grapple with|应对困难、挑战

grapple with|应对困难、挑战

作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2019-03-27 19:57 被阅读5次

title: grappl
date: 2019-03-27 19:31:03
NO_sents: 23
NO_references: 9


  • Even courts of law find intention hard to grapple with. (Witten et al., 2016)
  • Why grapple with a complex decision tree when a simple rule will do? (Witten et al., 2016)
  • When denied the high levels of feeding, housing, and veterinary care under which they were developed and forced to grapple with unfamiliar levels of disease, low-nutrient feeds, and climatic stress, the highly productive global breeds and their crosses were often unable to forage, survive, and reproduce at acceptable levels and were ultimately less productive than the adapted indigenous types they were intended to replace. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • As of 2011, no managed relocation activities were being officially pursued by regional or national governments, though the issue is being deliberated as agencies grapple with the management implications of climatic change. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Ecologists and evolutionary biologists must therefore grapple simultaneously with the phenomena of high species richness in both terrestrial and aquatic systems to develop explanations that will apply to all systems. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Tree-length and full-tree harvesting also rely on the chainsaw for felling璬elimbing or felling respectively, while skidding can be performed by a farm tractor equipped with a log grapple or a forestry winch, depending on terrain conditions. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
  • This trend leads to emergence of smaller harvesters, and leaving systems developed for clear-cutting, such as high lead, grapple yarding, etc. The most advanced yarders make use of information technology to control speed, to move loads to pick-up locations, and to monitor the state of the system automatically. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
  • A grapple attached to a boom handles the logs and piles them. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
  • To grapple with this aspect of the question we must again speak in terms of probabilities: what are the likely environmental pressures that will be faced by the stands through a rotation, and to what extent will genetic similarity (or perhaps the absence of some important, rare allele in a block) impact the stand's ability to respond to the environmental pressures without significant loss? (Fins, Friedman, Brotschol, 1992)
  • A crucial element of our prevailing scientific spirit is a willingness to grapple with problems of complexity and multidirectional interactions and, as described above, the chapters in this volume certainly exemplify such a spirit. (Pigliucci, Preston, 2004)
  • RECALL-PRECISION CURVES People have grappled with the fundamental tradeoff illustrated by lift charts and ROC curves in a wide variety of domains. (Witten et al., 2016)
  • Brief History of Systematics Throughout recorded history, philosophers and scientists have grappled with questions regarding the diversity of life on Earth (Mayr, 1982). (Pevsner, 2009)
  • Only then should woodroom operators get near the logs in the infeed to attach grapples attached to overhead winches. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
  • Fortunately, there are simple techniques to make most learning schemes cost sensitive without grappling with the internals of the algorithm. (Witten et al., 2016)
  • Scientists, governmental agencies, stakeholders, and the public are not finished grappling with a new interpretation of conservation biology, but possible objectives include maintaining as much global biodiversity as possible (e.g., genetic, species, and habitat diversity) and maximizing ecosystem services such as flood control, nutrient cycling, and aesthetic values. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • But with decision makers increasingly grappling with multisector decisions, modeling of multiple ecosystem services in the same context can allow for more informed decision making. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • To the contrary, taxonomists had already been grappling with explanations for the patterns of similarity seen in anatomical and fossil evidence and were quick to see evolution as the explanation they had sought for the patterns in their classifications. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • However, we recognize that for many empiricists, ourselves included, grappling with the theory and mathematics underlying a technique is much more rewarding given a clear sense of the end goal. (Wilson et al., 2010)
  • The authorities in Auckland are currently grappling with an outbreak of painted apple moth (Teia anartoides), a pest from Australia. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
  • Later, ancient Greek philosophers developed elementary theories to explain how inheritance worked in humans, grappling unsuccessfully with the apparent paradox that inherited characteristics can sometimes differ between offspring and parents. (Laird, Lange, 2010)
  • So it's worth trying grappling with over-dispersion. (McElreath, 2015)
  • Our long experience in grappling with constraint suggests that these assumptions are necessary for a viable concept, but we readily acknowledge that other formulations are possible. (Pigliucci, Preston, 2004)


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    本文标题:grapple with|应对困难、挑战
