音频:2a Ring around the roses, Friends, The Ants go Marching, Two black bird, Five little sausages, One two buckle my shoe

英文绘本:甜心英语Take a smell, I love My Dad, Where are you hiding? Let's Go to the Market

看了Five little sausages 的动画以后,在沙发上做游戏。一边唱Five little sausages frying on the pan,让娃躺在沙发的贵妃位上,然后我的两只手像铲子一样,把她炒过来炒过去……当唱到The pan got hot and one little sausage went bam的时候,大喊好嘞,出锅喽,沙发沿儿当盘子,把娃抱到盘子里。娃的重量已经超出我的极限了,玩几次腰就感觉要折了。
除了玩游戏,还完成了1a幼儿用书里面的《Ring Around Rosies》,Baby,Look, a big flower, how many flowers are there? One two three. Yes, there are three flowers, but the biggest one doesn't have any color, can you paint it? Yes. Then what color do you want to choose? Red. Ok, red is very beautiful for a flower.

Baby, what's the little Mouse doing? He is looking at the biggest flower, yes or no? Yes. What does he wants to do? He wants to pick it and give it to his friend.
跟娃一起看One two buckle my shoe的时候,娃竟然能接Three Four open your door,以前没学过,一问原来是在幼儿园学的。虽然她回家以后并不总是主动跟我说在幼儿园的情况,但是经常会无意的让我知道一些幼儿园的情况。