最近在鼓捣Ubuntu下的桌面美化.想去掉上面的黑色任务栏.使用tweak tools,然后安装themes.发现一个问题,设置完成后本地主题立马生效,不过重启系统后发现用户主题失效了.到处查询,感觉可能是系统版本的问题.
Open the "Software & Updates" Setting in Systemsettings.
Select the 3rd Tab called "Updates".
Set the "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" dropdown menu to "For any new version".
Press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager" (without the quotes) into the command box.
Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '14.10' is available.
Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.