

作者: 脑饭 | 来源:发表于2018-06-16 16:28 被阅读56次

    Agnes Noyes Goodsir was an Australian portrait painter who moved within lesbian circles in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s.


    Goodsir was born in Portland, Victoria, Australia, one of eleven children born to David James Cook Goodsir, Commissioner of Customs at Melbourne, and Elizabeth Archer (née Tomlins).


    Goodsir attended the Académie Delécluse, the Académie Julian and then the Académie Colarossi. From about 1912 she shuttled between London and Paris, but finally settled in Paris in 1921 at 18 rue de l'Odéon. Her companion was Rachel Dunn, depicted in several of her paintings, such as The Chinese Skirt 1933, Girl with Cigarette 1925, The Letter 1926 and Morning Tea 1925.

    古德西尔先是进入了古德仕学院,然后在colarossi学院和 Julian学院。她在1912年从伦敦和巴黎之间的shuttled落户,但最终在1921年在巴黎Rue de l’odéon 18。她的同伴雷切尔·邓恩在她的几幅画中有被描绘,如《中国女孩裙》,1933年。与1926年的《信》和1925年的《女孩与香烟》和《烟信晨茶业》。

    Her work was acclaimed and exhibited at the New Salon, the Salon des Indépendants, and the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris as well as at the Royal Academy and the Royal Institute in London. On a short visit to Australia in 1927 she exhibited at the Macquarie Galleries in Sydney and the Fine Arts Gallery in Melbourne. In 1938 four of her oils were shown at the sesquicentennial exhibition at the NSW National Art Gallery.


    Goodsir died in Paris, France in 1939, her paintings were left to her companion Rachel Dunn, who sent some 40 to Agnes's family in Australia and others to Australian galleries.


    《Girl With Cigarette》手拿香烟的女孩

    A really good portrait tells you as much about the artist as it does about the subject. In Girl With Cigarette, 1925, painter Agnes Goodsir (1864-1939) gives us a glimpse into her artistic life.


    The portrait shows her lover, Rachel Dunn (aka Cherry), sitting at a table with elegant hands holding a cigarette while staring with icy blue eyes at the viewer. Goodsir captures so much detail in her paintings from the beautiful, intricate fabric of the shawl she wears to the delicate china teacup and saucer. The fan, table lamp, and ashtray become intimate objects that help create a domestic scene as she sits relaxing with a cup of tea, a smoke, and a fan to maybe cool off with later.


    Ladies were not often painted or photographed smoking at this time but it became very popular in the roaring 20s when women became emboldened to break barriers and try new things. Tobacco companies, like Lucky Strike, began tempting women with slogans like “Reach for a Lucky instead of a Sweet.”


    Rachel Dunn and her husband Bernard Roelvink were close friends of Agnes Goodsir; they were all wealthy Australians in high society who traveled in the same circles so it was quite scandalous at the time when Rachel divorced her husband to be with Goodsir. They settled in Paris and Rachel became a frequent model for many of Goodsir’s portraits. They lived a bohemian lifestyle and enjoyed the freedom and creativity that Paris afforded them.


    Sadly, after Goodsir’s death in Paris in 1939, her works were largely forgotten but perhaps it’s time to take another look.

    可悲的是,在1939 Goodsir在巴黎去世后,她的作品在很大程度上被遗忘了,但也许是时候再看一眼了。






