银河护卫队20190310日报A 10-year-old girl has said that an essay she wrote for school on LGBT+ rights was rejected by her school principal, who said it would “make other parents upset.”
The principal allegedly told the girl to write an essay about bullying instead as she did not want to create an “undesirable situation” at the school, according to a lawsuit filed by the girl’s mother, the Charlotte Observer reports.
The lawsuit alleges that the principal then confronted the girl’s mother about the essay, telling her that they topic was “not acceptable” and that it was not “age appropriate” to discuss trans people, lesbians or drag queens outside of the home.
“People think that men should not drees [sic] like a women, [sic] and saying mean things.”
– Quote from child’s allegedly rejected essay
The school, which is located in South Carolina in the US, is now being sued by the girl’s mother, Hannah Robinson, for violating the child’s First Amendment right to free speech.
@Pink news
银河护卫队20190310日报A transgender woman who is running to be prime minister of Thailand has said she is ready to take the role – but wonders if the people are ready to accept a transgender candidate.
Pauline Ngarmpring transitioned at the age of 49, and has said she is “comfortable” and has “nothing to hide” ahead of the general election on March 24.
@Pink News