

作者: 000d64f65ba9 | 来源:发表于2018-10-08 19:36 被阅读4次



What I am really doing in this first session is showing you how grand this topic is and how important it is. It is really worth going deep on this subject. It is wise to study this subject. I love this topic. I love teaching it again and again because it always renews me, just studying it all day Friday, praying over it and sharing it, and then afterwards I go home and feel the afterglow, and I say “Oh God, I love You, I love You!” I love this topic going through my being. You do not need a microphone and a crowd. You can be talking it with three people, and it still works. I was telling people today, “Hey, here’s what I’m going to share…” and they said, “Calm down, you are going to hurt your voice,” and I was saying “And then I am going to share …” I was feeling it! You do not need a crowd. You just need some guy to listen to you and then you let it go, man, and you will feel it. Stay out of my path on Fridays or you will get it before Friday night.

A.  Jesus deeply desires that His people be with Him forever (Jn. 17:24)

24Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am… (Jn. 17:24)  Look at this passage.

Just look at this passage,

John 17! On the evening before the cross, right before the garden. Some say He was in the garden when He prayed it or right before the garden. I mean, the trauma of the cross was coming. He was sweating drops of blood either a few minutes from this prayer or before this prayer. It is all in the same several hours. He cries out, “Father, I desire that she would be with Me!” Like, “Jesus, no, You are about to have the most traumatic time of Your life in some hours!” “I want her! I want her with Me! I desire her, Lord! I want her with Me where I am! Father, I desire!” I mean this cry!

And the Father says, “Yes, that is what this is about!” 是的,就是这样!”

I look at that prayer and I think “Oh my goodness!” I mean I would be thinking about nails in my hand, not who I am going to be with later. It’s like, “What?”

21To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne… (Rev. 3:21)  Then, when He visits John, in the Book of Revelation, sixty years later after the cross, and He visits him with the eyes of fire, etc.,

He says, “John, go tell them this. If they will overcome, if they will say no, if they will resist their depression, if they will resist selfishness and lust, if they will resist those things and press into Me, if they will do that and they overcome, because all of these things these pressures are mounting up, they will sit with Me on My throne.” Though here is the phrase that I hear, “With Me,” some people hear the phrase “They will sit on a throne! Whoa!” Wait, the throne is cool, but with Him? And that does not mean that a million people are all going to snuggle up

依偎 to Him and sit on His lap on one throne. He means, “I am going to be in partnership with you in My government; you are going to be doing it with Me. I am not just going to give you authority and check in with you at the end of the Millennium. We are going to do it together. There is going to be interaction. There is going to be a partnership. I am going to be talking to you, and you are going to be talking to Me, and we are going to be doing this together.” I love that! I mean I love the word, throne, but I really like “with Him.” Resurrected body, we will have a resurrected body, yes, but I want to be in some staff meetings with Jesus.


I do not know where I will be. Everyone wants to be in Jerusalem, I do not know. I would like to be there, but “Hey, Lord, let me work on the House of Prayer in Grandview.” I like Grandview! I have prayed for years in Grandview. “Okay, Mike, I will let you go hang out in Grandview.”出去玩.

Because, you know we live in the New Jerusalem, but our assignment will be on the millennial earth, and so the transportation will be nearly instantaneous. Like an angel can be here or there really quickly. And so hopefully I will get to help in Grandview some, you know? He will come back and say, “Okay, what is going on with the people with natural bodies in the Millennium? What are they doing?” because the resurrected saints will have the higher place of authority, and I will say, “Well, what we are thinking of is this, this, this, and this.” Now, some folks think we are going to be automated, like you are going to take some little tablet and then you are just going to do exactly what the automation says. No, the Lord will say “So you and people in the resurrection have been interacting with people in natural bodies and so you want to do this and this and this?” “Yes.” “Okay, that is good.” You see, your personality will be in it; it is not like there is one way and you take an automatic pill or you get a download and you are just robotic. 这并不是说只有一种方法你服用自动药丸或者下载你只是机器人。

