { parameter1 in
    • 1.12 Prefer using local constants or other mitigation techniques to avoid multi-line predicates where possible.
    • 1.12 应尽量避免出现多行断言,可使用本地变量或其他策略。
    let firstCondition = x == firstReallyReallyLongPredicateFunction()
    let secondCondition = y == secondReallyReallyLongPredicateFunction()
    let thirdCondition = z == thirdReallyReallyLongPredicateFunction()
    if firstCondition && secondCondition && thirdCondition {
        // do something
    if x == firstReallyReallyLongPredicateFunction()
        && y == secondReallyReallyLongPredicateFunction()
        && z == thirdReallyReallyLongPredicateFunction() {
        // do something

    2. Naming

    2. 命名

    • 2.1 There is no need for Objective-C style prefixing in Swift (e.g. use just GuybrushThreepwood instead of LIGuybrushThreepwood).
    • 2.1 在Swift中不用如Objective-C式 一样添加前缀 (如使用 GuybrushThreepwoode 而不是 LIGuybrushThreepwood)。


    • 2.2 Use PascalCase for type names (e.g. struct, enum, class, typedef, associatedtype, etc.).

    • 2.2 使用帕斯卡拼写法(又名大骆驼拼写法首字母大写)为类型命名 (如 struct, enum, class, typedef, associatedtype 等)。

    • 2.3 Use camelCase (initial lowercase letter) for function, method, property, constant, variable, argument names, enum cases, etc.

    • 2.3 使用小骆驼拼写法 (首字母小写) 为函数方法变量常量参数等命名。

    • 2.4 When dealing with an acronym or other name that is usually written in all caps, actually use all caps in any names that use this in code. The exception is if this word is at the start of a name that needs to start with lowercase - in this case, use all lowercase for the acronym.

    • 2.4 首字母缩略词在命名中一般来说都是全部大写,例外的情形是如果首字母缩略词是一个命名的开始部分,而这个命名需要小写字母作为开头,这种情形下首字母缩略词全部小写。

    // "HTML" is at the start of a constant name, so we use lowercase "html"
    let htmlBodyContent: String = "<p>Hello, World!</p>"
    // Prefer using ID to Id
    let profileID: Int = 1
    // Prefer URLFinder to UrlFinder
    class URLFinder {
        /* ... */
    • 2.5 All constants that are instance-independent should be static. All such static constants should be placed in a marked section of their class, struct, or enum. For classes with many constants, you should group constants that have similar or the same prefixes, suffixes and/or use cases.
    • 2.5 所有与实例无关的常量都应该是static。所有这些static常数都应放置在其classstructenum的标记部分。对于具有许多常量的类,您应该对具有相似或相同前缀、后缀和/或用例的常量进行分组。
    // PREFERRED    
    class MyClassName {
        // MARK: - Constants
        static let buttonPadding: CGFloat = 20.0
        static let indianaPi = 3
        static let shared = MyClassName()
    class MyClassName {
        // Don't use `k`-prefix
        static let kButtonPadding: CGFloat = 20.0
        // Don't namespace constants
        enum Constant {
            static let indianaPi = 3


    • 2.6 For generics and associated types, use a PascalCase word that describes the generic. If this word clashes with a protocol that it conforms to or a superclass that it subclasses, you can append a Type suffix to the associated type or generic name.
    • 2.6 对于泛型和相关类型,请使用PascalCase单词(大驼峰式命名)描述泛型。如果此词与其遵循的协议名继承类的超类名冲突,您可以在关联类型或泛型名称中添加Type后缀。
    class SomeClass<Model> { /* ... */ }
    protocol Modelable {
        associatedtype Model
    protocol Sequence {
        associatedtype IteratorType: Iterator
    • 2.7 Names should be descriptive and unambiguous.
    • 2.7 姓名应具有描述性和明确性。
    class RoundAnimatingButton: UIButton { /* ... */ }
    class CustomButton: UIButton { /* ... */ }
    • 2.8 Do not abbreviate, use shortened names, or single letter names.
    • 2.8 不要缩写、简写命名或用单个字母命名。
    class RoundAnimatingButton: UIButton {
        let animationDuration: NSTimeInterval
        func startAnimating() {
            let firstSubview = subviews.first
    class RoundAnimating: UIButton {
        let aniDur: NSTimeInterval
        func srtAnmating() {
            let v = subviews.first
    • 2.9 Include type information in constant or variable names when it is not obvious otherwise.
    • 2.9 当常量或变量名称不能明显地表明类型时,应当将类型信息包含在命名中。
    class ConnectionTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
        let personImageView: UIImageView
        let animationDuration: TimeInterval
        // it is ok not to include string in the ivar name here because it's obvious
        // that it's a string from the property name
        let firstName: String
        // though not preferred, it is OK to use `Controller` instead of `ViewController`
        let popupController: UIViewController
        let popupViewController: UIViewController
        // when working with a subclass of `UIViewController` such as a table view
        // controller, collection view controller, split view controller, etc.,
        // fully indicate the type in the name.
        let popupTableViewController: UITableViewController
        // when working with outlets, make sure to specify the outlet type in the
        // property name.
        @IBOutlet weak var submitButton: UIButton!
        @IBOutlet weak var emailTextField: UITextField!
        @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
    class ConnectionTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
        // this isn't a `UIImage`, so shouldn't be called image
        // use personImageView instead
        let personImage: UIImageView
        // this isn't a `String`, so it should be `textLabel`
        let text: UILabel
        // `animation` is not clearly a time interval
        // use `animationDuration` or `animationTimeInterval` instead
        let animation: TimeInterval
        // this is not obviously a `String`
        // use `transitionText` or `transitionString` instead
        let transition: String
        // this is a view controller - not a view
        let popupView: UIViewController
        // as mentioned previously, we don't want to use abbreviations, so don't use
        // `VC` instead of `ViewController`
        let popupVC: UIViewController
        // even though this is still technically a `UIViewController`, this property
        // should indicate that we are working with a *Table* View Controller
        let popupViewController: UITableViewController
        // for the sake of consistency, we should put the type name at the end of the
        // property name and not at the start
        @IBOutlet weak var btnSubmit: UIButton!
        @IBOutlet weak var buttonSubmit: UIButton!
        // we should always have a type in the property name when dealing with outlets
        // for example, here, we should have `firstNameLabel` instead
        @IBOutlet weak var firstName: UILabel!


