流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 3·Unit 3

流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 3·Unit 3

作者: 羲之大鹅video | 来源:发表于2020-05-28 17:56 被阅读0次

    Harry's Business Trip 1

     Harry is on a business trip.

    Yesterday he was supposed to fly from San Francisco to Shanghai.

    However, things didn’t turn out the way they were supposed to.


    However无论到什么程度,不管多么; 不管怎样; 无论如何; 然而; 不过; 仍然

    things东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; 用品,衣服; 用具; thing的复数

    turn out发生; 最后是; 结果是; 变得; 原来是; 结果发现; 关掉,熄灭; 生产; 制造; 撵走,赶出,逐出; 翻出; 倒出; 出席; 参加; 前去观看

    way方法; 手段; 途径; 方式; 作风; 风度; 样子; 行为方式,生活方式,习俗; 很远; 大量

    they他们; 她们; 它们; 用以代替he或she,指性别不详的人; 人们,人人,众人

    werebe 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等

    supposed to应该

    In fact, nothing went the way it was supposed to.

    Everything went wrong and he didn’t get on his flight.

     As a result, he is still in San Francisco.


    1.why didn't things turn out the way that it was supposed to do ?

    everything went wrong.

    2.However, things didn’t turn out the way they were supposed to.

     The following is a summary of what happened.

     Yesterday morning he got up as usual and had breakfast.

     Everything seemed to be fine and he was looking forward to the trip.

     He was just about to check out of his hotel when he felt a pain.


    just about勉强; 差一点就不; 差不多; 几乎; 近乎

    check out结账退房; 结账离开; 给…办理结账手续; 了解清楚; 核实; 查实; 经证实是对的; 符合要求

    his他的; 上帝的; 属于上帝的; 属于他的

    hotel旅馆; 旅社; 酒吧; 酒馆; 餐馆; 使…在饭店下榻进行旅馆式办公

    when什么时候; 何时; 什么情况下; 什么场合下; 在那时; 其时; 当时; 当场; 在…时候; 当…时; 在…期间; 在…之后; 在任何…时候

    felt毛毡; 觉得; 感到; 体会到; 注意到,意识到,感觉到; 感觉到; feel的过去分词和过去式

    pain疼痛; 痛苦; 苦恼; 烦恼; 讨厌的人; 令人头痛的人; 使痛苦; 使

     It was a pain in his lower back.


    pain疼痛; 痛苦; 苦恼; 烦恼; 讨厌的人; 令人头痛的人; 使痛苦; 使苦恼

    his他的; 上帝的; 属于上帝的; 属于他的

     It was a dull pain at first -- not too bad.


    dull pain隐痛,钝痛

    at first最初;起初;开始时

    not(构成动词be、do和have及情态动词can或must等的否定形式,常缩略为n't)不,没有; 不; (用于hope、expect、believe等动词后,作为否定的回答)不

    too bad…真可惜; …真遗憾

     So he didn’t worry about it and checked out of the hotel.

    Then he got on the shuttle bus to the airport.


    Then当时,那时; 到那时,届时; 然后; 接着; 其后; 后来; 那么; 因此; 既然如此; 当时的

    got on上马; 穿上; 生活; 相投 (with together)

    shuttle bus区间车

    airport航空站; 航空港; 机场


    1.why didn't he worry about the pain?

    it wasn't too bad at first.

    About halfway to the airport, the pain in his back started to get worse.

    It was a growing pain, and he was beginning to worry.

    Soon it was difficult for him to sit in his seat.

    The pain was getting worse.

    He wanted to lie down.

    He started to sweat and breathe quickly.


    started开始,着手,动手; 发生,开始进行; 开动; 发动; 启动; start的过去分词和过去式

    sweat汗; 出汗; 流汗; 一身汗; 繁重的工作; 艰苦的劳动; 累活儿; 艰苦努力; 渗出水分,结水珠; 辛苦地干

    breathe呼吸; 呼出; 低声说

    quickly迅速地; 很快地; 不久; 立即

    He was in real pain then.

    On a scale of 1 to 10, the pain was an 8.


    pain疼痛; 痛苦; 苦恼; 烦恼; 讨厌的人; 令人头痛的人; 使痛苦; 使苦


    1.when did the pain start to get worse?

    about halfway to the airport.

    2.It was a growing pain, and he was beginning to worry.

    3.  It was a pain in his lower back.

    4.On a scale of 1 to 10, the pain was an 8.

     When the bus got to the airport, the bus driver helped him get off.


    When什么时候; 何时; 什么情况下; 什么场合下; 在那时; 其时; 当时; 当场; 在…时候; 当…时; 在…期间; 在…之后; 在任何…时候

    bus公共汽车; 巴士; 总线; 用公共汽车运送; 用校车送; 收,清理

    got to接触到; 开始; 收买

    airport航空站; 航空港; 机场

    bus driver总线驱动器;公共汽车司机

    helped帮助; 协助; 援助; 改善状况; 促进; 促使; 搀扶; 带领; help的过去分词和过去式

    get off未受惩罚; 逃脱惩罚; 出发; 离开; 从…上走开,离…远点; 把手拿开; 

     It was difficult for him to walk, but he finally made it to the terminal.

     Inside the terminal, he went to the men’s bathroom.

     He went to the toilet, but that didn’t help.

     Instead of improving, he felt dizzy and he threw up.


    Instead of代替; 作为…的替换

    improving改进; 改善; improve的现在分词

    felt毛毡; 觉得; 感到; 体会到; 注意到,意识到,感觉到; 感觉到; feel的过去分词和过去式

    dizzy头晕目眩的; 眩晕的; 使人眩晕的; 使人头昏眼花的; 使人感到变化太快的; 愚蠢的; 笨的; 使头晕眼花; 使发昏; 使昏乱; 使茫然

    threw投; 掷; 抛; 扔; 摔; 丢; 猛推; 使劲撞; throw的过去式

     By now he was wet from all his sweating.


    wet潮的; 湿的; 潮湿的; 有雨的; 下雨的; 尚未干的; 使潮湿; 把…弄湿; 雨天; 雨; 液体; 水; 保守党温和派成员

    all所有; 全部; 全体; 一切; 全部的,整个的; 唯一的事物; 所有的事物; 完全; 很; 十分; 非常; 太; 过分

    his他的; 上帝的; 属于上帝的; 属于他的

    sweating出汗; 流汗; 渗出水分,结水珠; 艰苦努力; 辛苦地干; swe

     He knew he couldn’t get on his flight.


    1.where did he go when he got inside of the  terminal?

    he went to the men's bathroom.

    2. Instead of improving, he felt dizzy and he threw up.

    3.It was a growing pain, and he was beginning to worry.



          本文标题:流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 3·Unit 3
