1.1.Year, month, and day tokens
Input | Example | Description |
YYYY | 2014 | 4 or 2 digit year |
YY | 14 | 2 digit year |
Q | 1..4 | Quarter of year. Sets month to first month in quarter. |
M MM | 1..12 | Month number |
MMM MMMM | Jan..December | Month name in locale set by moment.locale() |
D DD | 1..31 | Day of month |
Do | 1st..31st | Day of month with ordinal |
DDD DDDD | 1..365 | Day of year |
X | 1410715640.579 | Unix timestamp |
x | 1410715640579 | Unix ms timestamp |
1.2.Week year, week, and weekday tokens
Input | Example | Description |
gggg | 2014 | Locale 4 digit week year |
gg | 14 | Locale 2 digit week year |
w ww | 1..53 | Locale week of year |
e | 1..7 | Locale day of week |
ddd dddd | Mon...Sunday | Day name in locale set by moment.locale() |
GGGG | 2014 | ISO 4 digit week year |
GG | 14 | ISO 2 digit week year |
W WW | 1..53 | ISO week of year |
E | 1..7 | ISO day of week |
1.3.Hour, minute, second, millisecond, and offset tokens
Input | Example | Description |
H HH | 0..23 | 24 hour time |
h hh | 1..12 | 12 hour time used with a A. |
a A | am pm | Post or ante meridiem |
m mm | 0..59 | Minutes |
s ss | 0..59 | Seconds |
S | 0..9 | Tenths of a second |
SS | 0..99 | Hundreds of a second |
SSS | 0..999 | Thousandths of a second |
SSSS | 0000..9999 | fractional seconds |
Z ZZ | +12:00 | Offset from UTC as +-HH:mm, +-HHmm, or Z |
方法一:nodejs中:npm install moment
var moment = require("moment");
<script src="moment.js"></script>
- 获取当前时间:
var now1 = moment();
console.log(now1); //moment("2018-02-27T15:36:48.299")
var now2 = moment(new Date());
console.log(now2); //moment("2018-02-27T15:36:48.318")
- 获取日期和星期:
var day = (new Date()).getDay();
console.log(day); //星期:2
var date = (new Date()).getDate();
console.log(date); //日期:27
- 时间戳:
var day1 = moment(1318781876406);
console.log(day1); //moment("2011-10-17T00:17:56.406")
var day2 = moment.unix(1318781876);
console.log(day2); //moment("2011-10-17T00:17:56.000")
var day3 = moment.unix(1318781876.406);
console.log(day3); //moment("2011-10-17T00:17:56.406")
- 通过数组来设置时间:
//moment(数组) 和 new Date()的月份是从 0 开始计算的
//Note that like moment(Array) and new Date(year, month, date), months are 0 indexed.
var day4 = moment([2018,5,10]);
console.log(day4); //moment("2018-06-10T00:00:00.000")
- 日期克隆的两种方式
var momentClone11 = moment([2018]);
var momentClone12 = moment(momentClone11);
console.log(momentClone11.year()); //2016
console.log(momentClone12.year()); //2018
//方式二:通过 clone 方法;
var momentClone21 = moment([2014]);
var momentClone22 = momentClone21.clone();
console.log(momentClone21.year()); //2012
console.log(momentClone22.year()); //2014
//UTC :By default, moment parses and displays in local time.
//If you want to parse or display a moment in UTC, you can use moment.utc() instead of moment()
var utc = moment.utc(1318781876406);
var noUtc = moment(1318781876406);
console.log(utc); //moment.utc("2011-10-16T16:17:56.406+00:00")
console.log(noUtc); //moment("2011-10-17T00:17:56.406")
var a = moment();
var b = moment.utc();
console.log(a); //moment("2018-02-28T11:11:18.375")
console.log(b); //moment.utc("2018-02-28T03:11:18.375+00:00")
console.log(a.format()); //2018-02-28T11:11:18+08:00
console.log(b.format()); //2018-02-28T03:11:18Z
console.log(a.valueOf()); //1519787478375
console.log(b.valueOf()); //1519787478375
//UTC 和 本地时间切换
var utcLocal = moment.utc([2018,2,28,10]);
console.log(utcLocal.hours()); //10
console.log(utcLocal.hours()); //18
console.log(utcLocal.hours()); //10
- 时区:
//var zone1 = moment.parseZone("2013-01-01T00:00:00-13:00").zone(); // 780
//Deprecation warning: moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.
