

作者: YangLittle | 来源:发表于2020-11-07 05:19 被阅读0次

Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. Remaining curiosity and energetic will do you good all your life.


To my dear students:

Hello, I'm Irene . Here  I am writing to all of you to  share the importance of actively participating in various  English activities.

Why do we learn English?  It is obvious that all of us have to pass the college examination entrance, which means we have to do well in all our subjects, including English, as well as Chinese math, physics and history. Getting high marks is necessary for us. The  higher the better.

How do we learn English well ?  In a word, What to do is to participate in various English activities actively, including reading English , writing in English speaking English and listening to English.

What can we do in order to achieve our goal? To be specific,  we can read English every day, including reading textbooks and  nice articles.  It is beneficial and helpful for us to write diaries in English every day or write articles for newspapers. Besides, listening to English  songs every day and watching English videos  English  news and English movies are also useful for us. It's necessary for us to  speak English. While writing in  English , it will be a good idea  to use iFLYtek voice input to keep an English diary.

Personally speaking, I am an English lover. Also as an English teacher, I will do all of the exercises I assign to my students. This time I am happy to practice the oral English contest.

Smooth seas do not make a skillful sailors. My dear students, what I hope is that you can seize every opportunity to practice your English. In other words, it is also an opportunity to practice yourself  ,to practice and improve yourself in all aspects, not just English. Try to live positively  with an open attitude.




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