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Android MVVM 解读 3. Android MVVM

Android MVVM 解读 3. Android MVVM

作者: yqpan1991 | 来源:发表于2020-02-21 02:26 被阅读0次

2.5 Repository

没有过多需要描述的, 唯一需要区别的是返回值采用LiveData的方式, Demo 案例 来自google

class UserRepository {
   private val webservice: Webservice = TODO()
   // ...
   fun getUser(userId: String): LiveData<User> {
       // This isn't an optimal implementation. We'll fix it later.
       val data = MutableLiveData<User>()
       webservice.getUser(userId).enqueue(object : Callback<User> {
           override fun onResponse(call: Call<User>, response: Response<User>) {
               data.value = response.body()
           // Error case is left out for brevity.
           override fun onFailure(call: Call<User>, t: Throwable) {
       return data

根据此图, Repository的部分, 因为涉及到可能来自本地的数据源,或者来自网络的数据源,甚至会存在不同的数据有逻辑顺序的数据源,例如,先获取本地数据,在本地获取成功后,再次获取到远端的数据, 因而数据层,负责这些部分.

2.6 DataBinding

Google 官方说明: Data Binding Library

DataBinding Communication

DataBinding Communication.png

DataBinding Init Sequence

DataBinding Init Sequence.png


 * Inflates a binding layout and returns the newly-created binding for that layout.
 * This uses the DataBindingComponent set in
 * {@link #setDefaultComponent(DataBindingComponent)}.
 * <p>
 * Use this version only if <code>layoutId</code> is unknown in advance. Otherwise, use
 * the generated Binding's inflate method to ensure type-safe inflation.
 * @param <T> Type of the generated binding class.
 * @param inflater The LayoutInflater used to inflate the binding layout.
 * @param layoutId The layout resource ID of the layout to inflate.
 * @param parent Optional view to be the parent of the generated hierarchy
 *               (if attachToParent is true), or else simply an object that provides
 *               a set of LayoutParams values for root of the returned hierarchy
 *               (if attachToParent is false.)
 * @param attachToParent Whether the inflated hierarchy should be attached to the
 *                       parent parameter. If false, parent is only used to create
 *                       the correct subclass of LayoutParams for the root view in the XML.
 * @return The newly-created binding for the inflated layout or <code>null</code> if
 * the layoutId wasn't for a binding layout.
 * @throws InflateException When a merge layout was used and attachToParent was false.
 * @see #setDefaultComponent(DataBindingComponent)
// @Nullable don't annotate with Nullable. It is unlikely to be null and makes using it from
// kotlin really ugly. We cannot make it NonNull w/o breaking backward compatibility.
public static <T extends ViewDataBinding> T inflate(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater,
        int layoutId, @Nullable ViewGroup parent, boolean attachToParent) {
    return inflate(inflater, layoutId, parent, attachToParent, sDefaultComponent);

 * Inflates a binding layout and returns the newly-created binding for that layout.
 * <p>
 * Use this version only if <code>layoutId</code> is unknown in advance. Otherwise, use
 * the generated Binding's inflate method to ensure type-safe inflation.
 * @param <T> Type of the generated binding class.
 * @param inflater The LayoutInflater used to inflate the binding layout.
 * @param layoutId The layout resource ID of the layout to inflate.
 * @param parent Optional view to be the parent of the generated hierarchy
 *               (if attachToParent is true), or else simply an object that provides
 *               a set of LayoutParams values for root of the returned hierarchy
 *               (if attachToParent is false.)
 * @param attachToParent Whether the inflated hierarchy should be attached to the
 *                       parent parameter. If false, parent is only used to create
 *                       the correct subclass of LayoutParams for the root view in the XML.
 * @param bindingComponent The DataBindingComponent to use in the binding.
 * @return The newly-created binding for the inflated layout or <code>null</code> if
 * the layoutId wasn't for a binding layout.
 * @throws InflateException When a merge layout was used and attachToParent was false.
// @Nullable don't annotate with Nullable. It is unlikely to be null and makes using it from
// kotlin really ugly. We cannot make it NonNull w/o breaking backward compatibility.
public static <T extends ViewDataBinding> T inflate(
        @NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, int layoutId, @Nullable ViewGroup parent,
        boolean attachToParent, @Nullable DataBindingComponent bindingComponent) {
    final boolean useChildren = parent != null && attachToParent;
    final int startChildren = useChildren ? parent.getChildCount() : 0;
    final View view = inflater.inflate(layoutId, parent, attachToParent);
    if (useChildren) {
        return bindToAddedViews(bindingComponent, parent, startChildren, layoutId);
    } else {
        return bind(bindingComponent, view, layoutId);

static <T extends ViewDataBinding> T bind(DataBindingComponent bindingComponent, View root,
        int layoutId) {
    return (T) sMapper.getDataBinder(bindingComponent, root, layoutId);