    • 2.10 When naming function arguments, make sure that the function can be read easily to understand the purpose of each argument.

    • 2.10 命名函数参数时,请确保函数易于阅读以理解每个参数的用途。

    • 2.11 As per Apple's API Design Guidelines, a protocol should be named as nouns if they describe what something is doing (e.g. Collection) and using the suffixes able, ible, or ing if it describes a capability (e.g. Equatable, ProgressReporting). If neither of those options makes sense for your use case, you can add a Protocol suffix to the protocol's name as well. Some example protocols are below.

    • 2.11 根据苹果的API设计指南,如果protocol描述了正在做的事情(例如Collection)并使用后缀ableibleing如果它描述了一种功能(例如EquatableProgressReporting)。如果这两个选项对您的用例都毫无意义,您也可以在协议名称中添加协议后缀。以下是一些协议示例。

    // here, the name is a noun that describes what the protocol does
    protocol TableViewSectionProvider {
        func rowHeight(at row: Int) -> CGFloat
        var numberOfRows: Int { get }
        /* ... */
    // here, the protocol is a capability, and we name it appropriately
    protocol Loggable {
        func logCurrentState()
        /* ... */
    // suppose we have an `InputTextView` class, but we also want a protocol
    // to generalize some of the functionality - it might be appropriate to
    // use the `Protocol` suffix here
    protocol InputTextViewProtocol {
        func sendTrackingEvent()
        func inputText() -> String
        /* ... */

    3. Coding Style

    3. 编码风格

    3.1 General

    3.1 概述

    • 3.1.1 Prefer let to var whenever possible.

    • 3.1.1 尽可能使用let(能用let就不要用var

    • 3.1.2 Prefer the composition of map, filter, reduce, etc. over iterating when transforming from one collection to another. Make sure to avoid using closures that have side effects when using these methods.

    • 3.1.2 从一个集合转换为另一个集合时,推荐使用mapfilterreduce等。从一个集合转换到另一个集合时过度迭代。使用这些方法时,请确保避免使用有副作用的闭包。

    let stringOfInts = [1, 2, 3].flatMap { String($0) }
    // ["1", "2", "3"]
    var stringOfInts: [String] = []
    for integer in [1, 2, 3] {
    let evenNumbers = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42].filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
    // [4, 8, 16, 42]
    var evenNumbers: [Int] = []
    for integer in [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42] {
        if integer % 2 == 0 {
    • 3.1.3 Prefer not declaring types for constants or variables if they can be inferred anyway.
    • 3.1.3 如果可以推断出常量或变量类型,最好不要声明它们的类型。
    // 推荐
    let url = "xxx"
    let port = 8080
    // 不推荐
    let url: String = "xxx"
    let port: Int = 8080
    • 3.1.4 If a function returns multiple values, prefer returning a tuple to using inout arguments (it’s best to use labeled tuples for clarity on what you’re returning if it is not otherwise obvious). If you use a certain tuple more than once, consider using a typealias. If you’re returning 3 or more items in a tuple, consider using a struct or class instead.
    • 3.1.4 如果函数返回多个值,倾向于返回元组,而不是使用inout参数(如果元组的项的含义不明显,最好使用带标签的元组来明确要返回的内容)。如果您多次使用某个元组,请考虑使用typealias。如果您要以元组返回3个或更多项目,请考虑改用structclass
    func pirateName() -> (firstName: String, lastName: String) {
        return ("Guybrush", "Threepwood")
    let name = pirateName()
    let firstName = name.firstName
    let lastName = name.lastName
    • 3.1.5 Be wary of retain cycles when creating delegates/protocols for your classes; typically, these properties should be declared weak.

