什么是content marketing

什么是content marketing

作者: LabVIEW_Python | 来源:发表于2022-04-16 11:14 被阅读0次

    什么是Content marketing?

    Conveying thought leadership with content 用内容传播领导力。在做Content Marketing之前,首先必须定出Strategic goal

    什么是Strategic goal?

    an outcome that's meaningful to your business, easy to understand at a glance, and straightforward to measure.

    • Ongoing Goal: Measures results you want to achieve regularly
    • Campaign Goal: Measures the success of time-sensitive activities
    Step1: Define the TA: who is this for?

    Target a very specific customer base: AI inference developers, including professional developers and student developers. Create content to resonate with TA. Learn the TA, usually by:

    • Customer surveys
    • Qualitative research
    Step2: Find the right/relevant topic/ideas/content

    Right and relevant means the challenges each of the TA faced with to decide which could be addressed in the content. TA的刚需和痛点是什么?

    Organizing TOPICS into categories: 把选好的主题分类,然后跟每个执行团队系统化,结构化将某类主题拆解成为一个一个的小专题

    • Class I: Drive Developer awareness
    • Class II: Training the developer
    • Class II: Enable Developer, Paper with code
    Step3: Tips for successful storystelling
    • Define the core message: 1. Increase the inference speed fastly without accuracy drop. 2. Easy to learn and use!
    • Consider what type of story would effectively convey the topic
    • Design the content structure: beginning, middle and end that make sense.结构化表达
    • Include characters to showcase the human experience. 增加个人观点和人生体验等因素以增加情绪共鸣
    Step4: Formats Option
    • Written content: Blog posts, long-form articles, case studis, white papers, reports, email, print magazines, and e-books.
    • visually-focused content: videos, infographics, images
    • interactive content: tools, webinars, quizze, polls, social media
      a study by Quartz found that: executives are most drawn to data visualizations, photography, and charts.
    Step5:Formatting content for a frictionless experience 优秀的排版获得极致的阅读体验
    • 排版差的内容,让读者直接抛弃你
    • format content with search engines and social media in mind
    • always include keywords throughout your written content in a natural and consistent manner with the reader in mind
    • Find ways to encourage people to share your content. Highlight key takeaways like an important quote or a meaningful sentence to emphasize tidbits worth sharing on social media.
    Step6: Promotion and distribution
    • Promoting with owned and shared media 自有媒体
    • Promoting with earned media 赚来的媒体
    • Promoting with paid media 付费媒体: pay-per-click advertising, influencer marketing, social media ads, native advertising, podcast ads, display advertising, and more.
    自有媒体 vs 赚来的媒体 vs 付费媒体
    总结:Conveying thought leadership with content

    consistently publish content for the long term. Consistency is key as it'll take numerous interactions with your content before a person associates your organization with a particular subject area. A long-term commitment to publishing videos, infographics, or a mix of content gives you multiple opportunities to demonstrate that your content is reliable, trustworthy, and helpful. Hand in hand with committing to consistency, it is also essential that your content is always focused on a similar set of topics so it's easier for your audience to understand your expertise



          本文标题:什么是content marketing
