

作者: 加刘景长 | 来源:发表于2018-09-29 18:24 被阅读26次

1. Cure for insomnia 《治疗失眠》 片长:87小时(5220分钟,三天半)

吉尼斯世界纪录所记载的最长电影《治疗失眠》是一部美国片,由 John Henry Timmis IV 执导,是经由金氏世界记录认可的世界上片长最长的电影,于1987年的1月31日到2月3日进行了全版本放映。本片没有剧情,顾名思义,本片拍摄目的也是帮助治疗失眠。

该片全长5,220分钟(87小时),全片并没有剧情,而是由艺术家Lee Groban朗读他的长诗"A Cure for Insomnia"三天半之久,间中穿插著重金属音乐以及色情影片


The Cure for Insomnia, directed by John Henry Timmis IV, is officially the worlds longest movie, according to Guinness World Records.Running 5220 minutes (87 hours) in length, the movie has no plot, instead consisting of artist L. D. Groban reading his lengthy poem "A Cure for Insomnia" over the course of three and a half days, spliced with occasional clips from heavy metal and pornographic videos.

It was first played in its entirety at The School of the Art Institute in Chicago, Illinois from January 31 to February 3, 1987 in one continuous showing. It is not clear whether or not the movie has been shown since then. Considering that a DVD can only hold up to five hours of video at mild quality, The Cure for Insomnia would fill around 18 discs.

The movie is shot entirely on video, and its intended purpose actually was to help cure insomnia. It is therefore disputed as to whether or not The Cure for Insomnia should even be considered as a candidate for the worlds longest film. People who see it in theaters would get more than 10, up to 17 meals from the theater employees cafe, and pay from $359.82 to almost $1,000 to get all 18 parts on DVD.It is too long to be considered a movie.

2. Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World 《世界上最长最没意义的电影》 (= =||||囧)片长:48小时(2880分钟,两天)

《世界上最长最没意义的电影》是一部英国电影,于1968年8月在伦敦艺术实验室上映。  同样没有剧情,贯穿影片的只有没完没了的新闻短片和资料片。

The Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World is an underground movie made in the UK that runs to 48 hours long. The film follows no plot, but instead is a seemingly endless stream of newsreel and stock footage. The film was produced by Anthony Scott in association with the Swiss Film Centre, London. Directed by Vincent Patouillard and premiered at the La Cinémathèque fran?aise in October 1970.

Considered by some to be the longest film ever made, it actually holds the number two spot now behind The Cure for Insomnia (1987), which runs for 87 hours.


3. The Burning of the Red Lotus Temple 《火烧红莲寺》 片长:1620 min (27 hr) 一天多一点




4. Die Zweite Heimat(英文名称:Leaving Home II) 《故土II》片长:1532 min (25 hr)

《故土》号称现代德国史诗三部曲式电影,由Edgar Reitz自编自导,以一个农村家庭的历程为主线,管窥德国自1919年到2000年的历史变迁。


Die Zweite Heimat (literally The Second Heimat, and called, in the English version, Leaving Home) followed in 1992. It tells the story of how Marias youngest son Hermann leaves his rural home and makes a new life for himself as a composer in Munich during the socially turbulent years of the 1960s. At 25 hours and 32 minutes divided into 13 episodes.

Heimat is a trilogy of episodic films by Edgar Reitz which views life in Germany between 1919 and 2000 through the eyes of a family from the Hunsrück area of the Rhineland. Personal and domestic life is set against glimpses of wider social and political events.

The title Heimat is a German word meaning homeland. Its use is partly an ironic reference to the film genre known as Heimatfilm which was popular in Germany in the 1950s. Heimatfilms were noted for their rural settings, sentimental tone and simplistic morality.

Aesthetically, all three films are notable for their artful switching between colour and black-and-white film to convey different emotional states.

5. Grandmother Martha 《祖母玛莎》 片长 :1452 min (24 hr)


Grandmother Martha, directed by Lord Sydney Ling about her life and about what she thinks about life. The camera follows Martha Stellos day and night and listens to her positive and negative remarks, the last days of her life. Grandmother Martha currently holds the record as the longest film documentary at a running time of 24 hours and 12 minutes.



