

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-08-30 09:06 被阅读0次
Jason Meyer 杰森·迈尔
1 Peter 3:18-22 彼得前书3:18-22
Welcome: 欢迎:
This morning we are aligning our arrows against the idol of fear and anxiety – an unholy unrest within you. Why does this happen? 2020 feels big. You look at all the losses you have experienced. Loss of health, loss of job, loss of peace. Everything can feel like a fight. Social media, conflicts at home, battle for holiness. 今天早上,我们将我们的箭对准恐惧和焦虑的偶像—你内心不圣洁的不安。为什么会这样?2020年是不同寻常的一年。你看看你所经历的所有损失。失去了健康,失去了工作,失去了平安。每件事都会让人觉得是一场战斗。社交媒体、家庭矛盾、为圣洁而战。
You look at all that could still be coming. And you can’t quite say “it is well with my soul.” You find that your heart and soul and mind have a steady, unwelcome sense of unease and unrest. 你再看看可能还会来的一切。你也不能说:“我灵安宁。”你发现在你的心灵和思想中有一种挥之不去,让你高兴不起来的不安。
What do you do? If 2020 seems big, you need to look again at Christ. Christ is bigger than anything that 2020 could throw at you. 你怎么办?如果2020年看起来不同寻常,你需要再看看基督。基督比2020年的任何东西都不同寻常得多。
Here is the word picture: 这里有个形像的比喻:
“Aslan,” said Lucy, “you’re bigger.” “阿斯兰,”露西说,“你变得更大了。”
“That is because you are older, little one,” answered he. “那是因为你又长大了,小家伙。”他回答。
“Not because you are?” “不是因为你变大吗?”
“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.” “我没有。但你每年都在长大,你会觉得我一年比一年大。”
What a profound picture of what the Spirit does in sanctification. Jesus becomes bigger in our sight, better to our spiritual taste buds. We gather today with the prayer that Jesus will be bigger! Not because he will grow (no, that is blasphemy – he is already unlimited – all authority belongs to him). We pray Jesus will be bigger, not because he will grow, but because we will grow. 这多么深刻地描绘了圣灵在成圣过程中的作用。耶稣在我们眼中变得越来越大,在我们属灵的味蕾上品尝起来越来越甜美。我们今天聚集在一起,祈祷耶稣会在我们心中越来越大。不是因为祂会长大(不,那是亵渎——祂本来就是无限的——所有权柄都归于祂)。我们祷告祈求耶稣会更大,不是因为祂要成长,而是因为我们要成长。
Introduction 引言
In the midst of your suffering, see and savor Christ’s suffering and victory for you. 在你的苦难中,要看见并且品尝基督为你所受的苦难和胜利。
We know that is what Peter is doing with these five verses because of the structural sandwich here. Look at how last week’s passage ended. 我们知道这就是彼得这五节经文的作用,因为这里有个三明治结构。先回顾一下,上周的经文是怎么结束的。
For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil. (3:17) 如果 神的旨意是要你们受苦,那么为行善受苦,总比为行恶受苦好。(3:17)
Now look at how this week’s passage begins: 再来看一下,这周的经文是怎么开始的:
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God. (3:18) 因为基督也曾一次为你们的罪死了,就是义的代替不义的,为要领你们到 神面前。
Now look ahead to next week’s passage: 现在再来看一下下周的经文:
Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin. (4:1) 基督既然在肉身受过苦,你们也应当以同样的心志装备自己(因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了)(4:1)
In other words, in your suffering, you must so see and savor Christ’s example that it saturates you so that it becomes part of you (you are armed with it). It is not in some mental closet somewhere, but you are armed with it (strapped on, ready to go, at your fingertips, loaded for bear). 换句话说,在你的苦难中,你必须看着并且品味着基督的榜样,使它浸润你,使它成为你的一部分(你被它武装起来)。它并不在某个精神壁橱里,而是你已经用它把自己武装起来了(随身佩带,随时待命,随手可得,弹已上膛)。
Peter looks at his suffering flock and does not want them to be unarmed. How will they be armed? Will a stockpile of money or power or influence or intelligence or survival savvy? But the weapons of their warfare are not worldly. They do not fight suffering with worldly weapons (money, power, influence, intelligence, savvy). 彼得看着他受苦的羊群,不希望他们手无寸铁。他们将如何武装起来?堆积钱财?权力?影响力?智力?还是生存智慧?他们的作战武器不是属世的。他们不以属世的武器(金钱、权力、影响力、智力和精明)来对抗痛苦。
