Chapter 1  Numbers and Sets (数域与

Chapter 1  Numbers and Sets (数域与

作者: 欢乐小匠仙 | 来源:发表于2016-04-08 11:33 被阅读0次

    学堂在线:微积分-1 @陈酌

    微积分基本内容: 极限论, 函数微分、积分理论, 级数, 场论, 常微分方程 ...


    • 前者是exempli gratia的缩写,意思是“for example” (举例)
    • 后者是id est的缩写,意思是“that is” (即)

    Unit 1 Review of Real Numbers (回顾实数)

    §1 Real Numbers (实数体系)


    • R: real numbers (实数);
    • Q: rational numbers (有理数),
      numbers that can be expressed as a/b,
      (a over b, called the quotient (商) of a and b),
      where a and b are integers and b ≠ 0,
    • e.g. 2/3 (two-thirds), -5/4 (minus five over four, minus five fourths);
    • Z: integers (整数),
    • e.g. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...;
    • Z+, +右上标: nonnegative integers (非负整数),
    • e.g. 0, 1, 2, ...;
    • N: natural numbers (自然数), also called positive integers (正整数),
    • e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, ...;
    • R\Q=Qc, c右上标: Irrational numbers (无理数),
      numbers that cannot be expressed as a/b,
      where a and b are integers and b ≠ 0,
    • e.g. 根号2 (square root of two), pi.
      [注] Q 以外的实数,用 R backslash Q 表示 Q 的余集

    §2 The R2 Plane (R2平面)

    R2, 2右上标.

    • x-axis (x轴): horizontal axis;
    • y-axis (y 轴): vertical axis;
    • (x, y): the coordinate (坐标) of a point;
    • Origin (原点): the point of intersection of two axes, resented by (0, 0).

    §3 Operations With Real Numbers (实数的基本运算)

    If a, b, c belong to R, we have:

    (a plus parentheses b plus c equals parentheses a plus b plus c)

    这个叫做 单位律. ↑

    §4 Inequalities (不等式)

    描述两个数大小的时候, 建立不等式.

    §5 Absolute Values of Real Numbers (实数的绝对值)

    • |a|: the absolute value (绝对值) of a.
    • Two commonly used inequalities:

    (the absolute value of a plus b is always less than or equal to the absolute value of a plus the absolute value of b)

    (the absolute value of the difference of the absolute value of a and the absolute value of b is always less than or equal to the absolute value of the difference of a and b)


    运算结果 运算符 运算法
    Sum 和 plus +, add 加上 addition 加法
    Difference 差 minus -, subtract 减去 subtraction 减法
    Product 积 times *, multiplied by 乘以 multiplication 乘法
    Quotient 商 over /, divided by 除以 division 除法

    Unit 1 Summary: 实数, 运算, 两个重要的不等式, 英文术语

    Unit 2 Exponentiations, Logarithms and Sets(指数、对数与集合)

    §1 Exponentiations and Roots (指数与方根)



          本文标题:Chapter 1  Numbers and Sets (数域与
