[Hard Num] 273. Integer to Engli

[Hard Num] 273. Integer to Engli

作者: Mree111 | 来源:发表于2019-10-17 00:22 被阅读0次


Convert a non-negative integer to its english words representation. Given input is guaranteed to be less than 2^31 - 1.

Example 1:

Input: 123
Output: "One Hundred Twenty Three"


分为billion,m&k, 设计[1,9], [10,20),其他两位数处理
参考官方答案 Time O(N)

class Solution:
    def numberToWords(self, num):
        :type num: int
        :rtype: str
        def one(num):
            switcher = {
                1: 'One',
                2: 'Two',
                3: 'Three',
                4: 'Four',
                5: 'Five',
                6: 'Six',
                7: 'Seven',
                8: 'Eight',
                9: 'Nine'
            return switcher.get(num)

        def two_less_20(num):
            switcher = {
                10: 'Ten',
                11: 'Eleven',
                12: 'Twelve',
                13: 'Thirteen',
                14: 'Fourteen',
                15: 'Fifteen',
                16: 'Sixteen',
                17: 'Seventeen',
                18: 'Eighteen',
                19: 'Nineteen'
            return switcher.get(num)
        def ten(num):
            switcher = {
                2: 'Twenty',
                3: 'Thirty',
                4: 'Forty',
                5: 'Fifty',
                6: 'Sixty',
                7: 'Seventy',
                8: 'Eighty',
                9: 'Ninety'
            return switcher.get(num)

        def two(num):
            if not num:
                return ''
            elif num < 10:
                return one(num)
            elif num < 20:
                return two_less_20(num)
                tenner = num // 10
                rest = num - tenner * 10
                return ten(tenner) + ' ' + one(rest) if rest else ten(tenner)
        def three(num):
            hundred = num // 100
            rest = num - hundred * 100
            if hundred and rest:
                return one(hundred) + ' Hundred ' + two(rest) 
            elif not hundred and rest: 
                return two(rest)
            elif hundred and not rest:
                return one(hundred) + ' Hundred'
        billion = num // 1000000000
        million = (num - billion * 1000000000) // 1000000
        thousand = (num - billion * 1000000000 - million * 1000000) // 1000
        rest = num - billion * 1000000000 - million * 1000000 - thousand * 1000
        if not num:
            return 'Zero'
        result = ''
        if billion:        
            result = three(billion) + ' Billion'
        if million:
            result += ' ' if result else ''    
            result += three(million) + ' Million'
        if thousand:
            result += ' ' if result else ''
            result += three(thousand) + ' Thousand'
        if rest:
            result += ' ' if result else ''
            result += three(rest)
        return result



      本文标题:[Hard Num] 273. Integer to Engli