    • 3.1.5 为类创建委托/协议时,请小心保留周期;通常,这些属性应声明为weak

    • 3.1.6 Be careful when calling self directly from an escaping closure as this can cause a retain cycle - use a capture list when this might be the case:
      3.1.6 直接从转义闭包调用self时要小心,因为这可能导致保留循环 - 在这种情况下使用捕获列表

    myFunctionWithEscapingClosure() { [weak self] (error) -> Void in
        // you can do this
        // or you can do this
        guard let strongSelf = self else {

    译者注:Swift4.2之后建议这么写 guard let self = self else { return }

    • 3.1.7 Don't use labeled breaks.

    • 3.1.7 Switch 模块中不用显式使用break

    • 3.1.8 Don't place parentheses around control flow predicates.

    • 3.1.8 控制流断言不用加小括号。

    if x == y {
        /* ... */
    if (x == y) {
        /* ... */
    • 3.1.9 Avoid writing out an enum type where possible - use shorthand.
    • 3.1.9 使用枚举时,尽可能不要把类型写出来。
    imageView.setImageWithURL(url, type: .person)
    imageView.setImageWithURL(url, type: AsyncImageView.Type.person)
    • 3.1.10 Don’t use shorthand for class methods since it is generally more difficult to infer the context from class methods as opposed to enums.
    • 3.1.10 不要对类方法使用简写,因为从类方法推断上下文通常比枚举更难。
    imageView.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
    imageView.backgroundColor = .white


    • 3.1.11 Prefer not writing self. unless it is required.

    • 3.1.11 尽量不要使用self.,除非必要(闭包内必须使用self.)。

    • 3.1.12 When writing methods, keep in mind whether the method is intended to be overridden or not. If not, mark it as final, though keep in mind that this will prevent the method from being overwritten for testing purposes. In general, final methods result in improved compilation times, so it is good to use this when applicable. Be particularly careful, however, when applying the final keyword in a library since it is non-trivial to change something to be non-final in a library as opposed to have changing something to be non-final in your local project.

    • 3.1.12 在编写方法时,需要衡量该方法是否将来会被重写,如果不希望被子类重写,请使用final关键词修饰。一般来说,final修饰的方法可以得到编译速度的优化,在有必要时,使用final是不错的选择。但特别要注意的是,相比在本地项目来说,在库中将final改为非final并非易事。

    • 3.1.13 When using a statement such as else, catch, etc. that follows a block, put this keyword on the same line as the block. Again, we are following the 1TBS style here. Example if/else and do/catch code is below.

    • 3.1.13 在代码块后面使用else, catch等语句时,将关键词与代码块放在同一行。我们在这里遵循 1TBS style。下面有if/else and do/catch的示例。

    if someBoolean {
        // do something
    } else {
        // do something else
    do {
        let fileContents = try readFile("filename.txt")
    } catch {
    • 3.1.14 Prefer static to class when declaring a function or property that is associated with a class as opposed to an instance of that class. Only use class if you specifically need the functionality of overriding that function or property in a subclass, though consider using a protocol to achieve this instead.

    • 3.1.14 在声明与类相关联的函数或属性而不是该类的实例时,优先使用 static 而非 class。 仅当您特别需要在子类中覆盖该函数或属性的功能时才使用 class,尽管考虑使用 protocol 来实现这一点。

    • 3.1.15 If you have a function that takes no arguments, has no side effects, and returns some object or value, prefer using a computed property instead.

    • 3.1.15 如果您的函数没有参数,没有副作用,并返回一些对象或值,则更喜欢使用计算属性。


    // 推荐
    struct Square {
        var side: CGFloat = 1.0
        // 获取周长,使用计算属性
        var girth: CGFloat {
            return side * 4
    // 不推荐
    struct Square {
        var side: CGFloat = 1.0
        // 无参数、无`副作用`,返回周长,不推荐使用函数
        func girth() -> CGFloat {
            return side * 4
    // 推荐
    class Square {
        var side: CGFloat = 1.0
        // 将边长缩小一半,并返回缩小后的周长,使用函数
        func halfGirth() -> CGFloat {
            self.side = side * 0.5
            return side * 4
    // 不推荐
    class Square {
        var side: CGFloat = 1.0
        // 这里存在`副作用`,让人意想不到,不推荐使用计算属性
        var halfGirth: CGFloat {
            self.side = side * 0.5
            return side * 4

    3.2 Access Modifiers

    3.2 访问修饰符

    • 3.2.1 Write the access modifier keyword first if it is needed.
    • 3.2.1 如果需要,将访问修饰符放在第一位。
    private static let myPrivateNumber: Int
    static private let myPrivateNumber: Int
    • 3.2.2 The access modifier keyword should not be on a line by itself - keep it inline with what it is describing.
    • 3.2.2 访问修饰符不应单独成行,应与修饰的内容放在同一行。
    open class Pirate {
        /* ... */
    class Pirate {
        /* ... */
    • 3.2.3 In general, do not write the internal access modifier keyword since it is the default.

