

作者: 柳风 | 来源:发表于2023-11-01 19:23 被阅读0次

is it yours?

how's everything

I have no choice

I like ice cream

I love this game

I'll try my best

I'm on your side

long time no see

the answer is zero

what does she like

as soon as possible

what does she like

what's wrong with you

you are a chicken

I have no idea

let go

I quit

allow me

forget it

my treat

I doubt it

I'm in a hurry

it's her field

what time is it

to be careful

what a pity

we are all for it

I know all about it

a lovely day.isn't it

see you

so long

watch out

try again

it's up to you

you can make it

my mouth is watering

this house is my own

don't lose your head

he can't take a joke

he owes my uncle23

which would you prefer?

he was born in NY

that's a terrific idea

they hurt

take it easy

he is ill in bed

how s it going

you are welcome

that all I need

just wait and see


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