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[5] - 类和对象之进阶(一)

[5] - 类和对象之进阶(一)

作者: 牛肉圆粉不加葱 | 来源:发表于2016-05-28 06:59 被阅读220次



与其他支持面向对象的语言一样,Scala 也支持继承,并且子类只能有一个父类,不能继承于多个父类,如果希望实现类似继承多个父类的功能,应该考虑引入 trait。虽然只支持一个父类,但是父类还可以有父类,也就是爷爷类,对于类继承的层数是没有具体要求的,这几点在下面这个例子中都有体现:

scala> class A {
     | }
defined class A

scala> class B {
     | }
defined class B

scala> class AA extends A {
     | }
defined class AA

scala> class AB extends A with B {
     | }
<console>:9: error: class B needs to be a trait to be mixed in
       class AB extends A with B {

scala> class AAA extends AA {
     | }
defined class AAA

scala> class AAAA extends AAA {
     | }
defined class AAAA



scala> class Parent ( x: Int, y: String, z: Double ) {
     |   val xx = x
     |   protected val yy = y
     |   private val zz = z
     |   def getXX = xx
     |   protected def getYY = yy
     |   private def getZZ = zz
     |   def testYY = yy
     |   def testZZ = zz
     |   def testGetYY = getYY
     |   def testGetZZ = getZZ
     | }
defined class Parent

在 Scala 类继承中,允许在子类内部直接访问父类的 public 及 protected 成员及方法,但不允许子类直接访问父类的 private 成员及方法,如下例:

scala> class Child1 ( x: Int, y: String, z: Double ) extends Parent(x, y, z ) {
     |   println( xx )
     |   println( yy )
     |   println( getXX )
     |   println( getYY )
     | }
defined class Child1

scala> class Child2 ( x: Int, y: String, z: Double ) extends Parent(x, y, z ) {
     |   println( zz )
     |   println( getZZ )
     | }
<console>:9: error: value zz in class Parent cannot be accessed in Child2
         println( zz )
<console>:10: error: method getZZ in class Parent cannot be accessed in Child2
         println( getZZ )

在类外部,只有 public 的方法和成员能被直接访问,protected 及 private 均不予许:

scala> class Child3 ( x: Int, y: String, z: Double ) extends Parent(x, y, z ) {
     | }
defined class Child3

scala> val child = new Child3( 1, "hello", 3.1415926 )
child: Child3 = Child3@39529185

scala> child.xx
res6: Int = 1

scala> child.yy
<console>:11: error: value yy in class Parent cannot be accessed in Child3
 Access to protected value yy not permitted because
 enclosing object $iw is not a subclass of
 class Parent where target is defined

scala> child.zz
<console>:11: error: value zz in class Parent cannot be accessed in Child3


scala> child.getXX
res9: Int = 1

scala> child.getYY
<console>:11: error: method getYY in class Parent cannot be accessed in Child3
 Access to protected method getYY not permitted because
 enclosing object $iw is not a subclass of
 class Parent where target is defined

scala> child.getZZ
<console>:11: error: method getZZ in class Parent cannot be accessed in Child3

但我们可以通过父类提供的方法来间接访问 protected 和 private 的成员和方法:

scala> child.testYY
res20: String = hello

scala> child.testZZ
res21: Double = 3.1415926

scala> child.testGetYY
res22: String = hello

scala> child.testGetZZ
res23: Double = 3.1415926


在 Scala 中,使用关键字 object 来定义单例对象:

scala> object T {}
defined module T


当单例对象与某个类的名字相同且两者定义在同一文件中,就形成了特殊的单例对象-伴生对象,对应的类称为伴生类,若单例没有相同名字的类的话成为孤立对象(好惨)。我们经常使用在伴生对象中对应 apply 方法来创建新的伴生类实例并且将半身列的可见性设置为 private,以便能方便的创建伴生类实例,更重要的是可以在伴生类对象中管理所有伴生类实例,例子如下:

class Q ( qParam: String ) {
  private val q = qParam

object Q {
  private val qList = ListBuffer[ Q ]()

  def apply( qParam: String ) {
    val qInstance = new Q( qParam )
    qList.append( qInstance )

  def qListSize = qList.size

object Test {
  def main (args: Array[String]) {
    val qIns1 = Q( "q1" )
    val qIns2 = Q( "q2" )
    println( Q.qListSize )



另外伴生对象与伴生类可以互相访问 private 成员和方法,object 也可以继承父类或混入特质。

**传送门: **Scala 在简书目录




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