    • 3.2.3 一般来说,不要编写internal访问修饰符关键字,因为它是默认的。

    • 3.2.4 If a property needs to be accessed by unit tests, you will have to make it internal to use @testable import ModuleName. If a property should be private, but you declare it to be internal for the purposes of unit testing, make sure you add an appropriate bit of documentation commenting that explains this. You can make use of the - warning: markup syntax for clarity as shown below.

    • 3.2.4 如果需要通过单元测试访问属性,在单元测试文件中使用@testable import ModuleName,以此来访问声明为internal的类型。如果一个属性应该是private的,但为了单元测试的目的,您声明它是internal的,请确保添加适当的文档注释来解释这一点。您可以使用- warning:标记语法来保持清晰,如下所示。

     This property defines the pirate's name.
     - warning: Not `private` for `@testable`.
    let pirateName = "LeChuck"
    • 3.2.5 Prefer private to fileprivate where possible.

    • 3.2.5 能用private的,就不要用fileprivate

    • 3.2.6 When choosing between public and open, prefer open if you intend for something to be subclassable outside of a given module and public otherwise. Note that anything internal and above can be subclassed in tests by using @testable import, so this shouldn't be a reason to use open. In general, lean towards being a bit more liberal with using open when it comes to libraries, but a bit more conservative when it comes to modules in a codebase such as an app where it is easy to change things in multiple modules simultaneously.

    • 3.2.6publicopen之间怎么选择?如果您打算将某些东西在给定模块之外进行子类化时,使用open,否则使用public。请注意,任何internal或以上级别的内容,在单元测试中都可以通过@testable import来使用,无需将其声明为open。一般来说,在库方面,倾向于更自由地使用open,但像app这种可以轻松地同时修改多个模块的模块中,则倾向于更保守一点。

    3.3 Custom Operators

    3.3 自定义操作符

    Prefer creating named functions to custom operators.

    If you want to introduce a custom operator, make sure that you have a very good reason why you want to introduce a new operator into global scope as opposed to using some other construct.

    You can override existing operators to support new types (especially ==). However, your new definitions must preserve the semantics of the operator. For example, == must always test equality and return a boolean.


    3.4 Switch Statements and enums

    3.4 Switch语句和enum

    • 3.4.1 When using a switch statement that has a finite set of possibilities (enum), do NOT include a default case. Instead, place unused cases at the bottom and use the break keyword to prevent execution.

    • 3.4.1 使用有限集合(enum)的switch语句时,不要包含default。反之,switch语句的末尾用default涵盖其他情况。

    • 3.4.2 Since switch cases in Swift break by default, do not include the break keyword if it is not needed.

    • 3.4.2 switch语句在Swift中默认是会break的,因此不需要添加break(OC中需要在每个case末尾添加break)。

    • 3.4.3 The case statements should line up with the switch statement itself as per default Swift standards.

    • 3.4.3 根据默认Swift标准,case语句应与switch本身对齐。

    • 3.4.4 When defining a case that has an associated value, make sure that this value is appropriately labeled as opposed to just types (e.g. case hunger(hungerLevel: Int) instead of case hunger(Int)).

    • 3.4.4 在定义有关联值的case时,请确保该值有恰当的名称,而不只有类型(例如,case hunger(hungerLevel: Int)而不是case hunger(Int))。

    enum Problem {
        case attitude
        case hair
        case hunger(hungerLevel: Int)
    func handleProblem(problem: Problem) {
        switch problem {
        case .attitude:
            print("At least I don't have a hair problem.")
        case .hair:
            print("Your barber didn't know when to stop.")
        case .hunger(let hungerLevel):
            print("The hunger level is \(hungerLevel).")
    • 3.4.5 Prefer lists of possibilities (e.g. case 1, 2, 3:) to using the fallthrough keyword where possible).

    • 3.4.5 推荐使用多个可能性(例如case 1, 2, 3:),而不用fallthrough

    • 3.4.6 If you have a default case that shouldn't be reached, preferably throw an error (or handle it some other similar way such as asserting).

    • 3.4.6 如果default的情况不应该被触发,最好抛出错误(或以其他类似方式处理它,例如断言)。

    func handleDigit(_ digit: Int) throws {
        switch digit {
        case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9:
            print("Yes, \(digit) is a digit!")
            throw Error(message: "The given number was not a digit.")

    3.5 Optionals

    3.5 可选

    • 3.5.1 The only time you should be using implicitly unwrapped optionals is with @IBOutlets. In every other case, it is better to use a non-optional or regular optional property. Yes, there are cases in which you can probably "guarantee" that the property will never be nil when used, but it is better to be safe and consistent. Similarly, don't use force unwraps.

