官方解释:“Document with 2-byte > characters (that's how Chinese characters > are probably stored) are not correctly > handled by HWPF.”One more thing you > need to consider: HWPF cannot handle > "fast saved" Word files. If the documents > you need to parse are "fast saved" this > adds an extra level of complexity.
public class WordExtractor {
public WordExtractor() {
public String extractText(InputStream in) throws IOException {
ArrayList text = new ArrayList();
POIFSFileSystem fsys = new POIFSFileSystem(in);
DocumentEntry headerProps = (DocumentEntry) fsys.getRoot().getEntry("WordDocument");
DocumentInputStream din = fsys.createDocumentInputStream("WordDocument");
byte[] header = new byte[headerProps.getSize()];
// Prende le informazioni dall'header del documento
int info = LittleEndian.getShort(header, 0xa);
boolean useTable1 = (info & 0x200) != 0;
//boolean useTable1 = true;
// Prende informazioni dalla piece table
int complexOffset = LittleEndian.getInt(header, 0x1a2);
//int complexOffset = LittleEndian.getInt(header);
String tableName = null;
if (useTable1) {
tableName = "1Table";
} else {
tableName = "0Table";
DocumentEntry table = (DocumentEntry) fsys.getRoot().getEntry(tableName);
byte[] tableStream = new byte[table.getSize()];
din = fsys.createDocumentInputStream(tableName);
din = null;
fsys = null;
table = null;
headerProps = null;
int multiple = findText(tableStream, complexOffset, text);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int size = text.size();
tableStream = null;
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
WordTextPiece nextPiece = (WordTextPiece) text.get(x);
int start = nextPiece.getStart();
int length = nextPiece.getLength();
boolean unicode = nextPiece.usesUnicode();
String toStr = null;
if (unicode) {
toStr = new String(header, start, length * multiple, "UTF-16LE");
} else {
toStr = new String(header, start, length, "ISO-8859-1");
sb.append(toStr).append(" ");
return sb.toString();
private static int findText(byte[] tableStream, int complexOffset, ArrayList text)
throws IOException {
//actual text
int pos = complexOffset;
int multiple = 2;
//skips through the prms before we reach the piece table. These contain data
//for actual fast saved files
while (tableStream[pos] == 1) {
int skip = LittleEndian.getShort(tableStream, pos);
pos += 2 + skip;
if (tableStream[pos] != 2) {
throw new IOException("corrupted Word file");
} else {
//parse out the text pieces
int pieceTableSize = LittleEndian.getInt(tableStream, ++pos);
pos += 4;
int pieces = (pieceTableSize - 4) / 12;
for (int x = 0; x < pieces; x++) {
int filePos =
LittleEndian.getInt(tableStream, pos + ((pieces + 1) * 4) + (x * 8) + 2);
boolean unicode = false;
if ((filePos & 0x40000000) == 0) {
unicode = true;
} else {
unicode = false;
multiple = 1;
filePos &= ~(0x40000000); //gives me FC in doc stream
filePos /= 2;
int totLength =
LittleEndian.getInt(tableStream, pos + (x + 1) * 4)
- LittleEndian.getInt(tableStream, pos + (x * 4));
WordTextPiece piece = new WordTextPiece(filePos, totLength, unicode);
return multiple;
public static void main(String[] args){
WordExtractor w = new WordExtractor();
POIFSFileSystem ps = new POIFSFileSystem();
File file = new File("C:\\test.doc");
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
String s = w.extractText(in);
}catch(Exception e){
class WordTextPiece {
private int _fcStart;
private boolean _usesUnicode;
private int _length;
public WordTextPiece(int start, int length, boolean unicode) {
_usesUnicode = unicode;
_length = length;
_fcStart = start;
public boolean usesUnicode() {
return _usesUnicode;
public int getStart() {
return _fcStart;
public int getLength() {
return _length;