cesium 图层构建的那些事 (十九)

cesium 图层构建的那些事 (十九)

作者: haibalai | 来源:发表于2022-08-02 12:00 被阅读0次

    我们之前构建过arcgis 的风场图层 这次我们切换构建cesium的风场图层



    class Vector {

    public u:number;

    public v:number;

    public m:number;

    constructor(u:number, v:number) {

    this.u = u

    this.v = v

    this.m = this.magnitude()



    * the vector value

    * @returns {Number}


    magnitude() {

    return Math.sqrt(this.u * this.u + this.v * this.v)



    * Angle in degrees (0 to 360º) --> Towards

    * N is 0º and E is 90º

    * @returns {Number}


    directionTo() {

    let verticalAngle = Math.atan2(this.u, this.v)

    let inDegrees = verticalAngle * (180.0 / Math.PI)

    if (inDegrees < 0) {

    inDegrees += 360.0


    return inDegrees



    * Angle in degrees (0 to 360º) From x-->

    * N is 0º and E is 90º

    * @returns {Number}


    directionFrom() {

    let a = this.directionTo()

    return (a + 180.0) % 360.0



    export default Vector



    import Vector from './Vector'

    class Field {

    public grid:any = null;

    public xmin:any = null;

    public xmax:any= null;

    public ymin:any= null;

    public ymax:any= null;

    public rows:any= null;

    public cols:any= null;

    public us:any= null;

    public vs:any= null;

    public deltaX:any= null;

    public deltaY:any= null;

    public isFields:any= null;

    public isContinuous:any= null;

    public wrappedX:any= null;

    public range:any= null;

    constructor(params:any) {

    this.grid = []

    this.xmin = params.xmin

    this.xmax = params.xmax

    this.ymin = params.ymin

    this.ymax = params.ymax

    this.cols = params.cols // 列数

    this.rows = params.rows // 行数

    this.us = params.us //

    this.vs = params.vs

    this.deltaX = params.deltaX // x 方向增量

    this.deltaY = params.deltaY // y方向增量

    if (this.deltaY < 0 && this.ymin < this.ymax) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('[wind-core]: The data is flipY') } else { this.ymin = Math.min(params.ymax, params.ymin) this.ymax = Math.max(params.ymax, params.ymin) } this.isFields = true let cols = Math.ceil((this.xmax - this.xmin) / params.deltaX) // 列 let rows = Math.ceil((this.ymax - this.ymin) / params.deltaY) // 行 if (cols !== this.cols || rows !== this.rows) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('[wind-core]: The data grid not equal') } // Math.floor(ni * Δλ) >= 360;

    this.isContinuous = Math.floor(this.cols * params.deltaX) >= 360

    this.wrappedX = 'wrappedX' in params ? params.wrappedX : this.xmax > 180 // [0, 360] --> [-180, 180];

    this.grid = this.buildGrid()

    this.range = this.calculateRange()


    // fromhttps://github.com/sakitam-fdd/wind-layer/blob/95368f9433/src/windy/windy.js#L110

    buildGrid() {

    let grid = []

    let p = 0

    let _a = this,

    rows = _a.rows,

    cols = _a.cols,

    us = _a.us,

    vs = _a.vs

    for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {

    let row = []

    for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++, p++) {

    let u = us[p]

    let v = vs[p]

    let valid = this.isValid(u) && this.isValid(v)

    row[i] = valid ? new Vector(u, v) : null


    if (this.isContinuous) {



    grid[j] = row


    return grid





    release() {

    this.grid = []






    extent() {

    return [this.xmin, this.ymin, this.xmax, this.ymax]



    Bilinear interpolation for Vector


    @param{Number} x

    @param{Number} y

    @param{Number[]} g00

    @param{Number[]} g10

    @param{Number[]} g01

    @param{Number[]} g11



    bilinearInterpolateVector(x:any, y:any, g00:any, g10:any, g01:any, g11:any) {

    let rx = 1 - x

    let ry = 1 - y

    let a = rx * ry

    let b = x * ry

    let c = rx * y

    let d = x * y

    let u = g00.u * a + g10.u * b + g01.u * c + g11.u * d

    let v = g00.v * a + g10.v * b + g01.v * c + g11.v * d

    return new Vector(u, v)



    calculate vector value range

    / calculateRange() { if (!this.grid || !this.grid[0]) { return } let rows = this.grid.length let cols = this.grid[0].length // const vectors = []; let min let max // @from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13544476/how-to-find-max-and-min-in-array-using-minimum-comparisonsfor (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) { for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) { let vec = this.grid[j][i] if (vec !== null) { let val = vec.m || vec.magnitude() // vectors.push(); if (min === undefined) { min = val } else if (max === undefined) { max = val // update min max // 1. Pick 2 elements(a, b), compare them. (say a > b) min = Math.min(min, max) max = Math.max(min, max) } else { // 2. Update min by comparing (min, b) // 3. Update max by comparing (max, a) min = Math.min(val, min) max = Math.max(val, max) } } } } return [min, max] } /*





    isValid(x:any) {

    return x !== null && x !== undefined


    getWrappedLongitudes() {

    let xmin = this.xmin

    let xmax = this.xmax

    if (this.wrappedX) {

    if (this.isContinuous) {

    xmin = -180

    xmax = 180

    } else {

    xmax = this.xmax - 360

    xmin = this.xmin - 360



    return [xmin, xmax]