    • 3.5.1 唯一应该使用隐式解包可选类型的场景是与@IBOutlet结合使用。在所有其他情况下,最好使用非可选显式可选属性(这样可以保持一致性和程序更加健壮)。虽然在某些情况下,您可能可以“保证”属性在使用时永远不会为nil,但最好是安全和一致。同样,不要强制解包

    • 3.5.2 Don't use as! or try!.

    • 3.5.2 不要使用as!try!

    • 3.5.3 If you don't plan on actually using the value stored in an optional, but need to determine whether or not this value is nil, explicitly check this value against nil as opposed to using if let syntax.

    • 3.5.3 如果您不打算可选类型中存储的值,只是需要判断值是否为nil,应直接将其与nil比较,而不是使用if let语法。

    if someOptional != nil {
        // do something
    if let _ = someOptional {
        // do something
    • 3.5.4 Don't use unowned. You can think of unowned as somewhat of an equivalent of a weak property that is implicitly unwrapped (though unowned has slight performance improvements on account of completely ignoring reference counting). Since we don't ever want to have implicit unwraps, we similarly don't want unowned properties.
    • 3.5.4 不要使用unowned。您可以将unowned属性看做是一个强制解包的weak属性(尽管unowned是完全忽略引用计数,性能略有提升)。由于我们不推荐强制解包,因此同样不推荐使用unowned属性。
    weak var parentViewController: UIViewController?
    weak var parentViewController: UIViewController!
    unowned var parentViewController: UIViewController
    • 3.5.5 When unwrapping optionals, use the same name for the unwrapped constant or variable where appropriate.
    • 3.5.5 对可选属性解包时,对解开的常量或变量使用相同的名称。
    guard let myValue = myValue else {
    • 3.5.6 Use XCTUnwrap instead of forced unwrapping in tests.
    • 3.5.6 在单元测试中,对可选类型使用XCTUnwrap,而不用强制解包。
    func isEvenNumber(_ number: Int) -> Bool {
        return number % 2 == 0
    func testWithXCTUnwrap() throws {
        let number: Int? = functionThatReturnsOptionalNumber()
        XCTAssertTrue(isEvenNumber(try XCTUnwrap(number)))
    func testWithForcedUnwrap() {
        let number: Int? = functionThatReturnsOptionalNumber()
        XCTAssertTrue(isEvenNumber(number!)) // may crash the simulator

    3.6 Protocols

    3.6 协议

    When implementing protocols, there are two ways of organizing your code:

    1. Using // MARK: comments to separate your protocol implementation from the rest of your code
    2. Using an extension outside your class/struct implementation code, but in the same source file
    3. 使用// MARK:注释将您的协议实现与代码的其余部分分开
    4. class/struct实现代码之外使用扩展名,但在同一源代码文件中

    Keep in mind that when using an extension, however, the methods in the extension can't be overridden by a subclass, which can make testing difficult. If this is a common use case, it might be better to stick with method #1 for consistency. Otherwise, method #2 allows for cleaner separation of concerns.

    Even when using method #2, add // MARK: statements anyway for easier readability in Xcode's method/property/class/etc. list UI.
    尽管使用第二种方式,也要添加// MARK:语句,以便在Xcode的method/property/class列表界面中更容易阅读。

    3.7 Properties

    3.7 属性

    • 3.7.1 If making a read-only, computed property, provide the getter without the get {} around it.
    • 3.7.1 如果要创建一个read-only计算属性,请提供getter但无需使用get {}包住它。
    var computedProperty: String {
        if someBool {
            return "I'm a mighty pirate!"
        return "I'm selling these fine leather jackets."
    • 3.7.2 When using get {}, set {}, willSet, and didSet, indent these blocks.

    • 3.7.2 使用get {}set {}willSetdidSet 时,注意缩进代码块。

    • 3.7.3 Though you can create a custom name for the new or old value for willSet/didSet and set, use the standard newValue/oldValue identifiers that are provided by default.

    • 3.7.3 尽管您可以为 willSet/didSetset 的新值或旧值创建自定义名称,但推荐使用默认提供的标准名称newValue/oldValue

    var storedProperty: String = "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." {
        willSet {
            print("will set to \(newValue)")
        didSet {
            print("did set from \(oldValue) to \(storedProperty)")
    var computedProperty: String  {
        get {
            if someBool {
                return "I'm a mighty pirate!"
            return storedProperty
        set {
            storedProperty = newValue
    • 3.7.4 You can declare a singleton property as follows:
    • 3.7.4 您可以用下面的方式声明单例。
    class PirateManager {
        static let shared = PirateManager()
        /* ... */

    3.8 Closures

    3.8 闭包

    • 3.8.1 If the types of the parameters are obvious, it is OK to omit the type name, but being explicit is also OK. Sometimes readability is enhanced by adding clarifying detail and sometimes by taking repetitive parts away - use your best judgment and be consistent.
    • 3.8.1 如果参数的类型明显,可以省略类型名称,当然显式类型也可以。有时可以通过添加澄清细节来提高可读性,有时通过删除重复的部分来提高可读性——使用你的最佳判断力并保持一致性。
    // omitting the type
    doSomethingWithClosure() { response in
    // explicit type
    doSomethingWithClosure() { response: NSURLResponse in
    // using shorthand in a map statement
    [1, 2, 3].flatMap { String($0) }


