本篇课程首发于2019年2月13日,选自 The New York Times
作者:Steven Lee Myers
China's Film Industry Finally Joins the Space Race
① China's first blockbuster set in space, "The Wandering Earth," opened last week amid grandiose expectations that it will represent the dawning of a new era in Chinese filmmaking.
② "The Wandering Earth," shown in 3-D, takes place in a distant future in which the sun is about to expand into a red giant and devour the Earth.
③ The impending peril forces the world's engineers to devise a plan to move the planet to a new solar system using giant thrusters. Things go very badly when Earth has to pass Jupiter, setting off a desperate scramble to save humanity from annihilation.
④ The film is adapted from the namesake novel by Liu Cixin, the writer who has led a renaissance in science fiction here, becoming the first Chinese winner of the Hugo Award for the genre in 2015.
⑤ His novels are sprawling epics and deeply researched. That makes them plausible fantasies about humanity's encounters with a dangerous universe.
⑥ The opening came as China reached a milestone in space: the landing of a probe on the far side of the moon in January.
space race: 太空竞赛
blockbuster /ˈblɒkˌbʌstər, ˈblɑːkˌbʌstər/: n. 大片
be set in: 设定在……的背景下
be set against the background of: 设定在……的背景之下
wander /ˈwɒndər, ˈwɑːndər/: vi. 游荡;漫游 (to move without a fixed course, aim or goal)
grandiose /ˈɡrændiəʊs/: adj. 宏大的,壮阔的;浮夸的 (impressive because of uncommon largeness or scale)
grandiose ideas: 宏大的想法
grandiose plans: 宏伟的计划
verbose /vɜːˈbəʊs, vɜːrˈbəʊs/: adj. 啰嗦的;冗长的
jocose /dʒəˈkəʊs/: adj. 爱开玩笑的
represent /ˌreprɪˈzent/: vt. 代表;表现;象征
dawning /ˈdɔːnɪŋ, ˈdɑːnɪŋ/: n. 开端;开始
dawn /dɔːn, dɑːn/: n. 破晓;黎明
distant /ˈdɪstənt/: adj. 遥远的
far /fɑː, fɑːr/: adj. 遥远的 (一般作表语)
a distant/far-away place: 一个遥远的地方
red giant: 红巨星
devour /dɪˈvaʊə, dɪˈvaʊər/: vt. 吞噬;吞没
impending /ɪmˈpendɪŋ/: adj. 迫在眉睫的;即将来临的
peril /ˈperəl/: n. 危险;冒险 (serious and immediate danger)
devise /dɪˈvaɪz/: vt. 设计;策划 (to form in the mind by new combinations or applications of ideas or principles;脑力策划的过程)
design /dɪˈzaɪn/: vt. 设计 (多指可以用图纸实现的设计过程,比如时装、建筑、工业等等)
solar system: 太阳系
thruster /ˈθrʌstə, ˈθrʌstər/: n. 推进器
Things go badly. 事态恶化;情况不妙;发展不顺利
Jupiter /ˈdʒuːpɪtə, ˈdʒuːpɪtər/: n. 木星
set off a desperate scramble for sth. / to do sth.: 触发了……的渴望;引发了一个……的紧急状况
desperate scramble: 迫切渴望/需求
humanity /hjuːˈmænəti/: n. 人类;人性;(humanities) 人文学科
annihilation /əˌnaɪəˈleɪʃən/: n. 彻底毁灭;湮灭
be adapted from: 改编自
best adapted screenplay: 最佳改编剧本
best original screenplay: 最佳原创剧本
namesake /ˈneɪmseɪk/: n. 同名的人或事物
lead a renaissance in: 引领了一场……的复兴
renaissance /rɪˈneɪsəns, ˈrenəˌsɑːns/: n. 某种文化的再次兴起
genre /ˈʒɒnrə, ˈʒɑːnrə/: n. (文艺作品的) 流派;类别
sprawling epic: 宏大的史诗
plausible /ˈplɔːzəbəl, ˈplɑːzəbəl/: adj. 看起来可信的
fantasy /ˈfæntəsi/: n. 幻想
reach a milestone: 取得一个里程碑
probe /prəʊb/: n. 探测器
1. be set in: 设定在……的背景下
· be set against the background of: 设定在……的背景之下
The costume drama was set in the Song dynasty.
The story was set against the background of Chinese Civil War.
2. wander: vi. 游荡;漫游 (to move without a fixed course, aim or goal)
I wandered lonely as a cloud. (William Wordsworth)
3. represent: vt. 代表;表现;象征
The popularity of short video apps like Douyin represents a new trend in Chinese cultural consumption.
抖音这样的短视频 app 的流行,代表着中国在文化消费领域出现了新的趋势。
4. Things go badly. 事态恶化;情况不妙;发展不顺利
Things are going very badly with the project.
Things are going very badly with him.
5. set off a desperate scramble for something/to do something: 触发了……的渴望;引发了一个……的紧急状况
The economic recession has set off a desperate scramble for a layoff in the Internet industry.
6. sprawling epic: 宏大的史诗
The book is a sprawling epic on race in America.