Mobile App 开发选型

Mobile App 开发选型

作者: michael_jia | 来源:发表于2016-11-24 23:24 被阅读158次

    Web Runtime(WRT)

    去年,我们使用 Swift 开发 iOS Native 应用,使用 Java 开发 Android Native 应用,今年采用什么方案?

    1. 适合业务需求,但需求是易变的;
    2. 匹配开发人员能力,但人员和能力是变化的;
    3. 符合业界的演进方向,但移动应用技术日新月异;

    Native, HTML5, or Hybrid
    • Native:iOS swift or objective-C,Android JAVA;
    • HTML5:Web App;
    • Hybrid Applications:web apps within a Webview container;和原生 App 一样从 App Store 安装,UI 基于 H5;
    Hybrid Architecture Concepts
    Capability vs. Platform Mobile App Technology Stacks Hybrid Architecture Concepts & Fundamentals
    Hybrid Mobile Applications
    • Hybrid 的主要技术是 Web 技术;

    We define hybrid as a web app, primarily built using HTML5 and JavaScript, that is then wrapped inside a thin native container that provides access to native platform features.

    Native, HTML5, or Hybrid
    React Native
    • A React Native App is a Real Mobile App;
      从开发编码角度,主要使用 Web 技术,称为 Web App 更好;从运行角度,称为 Read Mobile App 是没问题的;
    • 使用 Native UI;

    React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. You just put those building blocks together using JavaScript and React.
    H5 和 Hybrid 是 Web View;

    • 使用 React 和 JavaScript 构建 Native Mobile Apps;

    React Native lets you build mobile apps using only JavaScript. It uses the same design as React, letting you compose a rich mobile UI from declarative components.



          本文标题:Mobile App 开发选型
