Words and Expressions
1.I felt a freeze down below, and I could tell my singlet wasn’t a good job keeping me covered up.
feel down below: 感觉失落
feel a breeze down below情绪极其低落
eg. I felt a breeze down below when I hear of he has a new girlfriend.
2. I could tell my singlet wasn't doing a good job keeping me covered up
singlet: 跨栏背心,无袖
cover up: 掩盖,隐藏
eg.Tom used to cover up his true mark when his score below standard level.
3. Mr. Underwood divided us up into weight groups.
divide up into:分成
eg.All the students in classromm divided up into girls team and boys team.
4. Benny Wells, who can bench-press 250 pounds.
bench-press: 仰卧推举
eg. He did about 10 reps of bench-press.
5. I made a bench press out of an ironing board and some boxes.
out of: 用……材料做
eg. My father made an aircraft out of both waste materials and one time used materials.
1. That's what a good training partner is for, to push you beyond your limits.
push sb. beyond his/her limits
仿写: This is what function of invent mum to push you beyond your limits.
2. Now kids are wrestling in the hallways, in the classroom, you name it.
you name it,你能想到的都有
This bookshop sells varity of books, such like fiction, history, cartoon, novel, you name it.
There was a new fashion shop opened opposite to my building recently. As different as other cloth shop in order to attract customers view their new styles they set up a big loud speaker in front of the door, which playing popular songs in the early morning. That was a terrible thing for me to hear of the noise start from shop open till the late time when shop close. I even tried to call #110 complain of disturbing neighbour action! But I rethink of maybe someone else will call to complain before me.