

作者: vico | 来源:发表于2019-10-19 22:48 被阅读0次

When you’re a child, the constant frustration haunts you all the time.

You feel that you were being looked down by the so called adults, they never treat you seriously, like you’re not an independent human being with his own opinion.

They took your sincerity as naive and stupidity, they treat simplicity as inexperienced, in return they disappointed you with their hypocrisy and cockiness.

Being a child really really sucks, not always get to decide what you want, because you used to being told what to do, they think they’re right so they get to choose for you, they make almost all your plans and arrangements so that they can get some comfort from controlling your life, and ask you to pay back with unconditionally respect and completely obedience, they seldom ask how you feel unless you feed them with the words they designed.

Still, you can’t wait to grow up and you thought aging might make you looks more seriously and those people finally would listen to you.

But then one day, you finally get the big secrets shared by those adults, is that they mostly don’t listen, not to anyone besides themselves, sometimes sadly they stop listening to themselves either.

Their trick is to pretend they understand and use it as a disguise to show their maturity and sophistication, but all they ever care is their empty little world, whatever shit happens around them, they just looks away.

Then you lost into confusion, and everything falls apart, if growing up was the only goal now you’re not sure what to fighting for and whom to fight against.

You used to have so many questions, now you have no idea what the question is.

You may have just become one of them, at least from your appearance.

You recognize those horrible words from your own voice, you terrified and torture yourself with a simple question?

How the hell could I stop aging into those tedious crowds?


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