fse2015-reading paper list

fse2015-reading paper list

作者: zouxiaoyu | 来源:发表于2015-09-04 20:46 被阅读0次

    FSE paperreading list http://cs.unibg.it/esecfse_proceedings/fse15/index.html

    EmpiricalStudies of Software Developers I

    When, How, and Why Developers (Do Not)Test in Their IDEs

    How Developers Search for Code: ACase Study

    Tracing Software Developers' Eyes andInteractions for Change Tasks

    Empirical Studies of Software Developers II

    Quality and Productivity OutcomesRelating to Continuous Integration in GitHub

    Developer Onboarding inGitHub: The Role of Prior Social Links and Language Experience

    Impact of Developer Turnover onQuality in Open-Source Software

    Human Aspectsof Software Engineering

    Bespoke Tools: Adapted to theConcepts Developers Know

    I Heart Hacker News: ExpandingQualitative Research Findings by Analyzing Social News Websites

    GitSonifier: Using Sound toPortray Developer Conflict History

    Automatically Recommending TestCode Examples to Inexperienced Developers

    Validation, Verification,and Testing

    BehavioralLog Analysis with Statistical Guarantees

    Inner Oracles: Input-SpecificAssertions on Internal States

    Targeted Program Transformationsfor Symbolic Execution


    Reproduction via Test Case Mutation: Let Existing Test Cases Help

    RDIT: Race Detection fromIncomplete Traces

    Software Quality

    Suggesting Accurate Method andClass Names

    Measure It? Manage It? Ignore It?Software Practitioners and Technical Debt

    Testing I

    Modeling Readability to ImproveUnit Tests

    Search-BasedApproaches to Testing, Repair, and Energy Optimisation

    Optimizing Energy Consumption ofGUIs in Android Apps: A Multi-objective Approach

    Testing II

    Assertions Are Strongly Correlatedwith Test Suite Effectiveness

    Test Report Prioritization toAssist Crowdsourced Testing


    Crowd Debugging

    Studies of SoftwareEngineering Research and Practice

    The Making of Cloud Applications:An Empirical Study on Software Development for the Cloud

    How Practitioners Perceive theRelevance of Software Engineering Research

    Prediction andRecommendation

    Heterogeneous Cross-Company DefectPrediction by Unified Metric Representation and CCA-Based Transfer Learning

    Heterogeneous Defect Prediction

    Clone-Based and InteractiveRecommendation for Modifying Pasted Code

    Program Repair

    Is the Cure Worse Than theDisease? Overfitting in Automated Program Repair

    Information Retrieval

    Query-Based Configuration of TextRetrieval Solutions for Software Engineering Tasks

    Measurement and Metric

    Summarizing and MeasuringDevelopment Activity

    A Method to Identify and CorrectProblematic Software Activity Data: Exploiting Capacity Constraints and DataRedundancies

    Mobile Applications

    String Analysis for Java andAndroid Applications


    Bug Reports for Android Applications


    PredictingField Reliability

    REMI: Defect Prediction for EfficientAPI Testing

    Software Process

    Products, Developers, andMilestones: How Should I Build My N-Gram Language Model



          本文标题:fse2015-reading paper list
