
作者: 莉莉安lee_1dab | 来源:发表于2017-06-06 23:12 被阅读0次


1.But right when Mrs. Craig was about to let us go, Rowley started blubbering about how he doesn't want rock and roll to ruin his "brains".

right: 正好,恰巧

Children planed to sneak out of classroom, right when Mrs. Liu passed by here.

2.Last night, after everone was in bed, I snuck down stairs to listen to Rodrick's CD on the stereo in the family room.


My son snuck out of  home going to skating with him friends.

3.I put Rodrick's new headphones on and cranked up the volumn RELLY high.

crank up:调高声音 = turn up

I cranked up the stereo for my grandmother.

4.The first time Dad ever said "friend" like that to me, I didn't get that he was being sarcastic.

sarcastic: 讽刺,挖苦的风凉话

The boss alway criticize his employees with sarcastic.

5.Rodrick's in some hot water with Mom right now, too.

in some hot water: 陷入一些麻烦之中。

My boss is in some hot water with his wife.


1.Tonight, Dad yelled at me for about ten minutes, and then I guess he decided he'd rather be in bed than standing in my room in his under wear.

would rather....than.... 宁可,也不

I figure my daughter would rather be in room than going out to walk with me.

2.It turn out I didn't have the headphones plugged into the stereo.

it turn out: 事实证明,原来

It turn out I didn't make breakfast to my sister.


Today is the most painful day of my life,  I was lying in a cold chair and had two teeth pulled out by the dentist.  The teeth have been broken for many years, because I always been afraid to go to hospital, The teeth must been pulled out. My tooth hurts too much now.  Finally I just always remeber today: anything should be done as early as possible, otherwise, we will face more painful consequeses.


stereo:n. 立体声的设备,adj. 立体声的


  • #4#0606

    字词: 1.But right when Mrs. Craig was about to let us go, R...


