CFA 2017--- Reading 34 Corporate

CFA 2017--- Reading 34 Corporate

作者: crazydane | 来源:发表于2017-11-27 22:40 被阅读0次

    Corporate governance : can be defined as “the system of internal controls and procedures by which individual companies are managed.
    describe a company’s stakeholder groups and compare interests of stakeholder groups;

    There is evidence that some movement toward global convergence of corporate governance systems is underway. One trend is the increased acceptance and adoption of corporate governance regulations with similar principles from one jurisdiction to another.

    General Meetings 股东大会


    The main purpose of those meetings is to present shareholders with the annual audited financial statements of the company, provide an overview of the company’s performance and activities, and address shareholder questions.

    Shareholders required to:

    • approve the financial statements,
    • discharge directors of their duties,
    • appoint external auditors,
    • vote on the remuneration of the board and/or top management.(薪酬)

    Extraordinary general meetings can be called by the company or by shareholders throughout the year when significant resolutions requiring shareholder approval are proposed.
    These resolutions might relate to :

    • proposed material corporate changes, such as amendments to the company’s bylaws or rights attached to a class of shares,
    • mergers and acquisitions,
    • the sale of significant corporate assets or businesses.

    Such special resolutions may include:

    • amendments to bylaws,
    • voting on a merger or takeover transaction,
    • waiving pre-emptive rights.
    proxy voting代理人投票


    cumulative voting累计投票


    Composition of the Board of Directors 董事会的构成



    two-tier中supervisory 和management boards是相互独立的。监管机构一般禁止management boards的人在supervisory board任职,或限制任职人数。Employee representatives通常由公司雇员选出,在大公司中可占supervisory board一半。

    • “CEO duities”,CEO也担任董事会主席。
    • 今年,尤其美国,两个角色在逐渐分离。
    • 任命首席独立董事是一种替代办法,没有CEO双重性的公司董事会实行。
    • 首席独立董事一般有权要求和监督所有独立董事的会议。
    • Duality is not applicable in two-tier structures。监事会主席通常是外部的,而首席执行官通常是管理委员会的主席。

    Functions and Responsibilities of the Board 董事会职责与功能

    Two widely established elements of directors’ responsibilities are the duty of care and the duty of loyalty.
    Duty of care requires board members to act on a fully informed basis, in good faith, with due diligence and care.
    Duty of loyalty is the duty of the board member to act in the interest of the company and shareholders.


    Board of Directors Committees董事会委员会

    Audit Committee


    • the application of accounting policies
    • ensures the integrity of financial statements
    • supervises the internal audit function and ensures its independence and competence。
    • presents an annual audit plan to the board and monitors its implementation by the internal audit function. 提出年度审计计划并监控其执行董事会的内部审计职能
    • 审计委员会还负责建议任命一名独立的外聘审计员并提出审计人员的报酬。内部和外部审计员都向审计委员会报告其调查结果,审计委员会又提出对突出问题或事项的补救行动。
    Governance Committee


    Remuneration or Compensation Committee


    Nomination Committee


    Risk Committee


    Investment Committee


    Market Factors

    Shareholder Engagement

    shareholder engagement involved:

    • the annual shareholder meeting
    • analyst calls

    engagement with shareholders can provide:

    • building support against short-term activist investors
    • countering negative recommendations from proxy advisory firms
    • receiving greater support for management’s position.
    Shareholder Activism 股东权益运动

    Shareholder Activism是指股东试图迫使公司按所期望的方式行事的运动。


    Non-market factor

    Legal Environment

    Locations that have a common law system (such as the United Kingdom, the United States, India, Hong Kong, and Canada) are generally considered to offer superior protection of the interests of shareholders and creditors relative to those that have adopted a civil law system (such as France, Germany, Italy, and Japan).

    In common law systems, shareholders and creditors have the ability to appeal to a judge to rule against management actions and decisions that are not expressly forbidden by statute or code, whereas in civil law systems, this option is generally not possible.




          本文标题:CFA 2017--- Reading 34 Corporate