    • 3.8.2 If specifying a closure as a type, you don’t need to wrap it in parentheses unless it is required (e.g. if the type is optional or the closure is within another closure). Always wrap the arguments in the closure in a set of parentheses - use () to indicate no arguments and use Void to indicate that nothing is returned.
    • 3.8.2 如果将闭包指定为类型,不需要将其包装在括号中,除非有必要(例如,如果类型是可选的或闭包在另一个闭包中)。始终将闭包中的参数包裹在一组括号中 - 使用 () 表示没有参数,使用 Void 表示不返回任何内容。
    let completionBlock: (Bool) -> Void = { (success) in
        print("Success? \(success)")
    let completionBlock: () -> Void = {
    let completionBlock: (() -> Void)? = nil
    • 3.8.3 Keep parameter names on same line as the opening brace for closures when possible without too much horizontal overflow (i.e. ensure lines are less than 160 characters).

    • 3.8.3 在没有太多水平溢出的情况下,尽可能将参数名称与闭包的左大括号保持在同一行(即确保行少于 160 个字符)。

    • 3.8.4 Use trailing closure syntax unless the meaning of the closure is not obvious without the parameter name (an example of this could be if a method has parameters for success and failure closures).

    • 3.8.4 使用尾随闭包语法,除非闭包的含义在没有参数名称的情况下不明显(例如,如果方法具有成功和失败闭包的参数)。

    // trailing closure
    doSomething(1.0) { (parameter1) in
        print("Parameter 1 is \(parameter1)")
    // no trailing closure
    doSomething(1.0, success: { (parameter1) in
        print("Success with \(parameter1)")
    }, failure: { (parameter1) in
        print("Failure with \(parameter1)")


    3.9 Arrays

    3.9 数组

    • 3.9.1 In general, avoid accessing an array directly with subscripts. When possible, use accessors such as .first or .last, which are optional and won’t crash. Prefer using a for item in items syntax when possible as opposed to something like for i in 0 ..< items.count. If you need to access an array subscript directly, make sure to do proper bounds checking. You can use for (index, value) in items.enumerated() to get both the index and the value.

    • 3.9.1 一般情况下,避免使用下标直接访问数组。 如果可能,请使用诸如.first.last之类的访问器,它们是可选的并且不会崩溃。 尽可能使用for item in items语法,而不是像for i in 0 ..< items.count这样的语法。 如果您需要直接访问数组下标,请确保进行适当的边界检查。 您可以在 items.enumerated()中使用 for (index, value) 来获取索引和值。

    • 3.9.2 Never use the += or + operator to append/concatenate to arrays. Instead, use .append() or .append(contentsOf:) as these are far more performant (at least with respect to compilation) in Swift's current state. If you are declaring an array that is based on other arrays and want to keep it immutable, instead of let myNewArray = arr1 + arr2, use let myNewArray = [arr1, arr2].joined().

    • 3.9.2 切勿使用 +=+ 运算符来追加/连接到数组。 相反,使用 .append().append(contentsOf:) 因为它们在 Swift 当前状态下的性能要高得多(至少在编译方面)。 如果您要声明一个基于其他数组的数组并希望使其保持不变,请使用let myNewArray = [arr1, arr2].joined()而不是let myNewArray = arr1 + arr2


    3.10 Error Handling

    3.10 错误处理

    Suppose a function myFunction is supposed to return a String, however, at some point it can run into an error. A common approach is to have this function return an optional String? where we return nil if something went wrong.
    假设函数myFunction 应该返回一个String,但是,在某些时候它可能会遇到错误。 常见的做法是让这个函数返回一个可选的 String?,如果出现问题,我们就返回 nil


    func readFile(named filename: String) -> String? {
        guard let file = openFile(named: filename) else {
            return nil
        let fileContents = file.read()
        return fileContents
    func printSomeFile() {
        let filename = "somefile.txt"
        guard let fileContents = readFile(named: filename) else {
            print("Unable to open file \(filename).")

    Instead, we should be using Swift's try/catch behavior when it is appropriate to know the reason for the failure.
    如果我们希望了解失败原因,可以使用Swift 的 try/catch

    You can use a struct such as the following:

    struct Error: Swift.Error {
        public let file: StaticString
        public let function: StaticString
        public let line: UInt
        public let message: String
        public init(message: String, file: StaticString = #file, function: StaticString = #function, line: UInt = #line) {
            self.file = file
            self.function = function
            self.line = line
            self.message = message

    Example usage:

    func readFile(named filename: String) throws -> String {
        guard let file = openFile(named: filename) else {
            throw Error(message: "Unable to open file named \(filename).")
        let fileContents = file.read()
        return fileContents
    func printSomeFile() {
        do {
            let fileContents = try readFile(named: filename)
        } catch {

    There are some exceptions in which it does make sense to use an optional as opposed to error handling. When the result should semantically potentially be nil as opposed to something going wrong while retrieving the result, it makes sense to return an optional instead of using error handling.
    在某些例外情况下,使用可选项确实比错误处理更有意义。 当结果在语义上 可能是 nil 而不是在检索结果时出现错误时,返回一个可选项比使用错误处理更有意义。

    In general, if a method can "fail", and the reason for the failure is not immediately obvious if using an optional return type, it probably makes sense for the method to throw an error.