    contains(lon:any, lat:any) {

    let _a = this.getWrappedLongitudes(),

    xmin = _a[0],

    xmax = _a[1]

    let longitudeIn = lon >= xmin && lon <= xmax let latitudeIn if (this.deltaY >= 0) {

    latitudeIn = lat >= this.ymin && lat <= this.ymax } else { latitudeIn = lat >= this.ymax && lat <= this.ymin


    return longitudeIn && latitudeIn








    floorMod(a:any, n:any) {

    return a - n * Math.floor(a / n)







    getDecimalIndexes(lon:any, lat:any) {

    let i = this.floorMod(lon - this.xmin, 360) / this.deltaX // calculate longitude index in wrapped range [0, 360)

    let j = (this.ymax - lat) / this.deltaY // calculate latitude index in direction +90 to -90

    return [i, j]



    Nearest value at lon-lat coordinates




    / valueAt(lon:any, lat:any) { if (!this.contains(lon, lat)) { return null } let indexes = this.getDecimalIndexes(lon, lat) let ii = Math.floor(indexes[0]) let jj = Math.floor(indexes[1]) let ci = this.clampColumnIndex(ii) let cj = this.clampRowIndex(jj) return this.valueAtIndexes(ci, cj) } /*

    Get interpolated grid value lon-lat coordinates




    interpolatedValueAt(lon:any, lat:any) {

    if (!this.contains(lon, lat)) {

    return null


    let _a = this.getDecimalIndexes(lon, lat),

    i = _a[0],

    j = _a[1]

    return this.interpolatePoint(i, j)


    hasValueAt(lon:any, lat:any) {

    let value = this.valueAt(lon, lat)

    return value !== null






    / interpolatePoint(i:any, j:any) { // 1 2 After converting λ and φ to fractional grid indexes i and j, we find the // fi i ci four points 'G' that enclose point (i, j). These points are at the four // | =1.4 | corners specified by the floor and ceiling of i and j. For example, given // ---G--|---G--- fj 8 i = 1.4 and j = 8.3, the four surrounding grid points are (1, 8), (2, 8), // j ___|_ . | (1, 9) and (2, 9). // =8.3 | | // ---G------G--- cj 9 Note that for wrapped grids, the first column is duplicated as the last // | | column, so the index ci can be used without taking a modulo. let indexes = this.getFourSurroundingIndexes(i, j) let fi = indexes[0], ci = indexes[1], fj = indexes[2], cj = indexes[3] let values = this.getFourSurroundingValues(fi, ci, fj, cj) if (values) { let g00 = values[0], g10 = values[1], g01 = values[2], g11 = values[3] //@ts-ignorereturn this.bilinearInterpolateVector(i - fi, j - fj, g00, g10, g01, g11) } return null } /*

    Check the column index is inside the field,

    adjusting to min or max when needed


    @param{Number} ii - index

    @returns{Number} i - inside the allowed indexes


    clampColumnIndex(ii:any) {

    let i = ii

    if (ii < 0) { i = 0 } let maxCol = this.cols - 1 if (ii > maxCol) {

    i = maxCol


    return i



    Check the row index is inside the field,

    adjusting to min or max when needed


    @param{Number} jj index

    @returns{Number} j - inside the allowed indexes


    clampRowIndex(jj:any) {

    let j = jj

    if (jj < 0) { j = 0 } let maxRow = this.rows - 1 if (jj > maxRow) {

    j = maxRow


    return j





    @param{Number} i - decimal index

    @param{Number} j - decimal index

    @returns{Array} [fi, ci, fj, cj]


    getFourSurroundingIndexes(i:any, j:any) {

    let fi = Math.floor(i) // 左

    let ci = fi + 1 // 右

    // duplicate colum to simplify interpolation logic (wrapped value)

    if (this.isContinuous && ci >= this.cols) {

    ci = 0


    ci = this.clampColumnIndex(ci)

    let fj = this.clampRowIndex(Math.floor(j)) // 上 纬度方向索引(取整)

    let cj = this.clampRowIndex(fj + 1) // 下

    return [fi, ci, fj, cj]




    Get four surrounding values or null if not available,

    from 4 integer indexes


    @param{Number} fi

    @param{Number} ci

    @param{Number} fj

    @param{Number} cj



    getFourSurroundingValues(fi:any, ci:any, fj:any, cj:any) {

    let row

    if ((row = this.grid[fj])) {

    let g00 = row[fi] // << left let g10 = row[ci] // right >>

    if (this.isValid(g00) && this.isValid(g10) && (row = this.grid[cj])) {

    // lower row vv

    let g01 = row[fi] // << left let g11 = row[ci] // right >>

    if (this.isValid(g01) && this.isValid(g11)) {

    return [g00, g10, g01, g11] // 4 values found!




    return null



    Value for grid indexes

    @param{Number} i - column index (integer)

    @param{Number} j - row index (integer)



    valueAtIndexes(i:any, j:any) {

    return this.grid[j][i] // <-- j,i !!



    Lon-Lat for grid indexes

    @param{Number} i - column index (integer)

    @param{Number} j - row index (integer)

    @returns{Number[]} [lon, lat]


    lonLatAtIndexes(i:any, j:any) {

    let lon = this.longitudeAtX(i)

     更多参考 https://xiaozhuanlan.com/topic/1648735092



          本文标题:cesium 图层构建的那些事 (十九)
