

作者: 简闻 | 来源:发表于2016-10-12 09:07 被阅读22次

Dialogue 1

  • A: Your room is facing the sea. It's very beautiful. I hope you will like it.
  • B: Yes, I'll . The room looks very nice.
  • A: Here is the light switch, the wardrobe, and the mini-bar
  • B: Wonderful

Dialogue 2

  • A: Your room has just twin beds and it has a nice view. I'm sure you'll like it. This is your key room 518
  • B: But they said it was on the fourth floor.
  • A: Yes, that numbering system is typical in China. The number 4 is considered unlucky. So it's usually omitted
  • B: Oh, I see.
  • A: The elevator is over there. Follow me, please.
  • B: Ok, thanks.

Dialogue 3

  • A: This is your room. How do you like this suite?
  • B: It's very nice. Oh, there's a beautiful garden in front of me.
  • A: We've specially chosen a quieter room for you. Easy to break.
  • B: I'm grateful to you, for the excellent arrangement.

new words

wardrobe /'wɔːdrəʊb/ n. 衣柜;全部戏装;行头
omit /ə'mɪt/ adj. 省略了的;省去的 v. 遗漏,省略


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