He will say “Yes, yes, do it that way that will express what is in your heart, and I will work with that.” We are going to do it with Him. We are not just going to be robots taking orders. We are going to actually do it with Him. Ooh, I love this! It is worth overcoming. B.  Jesus spoke of His second coming in context to “being with His people” (Jn. 14:3; 1 Thes. 4:17).  3I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be. (Jn. 14:3) When He talks about the second coming, He puts it in context to “with Me” in John 14:3 “When I come again”—second coming; here is what is on My heart—“I want to receive you to Myself that, where I am, there you will be with Me. You will be with Me.” In Revelation 14, it says of the 144,000, wherever the Lamb goes, they go. Jesus is saying this, but He puts the second coming in, and says, in effect, “When that happens, we are going to be working together in spreading the Father’s glory on the millennial earth. When I come back, you will be doing it with Me.” We will not only just be sitting in a worship service. We will love worship, but some people think they will be on a cloud playing a harp and that is all they will do forever, just floating in a cloud, playing a harp. And when the see their friends from this age, “Hey! Hey Ben! How are you doing?” “Good, man! It is going well! See you on the next lap!” So for millions of years we play a harp on a floating cloud. That is not what is going on. Some people say, “Well, you know I am a little bit embarrassed because I am not that excited about heaven. I mean, I love worship, but it is going to be a long time, a billion years on the same cloud with the same guitar, you know.” No, of course it will be with a harp. No, no! You will be involved in a vigorous, dynamic, robust way with Him, filling the earth with the Father’s glory. 16For the Lord Himself will descend…

17We who are alive…shall be caught up [raptured]… to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, we shall always be with the Lord. (1 Thes. 4:16-17)  Look what Paul says here in 1 Thessalonians about the rapture. He says, “When He descends”—at the second coming—“you are caught up to meet the Lord in the air” and the point is that you will be with Him always. Always, that is the point, “you will be with Me!” We think of the rapture sometimes as just the glory hitting the earth, but to Him it is about us being with Him. The Bridegroom heart comes out over and over and over and over again. Once you put the lens on, you can see


The Bridegroom  all  through  the  scriptures.  That  is  why  I  refer  to  it  sometimes  as  the  Bridal  Paradigm; paradigm just means a perspective, a lens. When you have the bridal paradigm, you start looking through the eyes of a bride; then you find the Bridegroom all through the scriptures. When I was not connected to this, I did not  see  any  of  those  passages.  Over  the  years  I’ve  said,  “Lord,  it  is  everywhere!”  I  needed  that  bridal perspective; I need to look through the eyes of a story that is rooted in mutual love, not just technical love where He stamps our passport, “Pass into heaven. Step to the right. Next…” It is not love like that. It is mutual, interactive love. When you look at the scripture through the lens of the bride’s eyes, it is like, “My goodness, this is everywhere! This is really worth it!” Again, this is not about making a big impact in this age. I mean, I like a big impact, but for most people their sphere is small. Together we make a big impact, but individually mostly it is small. The Lord would say, “Do not be worried about that. You be faithful. I am watching. Maybe nobody else is, but I am, and I keep a record, and it moves Me. Just do what I tell you.” “Yes, but I am serving over here, and nobody even knows, and there is no fanfare about it.”  The Lord could say, “Hey, you want the most popular guy watching you? He is. It is I, King of kings. I am watching you. The most popular guy is watching you right now.” See, when I connect with that “with you,” it just makes the whole journey different. C.  On Mt. Sinai, just before the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments, He instructed Moses and the 70 elders of Israel to eat a covenant meal with Him to experience fellowship with God— they were to see that He wanted a covenant relationship of love that obeyed His commands. 9Then Moses went up, also Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, 10and they saw the God of Israel…

11So they saw God, and they ate and drank. (Ex. 24:9-11)  On Mt. Sinai, fifteen hundred years before Christ, here is Moses; they have just come out of Egypt, and he is going to go up on the mountain to get the Ten Commandments. He gets them right after this, but here God tells Moses, “Hey, get the seventy elders and come up here.” So they go up there, and He says “Let’s have a meal,” and it was like “What? We are going to have a meal? We are going to eat and drink together?” They saw the God of Israel with their eyes! I mean, no one knows exactly what to do with that unless it is a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ, before His incarnation when He was born in Mary’s womb. It is an Old Testament visitation. They see Him! And He has a meal with them! He was saying, in essence, “I am going to give you some commandments, and I want you to know I want you to obey, but this is about covenant love. This is about relationship. You are obeying Me because we have this friendship together. We have this connection.” That is what He was declaring in this event. III.  JESUS’ INHERITANCE IS PEOPLE WHO FULLY LOVE HIM A.  Jesus’ inheritance is people who fully love Him. The saints will be equally yoked to Him in love.  37“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 

38This is the first and great commandment.” (Mt. 22:37-38)  Jesus’ inheritance is a people who love Him. I cannot think of any greater statement for our response than Matthew 22:27, “You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, strength and mind.” Verse 38, He says “This is the first. This is the highest priority to God.” When you meet Jesus, this is the number one thing that He will want to talk to you about. It is number one, it is first, and it is what makes you great in His




