SqlServe_routapply 使用

SqlServe_routapply 使用

作者: 成熟的青菜 | 来源:发表于2017-05-09 16:13 被阅读11次


    newstate=case when (isnull(accfirst,0)>0 AND isnull(accarrived,0)>0 AND isnull(accback,0)>0 ) then (isnull(accfirstok,0)+(isnull(accarrivedok,0)+(SELECT sum(hx_status) FROM B_VEHICLE_account WHERE inoneflag=a.inonevehicleflag AND hx_status=1))+(case when (isnull(accbackok,0)=1 AND isnull(accleft,0)=0) then 1 else 0 end )) -- 现付,到付,回付
                  when (isnull(accfirst,0)>0 AND isnull(accarrived,0)>0 AND isnull(accback,0)=0 AND isnull(accfirstok,0)=1 AND ( isnull(accarrivedok,0)=1 or  ((SELECT sum(hx_status) FROM B_VEHICLE_account WHERE inoneflag=a.inonevehicleflag AND hx_status=1)=(SELECT count(1) FROM B_VEHICLE_account WHERE inoneflag=a.inonevehicleflag AND acc>0)) )) then 3  --现付,到付
                  when (isnull(accfirst,0)>0 AND isnull(accarrived,0)=0 AND isnull(accback,0)>0 AND isnull(accfirstok,0)=1 AND (isnull(accbackok,0)=1 AND isnull(accleft,0)=0)) then 3-- 现付,回付
                  when (isnull(accfirst,0)>0 AND isnull(accarrived,0)=0 AND isnull(accback,0)=0 AND isnull(accfirstok,0)=1 ) then 3 --只有现付
                  when (isnull(accfirst,0)=0 AND isnull(accarrived,0)>0 AND isnull(accback,0)=0 AND (isnull(accarrivedok,0)=1 or ((SELECT sum(hx_status) FROM B_VEHICLE_account WHERE inoneflag=a.inonevehicleflag AND hx_status=1)=(SELECT count(1) FROM B_VEHICLE_account WHERE inoneflag=a.inonevehicleflag AND acc>0)) )) then 3 --只有到付
                  when ( isnull(accfirst,0)=0 AND isnull(accarrived,0)=0 AND isnull(accback,0)>0 AND (isnull(accbackok,0)=1 AND isnull(accleft,0)=0) ) then 3 --只有回付
                  when ( isnull(accfirst,0)=0 AND isnull(accarrived,0)>0 AND isnull(accback,0)>0 AND (isnull(accarrivedok,0)=1 or ((SELECT sum(hx_status) FROM B_VEHICLE_account WHERE inoneflag=a.inonevehicleflag AND hx_status=1)=(SELECT count(1) FROM B_VEHICLE_account WHERE inoneflag=a.inonevehicleflag AND acc>0))  ) AND (isnull(accbackok,0)=1 AND isnull(accleft,0)=0)) then 3 --只有到付回付
                  else 0 end,billdate as senddate

    FROM B_VEHICLE_HT as a left join b_vehicle_trace as b on a.inonevehicleflag=b.inoneflag
    outer apply (select
    weighttotal=sum(d.weight * c.qty / d.qty),
    volumntotal=sum(d.volumn * c.qty / d.qty),
    acctrans=sum(d.acctrans * c.qty / d.qty),
    acctotal_in=sum((d.accnow + d.accarrived + d.accback + d.accmonth + d.acchuokuankou)* c.qty / d.qty),
    acchuikou=sum(d.acchuikou * c.qty / d.qty),
    bdqita=sum(d.bdqita * c.qty / d.qty),
    accfact=sum((d.accnow + d.accarrived + d.accback + d.accmonth + d.acchuokuankou - d.acchuikou - d.bdqita) * c.qty / d.qty),
    from b_fcd as c join b_tyd as d on c.unit=d.unit
    where c.inonevehicleflag=a.inonevehicleflag
    ) as e
    WHERE a.billdate BETWEEN @t1 AND @t2
    AND a.bsite like @bsite
    AND a.esite like @esite




          本文标题:SqlServe_routapply 使用
