

作者: 叶子叶子 | 来源:发表于2018-12-26 21:25 被阅读0次




    万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月26日 Day76



    Game 1: Turtle & snail

    (Prepare hats, caps, clothes with hood, or bedsheet before the game)

    Mum: Let's play a game called Turtle and  Snail, You will be the turtle and I will be the snail.

    Baby: Ok

    Mum: Listen to the rules. When I sing hide  in the shell, you must hide yourself under  the bedsheets. When I sing ' be-bop be-bop, be-bop, be-bop' , stretch your neck in and out Clear?

    Baby: Ok

    Mum Baby: "This is the turtle. Hide in a shell Be-bop, be-bop ,be-bop, be-bop. Hide the head well.

    Baby: It's very funny

    Mum: Now let us change the roles and play it again. This time you will sing the song

    Baby: Ok.

    Game 2: Be Careful

    (Prepare three boxes, some snail pictures  and bomb pictures)

    Mum: Family time pleasel

    Dad: Ok

    Baby: Here I come!

    Dad: What shall we do?

    Mum: We will play a game. Follow the rules please everyone.

    Baby Dad: Ok, no problem.

    Mum: These are three boxes, I will give  everyone a box. Put the box on your back  like a shell.We will look for the snail  pictures everywhere, but be careful, some pictures are bombs. If we find a bomb, we  should  hide our head in the shell.

    Baby: Got it.

    Dad: Got it.


    Mum: Oh, no, hide our heads well. Dad found a bomb picture.


    Game 3: Monster Time

    Mum: Family time

    Dad Baby: Ok!

    Mum: We are going to play a monster game. In this game, the monster likes to eat  turtles and snails, Who wants to be the  monster?

    Dad: I want to be the monster.

    Mum: Ok, stick the monster picture on your shirt. Who wants to be the snail?

    Baby: I want to be the snail.

    Mum: Ok, stick the snail picture on your  shirt. And I will be the turtle. Now the Turtle and the Snail will wander around the room. The Monster will come in and try to eat  them. When the Turtle and the Snail see the Monster,  they  should squat do. So Monster can't see  them. When the Monster leaves, the Turtle and the Snail can stand up, Clear?

    Baby: Got it!

    Dad: Got it!


    Game 4:  Family Tirne

    Mum: Let's play a game, Let's pretend to be turtles, oK? I am the mother turtle and you  are the baby turtle.

    Baby: Ok

    Mum Baby: This is a turtle. Hide in the shell Be-bop, Be-bop, be-bop, be-bop Hide the head well.

    Mum: Very good. Now lets pretend to be  snails, Ok?

    Baby: Ok, you are the mother snail and I will be the baby snail.

    Baby Mum: This is a snail. Hide in the shell Be-bop, be-bop Hide the head well.

    万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月26日 Day76


    万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月26日 Day76