    3.11 Using guard Statements

    3.11 使用guard 语句

    • 3.11.1 In general, we prefer to use an "early return" strategy where applicable as opposed to nesting code in if statements. Using guard statements for this use-case is often helpful and can improve the readability of the code.
    • 3.11.1 一般来说,我们更喜欢在适用的情况下使用“提前返回”策略,而不是在 if 语句中嵌套代码。 在这个用例中使用 guard 语句通常很有帮助,并且可以提高代码的可读性。
    func eatDoughnut(at index: Int) {
        guard index >= 0 && index < doughnuts.count else {
            // return early because the index is out of bounds
        let doughnut = doughnuts[index]
    func eatDoughnut(at index: Int) {
        if index >= 0 && index < doughnuts.count {
            let doughnut = doughnuts[index]
    • 3.11.2 When unwrapping optionals, prefer guard statements as opposed to if statements to decrease the amount of nested indentation in your code.
    • 3.11.2 展开可选项时,更喜欢使用 guard 语句而不是 if 语句,以减少代码中嵌套缩进的数量。
    guard let monkeyIsland = monkeyIsland else {
    bookVacation(on: monkeyIsland)
    bragAboutVacation(at: monkeyIsland)
    if let monkeyIsland = monkeyIsland {
        bookVacation(on: monkeyIsland)
        bragAboutVacation(at: monkeyIsland)
    if monkeyIsland == nil {
    bookVacation(on: monkeyIsland!)
    bragAboutVacation(at: monkeyIsland!)
    • 3.11.3 When deciding between using an if statement or a guard statement when unwrapping optionals is not involved, the most important thing to keep in mind is the readability of the code. There are many possible cases here, such as depending on two different booleans, a complicated logical statement involving multiple comparisons, etc., so in general, use your best judgement to write code that is readable and consistent. If you are unsure whether guard or if is more readable or they seem equally readable, prefer using guard.
    • 3.11.3涉及展开可选项的情况下决定使用if语句还是guard语句时,要记住的最重要的事情是代码的可读性。 这里有很多可能的情况,比如依赖于两个不同的布尔值,一个复杂的逻辑语句涉及多重比较等等,所以一般来说,使用你最好的判断来编写可读且一致的代码。 如果您不确定 guardif 是否更具可读性,或者它们看起来同样可读,请首选使用 guard
    // an `if` statement is readable here
    if operationFailed {
    // a `guard` statement is readable here
    guard isSuccessful else {
    // double negative logic like this can get hard to read - i.e. don't do this
    guard !operationFailed else {
    • 3.11.4 If choosing between two different states, it makes more sense to use an if statement as opposed to a guard statement.
    • 3.11.4 如果在两个不同的状态之间进行选择,使用 if 语句比使用 guard 语句更有意义。
    if isFriendly {
        print("Hello, nice to meet you!")
    } else {
        print("You have the manners of a beggar.")
    guard isFriendly else {
        print("You have the manners of a beggar.")
    print("Hello, nice to meet you!")
    • 3.11.5 You should also use guard only if a failure should result in exiting the current context. Below is an example in which it makes more sense to use two if statements instead of using two guards - we have two unrelated conditions that should not block one another.
    • 3.11.5 仅当失败导致退出当前上下文时,您才可以使用guard。 下面是一个示例,这里使用两个 if 语句而不应该使用两个 guard 语句——这里是两个不应该相互阻塞的不相关条件。
    if let monkeyIsland = monkeyIsland {
        bookVacation(onIsland: monkeyIsland)
    if let woodchuck = woodchuck, canChuckWood(woodchuck) {
    • 3.11.6 Often, we can run into a situation in which we need to unwrap multiple optionals using guard statements. In general, combine unwraps into a single guard statement if handling the failure of each unwrap is identical (e.g. just a return, break, continue, throw, or some other @noescape).
    • 3.11.6 通常,我们会遇到需要使用 guard 语句解开多个可选项的情况。 通常,如果处理每个解包的失败是相同的(例如,只是一个 returnbreakcontinuethrow 或其他一些 @noescape),则将多个解包语句合并为一个 guard 语句。
    // combined because we just return
    guard let thingOne = thingOne,
        let thingTwo = thingTwo,
        let thingThree = thingThree else {
    // separate statements because we handle a specific error in each case
    guard let thingOne = thingOne else {
        throw Error(message: "Unwrapping thingOne failed.")
    guard let thingTwo = thingTwo else {
        throw Error(message: "Unwrapping thingTwo failed.")
    guard let thingThree = thingThree else {
        throw Error(message: "Unwrapping thingThree failed.")
    • 3.11.7 Don’t use one-liners for guard statements.
    • 3.11.7 不要在 guard 语句中使用单行。
    guard let thingOne = thingOne else {
    guard let thingOne = thingOne else { return }