//for example:
//moment().zone() 360 is replaced by moment().utcOffset() -360
var z = "2013-01-01T00:00:00-13:00";
var zone1 = moment.parseZone(z).utcOffset();
console.log(zone1); //-780
var zone2 = moment(z).utcOffset(z); //moment#zone 已经被废弃,取而代之的是
- 合法性校验:
//合法性校验 Moment applies stricter initialization rules than the Date constructor.
var date1 = new Date(2014,13,32);
console.log(date1.toString()); //Wed Mar 04 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)
var date2 = moment([2013,13,32]);
console.log(date2.format()); //Invalid date
console.log(date2.isValid()); //false
//overflow:比如13个月、一个月32天、一年367天等等;可通过 invalidAt 获取具体报错位置(0:years;1:months;2:days;3:hours;4:minutes;5:seconds;6:milliseconds,-1:means no overflow)
var date3 = moment("2017-03-05 23:17:60.99");
console.log(date3.invalidAt()); //5 如果有多个错,会返回第一个错误的位置
//empty moment("")
//nullInput moment(null)
//invalidFormat moment("2016-08-31",[])
- 默认值:
//如果没有指定任何值,则 moment() 获取到的值为当前时间
//其中时间如果没有指定:0 for hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
var def01 = moment("10","MM");
console.log(def01.format()); //2018-10-01T00:00:00+08:00
var sg = moment("2018-02-28 18:20:30.600");
console.log(sg); //moment("2018-02-28T18:20:30.600")
console.log(sg.millisecond()); //600
console.log(sg.millisecond()); //800
console.log(sg.milliseconds()); //800
console.log(sg); //moment("2018-02-28T18:20:30.800")
console.log(sg.second()); //30
console.log(sg.seconds()); //30
console.log(sg.day()); //3, 2018-02-28 是星期三
console.log(sg.format()); //2018-02-27T18:20:30+08:00
sg.day(-3); //上周日为0,-3为上周日的日期,继续往前推三天
console.log(sg.format()); //2018-02-22T18:20:30+08:00
console.log(sg.day("Monday")); //moment("2018-02-19T18:20:30.800"),获取的日期为sg日期所在周的星期一的日期
console.log(moment().weekday()); //3
var week = moment().weekday(1);
console.log(week); //moment("2018-02-25T16:06:56.635")
//星期(ISO)[这里规定 1 为星期一,7 为星期日]
console.log(moment().isoWeekday(1)); //moment("2018-02-26T16:15:35.969")
console.log(moment().isoWeekday(0)); //moment("2018-02-25T16:15:35.969")
console.log(moment().isoWeekday(7)); //moment("2018-03-04T16:15:35.970")
console.log(moment().dayOfYear()); //59
console.log(moment().dayOfYear(60)); //moment("2018-03-01T16:18:31.392")
console.log(moment().week()); //9,2月28所在的周确实是第9周
console.log(moment().week(8)); //moment("2018-02-21T16:27:18.511")。解析:如果今天是第九周的星期三,“moment().week(8)”获取到的为第八周的星期三的日期
console.log(moment().month()); //1
console.log(moment().month(2)); //moment("2018-03-28T16:51:46.827")。解析:当前日期是2月28日,“moment().month(2)”为3月28日
console.log(moment().month("May")); //moment("2018-05-28T16:57:18.295")
// 2.1.0版本之前:if a moment changed months and the new month did not have enough days to keep the current day of month, it would overflow to the next month[意思是如果超出,会累加到下个月]
// 2.1.0版本之后:this was changed to be clamped to the end of the target month[显示到目标月的最后一天,不会累加到下月]
console.log(moment("2018-01-31").month(1).format("YYYY-MMM-DD")); //2018-Feb-28
console.log(moment("2018-01-30").month(1).format("YYYY-MMM-DD")); //2018-Feb-28
console.log(moment("2018-01-29").month(1).format("YYYY-MMM-DD")); //2018-Feb-28
console.log(moment("2018-01-28").month(1).format("YYYY-MMM-DD")); //2018-Feb-28
console.log(moment("2018-01-27").month(1).format("YYYY-MMM-DD")); //2018-Feb-27
console.log(moment().weeksInYear()); //52
console.log(moment().week()); //9
console.log(moment().isoWeeksInYear()); //52
//moment().get("year") === moment().year()
//其它可赋值的有:year、month[0 to 11]、date、hour、minute、second、millisecond
// moment().set(String,Int); ==> moment().set('year', 2013);
//moment().set(Object(String, Int)); ==> moment().set({'year': 2013, 'month': 3});