听写练习 | 赖世雄ICRT访谈:我是酱学好英语的

听写练习 | 赖世雄ICRT访谈:我是酱学好英语的

作者: 麦子程 | 来源:发表于2017-11-23 02:48 被阅读63次


    介绍ABBA乐团的歌《Money Money Money》:

    This is a  song requested by  an xxx contributor on the ICRT APP chat.and the name is NO MONEY NO HONEY,not a surprise that someone names NO MONEY NO HONEY will request the song called MONEY MONEY MONEY.

    Well ABBA  right here.This one I have to talk about this one a little bit.Because my mom loves this song. She doesn’t like or even know most of the ABBA songs, maybe she knows DANCING QUEEN,but really that’s about it.    However she knows this one right here.like the back of her hand. I’m not sure of that says something about my mom’s personality, but yeah "MONEY MONEY MONEY,must be funny in the rich man’s world".I guess ,there you go.

    I certainly doesn’t quite xxxx the  family,I do not have a fascination or money. But now it’s time for us to assign for taking your requests. I get to a special interview today.We have a very special guest joining us in the studio today.

    ABBA 瑞典知名乐团 代表作《妈妈咪呀》

    like the back of her hand. 像手背一样熟悉


    - Petter! Hello! How are you!

    - Not bad actually. How are you then?

    - I’m very well. Are you in Taipei right now?

    - Yes. I just got back  from Xi’an yesterday.

    - Oh really? How’s the weather over there?

    - Pretty good. I will want to say.Because it’s quite a surprising.Over there usually by the time in September I will say it was getting colder, but during my xxx  day over there, the weather was fine.


    - Well actually this is a book that specialize in my personal experiences.or xxxx my personal experiences in learning English as second language.

    - It’s sort of I guess also a biography?

    - Sort of.


    - Actually when I was 18,that was long time ago.I can’t tell you how old I am.I knew nothing about English.xxx English is a close book to me that time.

    - Quite literally,yes.

    - But luckily  there were a lot of American soldiers  who were fighting in Vietnam, you know they came to Taiwan and R&R and it gave me xxx chance to learn English.I picked up English that way.Very naturally.And I was quite influenced by those American soldiers.

    I was brought up in Taiwan of cause.

    - In Taipei or?

    - No,in a xxx  city. Taoyuan.

    - Oh OK ,all right.

    - There were  stationing in Taiwan.Some of them were stationing in Taiwan,but most of them they actually came to pay visit to Taiwan.

    - So you had a lot of chances for conversational English.

    - Yeah conversational English. So this means that if you want to learn English,spoken English I will say it’s very important to begin with.

    - That’s right.

    R&R:休养与恢复(Rest and Recuperation)

    quite literally:毫不夸张的说

    station : 动词有“驻扎”的意思;stationing in Taiwan.驻扎在台湾

    conversational English : 会话英语

    you can say that again : 说得好,你说的一点没错; 我完全同。.有称赞的意思


    - Well, to tell you the truth,you know, when I was beginning to learn English, aside from conversational English, grammar was something that was very hard to deal with.And also you know I had difficulty to memorize words.Maybe I can memorize one word,for about five minutes or something,and then, a short while later I just forgot it.

    This goes to show that it’s very important  not only to understand the definition of a particular word, but you at the same time should know how to use this word.

    So that is to say you know word xxx  are very very important, or in terms of collocation. you know we can use this word.That is for example we  listened  to the music in title MONEY,in brought you by ABBA.Actually if you just understand one word “money”,you know that,that is not enough,you have to know how to use this word in a particular sense. For example money talks, money is not every thing. Health is above money.so to speak OK?  In this case , you understand.

    to tell you the truth:说实话;老实告诉你

    aside from : 除…以外

    very hard to deal with : 很难对付

    a short while later:一会儿之后

    in terms of: 从…角度来讲,用...话来讲,换句话说...


    above: 在...之上

    so to speak:,【插入语 filling word】可以说,就是说,比方说;

    pencil in: 暂定, pencil in tomorrow morning



    - How did you xxxx  full xxxx  of the American accent when you’re learning?

    - Well, I xxxx on bother to learn those phonetic symbols by listening to the big Vinyl record that time. there’s no tape record then.you know in 1960s or something.

    - Now you are giving away your age xxx...

    - I started to learn English at the age of 18 actually.

    That's not it : 那不是全部事实。事实并非如此。

    Vinyl record:黑胶唱片

    give away: 赠送,失去,也有泄漏的意思



          本文标题:听写练习 | 赖世雄ICRT访谈:我是酱学好英语的