    4. Documentation/Comments

    4.1 Documentation

    If a function is more complicated than a simple O(1) operation, you should generally consider adding a doc comment for the function since there could be some information that the method signature does not make immediately obvious. If there are any quirks to the way that something was implemented, whether technically interesting, tricky, not obvious, etc., this should be documented. Documentation should be added for complex classes/structs/enums/protocols and properties. All public functions/classes/properties/constants/structs/enums/protocols/etc. should be documented as well (provided, again, that their signature/name does not make their meaning/functionality immediately obvious).
    如果函数比简单的 O(1) 操作更复杂,您通常应该考虑为函数添加 doc 注释,因为可能存在一些方法签名(方法名和参数列表)并不是那么一目了然。 如果某些方法的实现方式有任何不易理解的代码,都应该记录下来。 应该为复杂的类/结构/枚举/协议和属性添加文档。 所有public函数/类/属性/常量/结构/枚举/协议/等。 也应该记录在案(同样前提是它们的签名/名称不能使功能一目了然)。

    After writing a doc comment, you should option click the function/property/class/etc. to make sure that everything is formatted correctly.

    Be sure to check out the full set of features available in Swift's comment markup described in Apple's Documentation.
    请务必查看 Swift 注释标记中可用的全套功能Apple 文档中的描述


    • 4.1.1 160 character column limit (like the rest of the code).

    • 4.1.1 160 个字符的列限制(与代码的其余部分一样)。

    • 4.1.2 Even if the doc comment takes up one line, use block (/** */).

    • 4.1.2 即使文档注释占一行,也要使用block (/** */)。

    • 4.1.3 Do not prefix each additional line with a *.

    • 4.1.3 不要在每个附加行前加上 *

    • 4.1.4 Use the new - parameter syntax as opposed to the old :param: syntax (make sure to use lower case parameter and not Parameter). Option-click on a method you wrote to make sure the quick help looks correct.

    • 4.1.4 使用新的 - parameter 语法而不是旧的 :param: 语法(确保使用小写的 parameter 而不是 Parameter)。 按住 Option 键单击您编写的方法以确保快速帮助看起来正确。

    class Human {
         This method feeds a certain food to a person.
         - parameter food: The food you want to be eaten.
         - parameter person: The person who should eat the food.
         - returns: True if the food was eaten by the person; false otherwise.
        func feed(_ food: Food, to person: Human) -> Bool {
            // ...
    • 4.1.5 If you’re going to be documenting the parameters/returns/throws of a method, document all of them, even if some of the documentation ends up being somewhat repetitive (this is preferable to having the documentation look incomplete). Sometimes, if only a single parameter warrants documentation, it might be better to just mention it in the description instead.

    • 4.1.5 如果您要记录方法的参数/返回/抛出异常,请记录所有这些,即使某些文档最终有些啰嗦(这比不完整的文档更好)。有时,如果只有一个参数需要记录,最好在描述中提及它。

    • 4.1.6 For complicated classes, describe the usage of the class with some potential examples as seems appropriate. Remember that markdown syntax is valid in Swift's comment docs. Newlines, lists, etc. are therefore appropriate.

    • 4.1.6 对于复杂的类,用一些看起来合适的潜在例子来描述类的用法。 请记住 Markdown 语法在 Swift 的注释文档中是有效的。 因此,换行符、列表等是合适的。

     ## Feature Support
     This class does some awesome things. It supports:
     - Feature 1
     - Feature 2
     - Feature 3
     ## Examples
     Here is an example use case indented by four spaces because that indicates a
     code block:
         let myAwesomeThing = MyAwesomeClass()
     ## Warnings
     There are some things you should be careful of:
     1. Thing one
     2. Thing two
     3. Thing three
    class MyAwesomeClass {
        /* ... */
    • 4.1.7 When mentioning code, use code ticks - `
     This does something with a `UIViewController`, perchance.
     - warning: Make sure that `someValue` is `true` before running this function.
    func myFunction() {
        /* ... */
    • 4.1.8 When writing doc comments, prefer brevity where possible.
    • 4.1.8 在编写文档注释时,尽可能简洁。

    4.2 Other Commenting Guidelines

    4.2 其他注释指南

    • 4.2.1 Always leave a space after //.

    • 4.2.1 始终在//后面加上一个空格.

    • 4.2.2 Always leave comments on their own line.

    • 4.2.2 注释必须另起一行。

    • 4.2.3 When using // MARK: - whatever, leave a newline after the comment.

    • 4.2.3 使用// MARK: - whatever时,在注释后换行。

    class Pirate {
        // MARK: - instance properties
        private let pirateName: String
        // MARK: - initialization
        init() {
            /* ... */


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