
作者: 03ba3a5b361c | 来源:发表于2016-05-24 21:01 被阅读0次

    13A+B Food Remedies食疗

    remedy n.(a cure for sth.)   v. solve problem

    pain/headache remedy  = to make negative thing go away

    sth positive + remedy you use positive thing to make sth else go away

    v. If you really hurt sb. you need to remedy the situation by apologizing to them.

    nutrition un.营养,滋养 nutrient cn.养分

    The soil is rich in all kinds of nutrients.

    irritable/irritated 易怒的 irritate 激怒

    The passengers became irritable after waiting two hours for the delayed flight.


    There's ample time for us to review before the exma


    Water is a compound od oxygen and hydrogen.

    Nitrogen compounds in the fertilizer help plants grow faster.


    late-night snack夜宵 = ~ midnight snack

    get rid of bad breath去口臭

    joint pain关节痛  arthritis

    reach for  use hands to grab sth/ achieve a goal

    food loaded with Vc    = a lot of Vc inside

    Hamburger meal is loaded with lots of calories.

    My bag is loaded with choclate bars so whenver I get irritable, I can reach for a bar.

    My schedule is loaded with classes, I have no tme to relaxed

    slow wear and tear on your joints

    Mr. and Mrs.Lee gote some counseling after they realized there was some emotional wear and tear in their relationship.


    empire帝国 The Roman Empire   /大型企业

    The defeat caused the breakup of the empire

    The used-to-be media empire is now facing bankruptcy.

    serve as someone担任…职位

    For five years,Peterson served as the general manager of the industry.

    serve as sth.当做…使用

    Their family room also serves as their office.

    condemn处以刑罚  condemn sb to sth.

    The kidnappers were condemned to life in prison.终身监禁

    The suspect was condemned to death after the trail.

    sentence v./n.判决   sentence sb to die

    The man was sentenced to five years in prison.

    He was given a life sentence.

    be second in command 二把手?

    bow down to sb.鞠躬

    saved by the bell     being saved by sth at the last minute

    Someone you really don't want to talk to is coming your way to talk to you, zt the last minute, someone calls you on your phone , you picked it up and walk away while talking on the phone.So you are saved by the phone.

    bravery = courage

    subject fool sb. into doing sth.   subject v sb. into doing sth.  how some influence sb/change one's mind

    The school counselor convinced Sabrina into changing her major.


    What makes a great…?

    What makes a great man? I think sb. who admits his mistakes makes a great man, sd who is willing to stand up for what is right even when it's difficult, Those are elements of great man./these are things that contributes to make a man great

    page turner ~ a book is so interesting that you can't stop reading

    just such a…描述a后面的事物正好符合

    We are looking for a strong ,young and energetic boy to play the role in the drama and Joge is just such a boy.


    hang悬挂hung;吊死hanged  killing people by dangling from rope

    hang out ~ hung out 闲逛,厮混

    I hung a picture on the wall

    be hanged on the gallows(绞刑架)

    I hung out with some friends last night.



