- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
- COMP9021 Principles of Programmi
1. Most popular name
As in the fifth lecture, we use the data of the National Data on the relative frequency of given names in the population of U.S. births, stored in a subdirectory named names of the working directory, in files named yobxxxx.txt with xxxx (the year of birth) ranging from 1880 to 2013. Write a program most_popular_name.py that prompts the user for a first name, and finds out the first year when this name was most popular in terms of frequency of names being given, as a female name and as a male name.
import os
first_name = input('Enter a first name: ')
min_male_frequency, min_female_frequency = 0, 0
male_first_year, female_first_year = None, None
tallies = {'F': {}, 'M': {}}
records = {'F': {}, 'M': {}}
for filename in os.listdir('names'):
if not filename.endswith('.txt'):
year = int(filename[3:7])
with open('names' + '/' + filename) as name:
for gender in {'F', 'M'}:
tallies[gender][year] = 0
for line in name:
name, gender, count = line.split(',')
count = int(count)
tallies[gender][year] += count
if name == first_name:
records[gender][year] = count
#遍历了所有文件,获得了所有年份的总计数tallies,{'F': {1880: XXX, 1881:XXX...}, 'M': {1880:XXX...}}
#获得了所有年份要查询名字的records,{'F': {1880: XXX, 1881:XXX...}, 'M': {1880:XXX...}}
frequencies = dict.fromkeys(('M', 'F'))
#以M和F作为key,创建新的字典,{'F': None, 'M': None}
for gender in {'F','M'}:
frequencies[gender] = [(records[gender][year] * 100 / tallies[gender][year], year) for year in records[gender]]
frequencies[gender].sort(reverse = True)
#{'F':[(XX.XX, 1880), (XX.XX, 1881)...], 'M':[(XX.XX, 1880), (XX.XX, 1881)...]}
if frequencies['F']:
min_female_frequency, female_first_year = frequencies['F'][0][0], frequencies['F'][0][1]
if frequencies['M']:
min_male_frequency, male_first_year = frequencies['M'][0][0], frequencies['M'][0][1]
if not female_first_year:
print(f'In all years, {first_name} was never given as a female name.')
print(f'In terms of frequency, {first_name} was the most popular as a female name '
f'first in the year {female_first_year}.\n'
f'It then accounted for {min_female_frequency:.2f}% of all female names'
if not male_first_year:
print(f'In all years, {first_name} was never given as a male name.')
print(f'In terms of frequency, {first_name} was the most popular as a male name'
f'first in the year {male_first_year}.\n'
f'It then accounted for {min_male_frequency:.2f}% of all male names'
2. The 9 puzzle
Dispatch the integers from 0 to 8, with 0 possibly changed to None, as a list of 3 lists of size 3, to represent a 9 puzzle. For instance, let
[[4, 0, 8], [1, 3, 7], [5, 2, 6]]
[[4, None ,8], [1, 3, 7], [5, 2, 6]]
represent the 9 puzzle
4 8
1 3 7
5 2 6
with the 8 integers being printed on 8 tiles that are placed in a frame with one location being tile free. The aim is to slide tiles horizontally or vertically so as to eventually reach the configuration
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8
It can be shown that the puzzle is solvable iff the permutation of the integers 1, . . . , 8, determined by reading those integers off the puzzle from top to bottom and from left to right, is even. This is clearly a necessary condition since:
--sliding a tile horizontally does not change the number of inversions;
--sliding a tile vertically changes the number of inversions by -2, 0 or 2;
--the parity of the identity is even.
Write a program nine_puzzle.py with a function:
--validate_9_puzzle(grid) that prints out whether or not grid is a valid representation of a solvable 9 puzzle
def test(grid):
if len(grid) != 3:
test = []
for row in grid:
for column in row:
if None in test:
test[test.index(None)] = 0
if sorted(test) != list(range(9)):
permutation = 0
for i in range(8):
for j in range(i + 1, 9):
if test[i] and test[j] and test[i] > test[j]:
permutation += 1
if permutation % 2:
return grid
def validate_9_puzzle(grid):
if test(grid):
print('This is a valid 9 puzzle, and it is solvable')
print('This is an invalid or unsolvable 9 puzzle')