defrost 解冻
bundle up 穿得暖暖地
(to dress oneself or another into heavy winter clothing or outerwear.)
commit a foul 犯规
common room 公共休息室
rather you than me 表示不想做别人不想做的事情
mangled 血肉模糊的,被撕烂的
blasted 讨厌的,该死的
create a diversion 转移视线,分散注意力,声东击西,进行牵制
wheedled 哄骗着说
get nobbled (暗中受到破坏)使其不能取胜
stands 看台
changing rooms 更衣室
Or else 否则
Out of the corner of his eye(idiom)用余光看到
Belting along 快速移动,快速飞驰
reserve back?
speck 污点;微粒,一个小点(指哈利飞在空中变成一个小点)
loop-the-loops (一种飞行方式)垂直在空中打圈圈
the streak of gold 金色的条纹(光影)指金球飞翔时留下的光影
span off course?
hold on for dear life 拼命的抓紧
to hold something very tightly, as if one's life depended on it.
free shot 射空门,无人防守射门
in all the confusion 在一刹那的混乱中
ref 裁判员缩写
take sides 支持某一方,向着谁,偏袒,判定获胜
buck off 使某人摔(掉)下来
have half a mind to do(idiom)
To have an inclination or intention that is moderate, irresolute, or indefinite(but often one that was motivated by a specific unpleasant experience).
At these words 听到这些话
give a wild jerk 拉某物非常困难且快速(猛的一拉)
jinxing 施法诅咒
headfirst 头向前地,不顾前后地
crouch down 蹲下来
yelp 发出短而尖的叫声
sob into 抽泣起来
decide on the truth 定真相
A Greek chappie
buy off 收买(某人),买通,贿赂
hotly 大发雷霆地
meddling 干涉,干预(他人事物)