在Fragment中,采用inflate的方式时, 我们看到最终是需要通过变量sMapper来寻找到的, 而sMapper的实例是: DataBinderMapperImpl, 这块在源码中我们没有看到, 实现在哪里? 其实是我们在开启了
dataBinding {
enabled = true
时, 代码会自动生成,


    package android.databinding;
    public class DataBinderMapperImpl extends MergedDataBinderMapper {
    DataBinderMapperImpl() {
      addMapper(new com.test.app.DataBinderMapperImpl());// 将我们的application的DataBinderMapperImpl 注册


  package com.test.app;

  public class DataBinderMapperImpl extends DataBinderMapper {
  private static final SparseIntArray INTERNAL_LAYOUT_ID_LOOKUP = new SparseIntArray(0);

  static {

  public ViewDataBinding getDataBinder(DataBindingComponent component, View view, int layoutId) {
   int localizedLayoutId = INTERNAL_LAYOUT_ID_LOOKUP.get(layoutId);
   if(localizedLayoutId > 0) {
     final Object tag = view.getTag();
     if(tag == null) {
       throw new RuntimeException("view must have a tag");
   return null;

  public ViewDataBinding getDataBinder(DataBindingComponent component, View[] views, int layoutId) {
   if(views == null || views.length == 0) {
     return null;
   int localizedLayoutId = INTERNAL_LAYOUT_ID_LOOKUP.get(layoutId);
   if(localizedLayoutId > 0) {
     final Object tag = views[0].getTag();
     if(tag == null) {
       throw new RuntimeException("view must have a tag");
     switch(localizedLayoutId) {
   return null;

  public int getLayoutId(String tag) {
   if (tag == null) {
     return 0;
   Integer tmpVal = InnerLayoutIdLookup.sKeys.get(tag);
   return tmpVal == null ? 0 : tmpVal;

  public String convertBrIdToString(int localId) {
   String tmpVal = InnerBrLookup.sKeys.get(localId);
   return tmpVal;

  public List<DataBinderMapper> collectDependencies() {
   ArrayList<DataBinderMapper> result = new ArrayList<DataBinderMapper>(1);
   result.add(new com.test.module.DataBinderMapperImpl());// 将Application的依赖的module注册进来
   return result;

  private static class InnerBrLookup {
   static final SparseArray<String> sKeys = new SparseArray<String>(14);

   static {
     sKeys.put(0, "_all");
     sKeys.put(1, "image");
     sKeys.put(2, "item");
     sKeys.put(3, "onClick");
     sKeys.put(4, "data");
     sKeys.put(5, "visibility");
     sKeys.put(6, "vm");
     sKeys.put(7, "text");
     sKeys.put(8, "stepVm");
     sKeys.put(9, "type");
     sKeys.put(10, "retry");
     sKeys.put(11, "refundOnly");
     sKeys.put(12, "refundAndReturn");

  private static class InnerLayoutIdLookup {
   static final HashMap<String, Integer> sKeys = new HashMap<String, Integer>(0);

   static {


  1. DataBindingUtil.sMapper的具体的实现,是通过代码生成器生成的
  2. 此mapper是在application的工程中,生成的类
  3. 此类,一般会有一个注册的mapper,为当前application的mapper
  4. application的mapper中,注册了其关联工程的mapper(这也是为什么, 我们的build.gradle中的dataBinding的enabled = true, 要从依赖的源头到application的工程一路注册,因为mapper,也是逐级传递的)
  5. 每个开启了dataBinding的enable=true的模块都有自己的DataBinderMapperImpl, 负责的是自己模块的dataBinding的处理和负责搜集子模块的DataBinderMapperImpl
  6. 通过这一系列的DataBinderMapperImpl, 在调用 DataBindUtils的方法
  static <T extends ViewDataBinding> T bind(DataBindingComponent bindingComponent, View root,
    int layoutId) {
return (T) sMapper.getDataBinder(bindingComponent, root, layoutId);




    本文标题:Android MVVM 解读 3. Android MVVM
