Lie Algebra

Lie Algebra

作者: 怀揣一个蜗牛壳的蜗牛 | 来源:发表于2019-05-17 10:07 被阅读0次

    The commutation relation of Lie Algebra 

    \left[X_{i}, X_{j}\right]=i f_{i j k} X_{k}

    with the specific commutation relations defined by the structure constants, completely determine the entire structure of the group.

    One particular representation formed by the structure constant themselves:

    \left[T^{a}, T^{b}\right]=i f_{a b c} T^{c} where \left[T^{a}\right]_{b c}=-i f_{a b c}

    is called the Adjoint Representation: n number of n*n matrices.

    The j representation of S U(2) is (2j+1) dimensional with eigenvalues of J^{3} are

    \{j, j-1, j-2, \ldots,-j+2,-j+1,-j\}

    Particles with spin j are described by the j representation of SU(2).

    For the j representation of SU(2)
, there are three (2j+1)*(2j+1) generators J_{j}^{1}J_{j}^{2}, and J_{j}^{3}(the number of generators is determined by the number of continuous parameters, which is determined by the group itself and has nothing to do with which representation we choose ). By construction J_{j}^{3} is diagonal with eigenvalues 



          本文标题:Lie Algebra
