quartly 季刊
grasshopper 蝗虫 蚂蚱
as far as the eye can see
receptionist 接纳员
garbage can
filing cabinet 文件柜
drape 被单
keep a lid on this : 1.you keep it under control – to stop the situation getting worse. 2.you keep something a secret.
demarcation 划界
bring it up
bring it on
A.S.A.P. = as soon as possible
incalculable 无法估量的
out of my hands 不受我管理
Get the axe (ax) : 遭到解雇,被炒鱿鱼 (I can’t believe it… my manager got the axe at work today. (难以置信,我的经理今天在公司被炒掉了。)After making racist jokes during a live broadcast, the news anchor has gotten the ax from the sports station.(由于在现场直播中开种族玩笑,这位新闻主播被体育台给炒掉了)。) 注意,在美国,axe常常被拼写为ax,二者的意思并无不同。
chillun' : children
temp 临时雇员
respray 重新喷漆
screw around 不做正经事,浑水摸鱼
reprimand = discipline 惩罚
flan : 一种布丁一样的事物 和fan发音类似(笑点)
custardy: 蛋糕 和custody发音类似(笑点)
severance pay:遣散费
morale boost :鼓舞士气