They are to rest in the victory of Jesus in their suffering. They are armed with the full truth of what he has done. They must so see and savor what he has done that it becomes part of them as their very identity. His story becomes their story. They are armed with it. What Christ has done for us cannot be on a shelf somewhere or in some mental closet somewhere, but we must be armed with it (strapped on, ready to go, at your fingertips, loaded for bear). 他们要在苦难中安息在耶稣的胜利中。他们用祂所成就的全部事实来武装。他们必须如此看见和品味祂所做的事情,以至于它成为他们身份的一部分。祂的故事成了他们的故事。他们用它来武装自己。基督为我们所做的事不能被束之高阁,也不能藏在心灵的某个壁橱里,而是我们必须用它来武装自己(随身佩带,随时待命,随手可得,弹已上膛)。
Outline 纲要
Arm Yourselves With the Journey and Victory of Christ: 用基督的旅程和胜利来武装你们自己
1. The Accomplishment of Christ (He Suffered as Our Substitute to Accomplish Atonement) (v. 18) 1.基督的成全(祂作为我们的代赎受苦以完成赎罪)(18节)。
2. The Announcement of Christ (He Declared His Victory over the Demons) (v. 19-20) 2.基督的宣告(祂宣布胜过鬼魔)(19-20节)。
3. The Ascension of Christ (He Ascended to the Place of All Authority) (v. 22). 3.基督的升高(祂升到全权之处)(22节)。
1. The Accomplishment of Christ (He Suffered as Our Substitute to Accomplish Atonement) (v. 18) 1.基督的成全(祂作为我们的代赎受苦以完成赎罪)(18节)。
18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God 18 因为基督也曾一次为你们的罪死了,就是义的代替不义的,为要领你们到 神面前。
Notice the explicit connection between our suffering and Christ’s suffering. Suffering is God’s will. He has good purposes in it and will bring good out of it. How do we know that? Because Christ also suffered and God had good purposes in it and he brought ultimate good out of it. 请注意我们的苦难和基督的苦难之间的明确联系。苦难是神的意志。祂有好的意旨在里面,会带来好的结果。我们如何知道?因为基督也受苦,神有好的目的在里面,祂把最终的益处带出来。
Why did Christ have to suffer: for sins. 基督为什么必须受苦:因为罪。
How did he suffer: as our substitute. The righteous one in the place of the unrighteous. 祂是如何受苦的:作为我们的代赎。义的代替不义的。
What did his suffering accomplish? Atonement is the accomplishment of the cross! Jesus suffering brought us to God. 祂的苦难成就了什么?赎罪就是十字架的成就!耶稣的苦难把我们带到了上帝面前。
We were without hope and without God in the world. Our sins have separated us from a holy God. No one is a child of God apart from Christ – we are all children of wrath – with a fury of a fire and fearful expectation of judgment. We were on the path towards eternal suffering. 我们曾经在这世上没有盼望,没有神。我们的罪使我们与圣洁的神隔绝。除了基督之外,没有人是神的儿女—我们都是可怒之子—那是烈火般的愤怒,我们在恐惧中等待审判。我们正走在通往永恒痛苦的路上。
Jesus suffered to save us from eternal suffering. He suffered to bring us heavenly bliss. But the greatest gift of salvation is himself. We were reconciled to God. He brought us to God. We are at one. Brought into his family as his children. Citizens of heaven and children of the Father. There is no greater gift. 耶稣受苦是为了救我们脱离永远的痛苦。祂受了苦,给我们带来了天上的福祉。但最大的救赎礼物就是祂自己。我们与神和好。祂把我们带到神面前。我们合而为一。我们被带入祂的家中,成为祂的儿女。天国的公民,天父的儿女。没有比这更伟大的礼物。
But the good news gets even better. Look at the second part of the journey Peter highlights. 但更好的消息还在后头。请看彼得强调的第二部分。
2. The Announcement of Christ (He Declared His Victory over the Demons) (v. 19-20) 2. 基督的宣告(祂宣布胜过鬼魔)(19-20节)。
being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, 19 in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, 20 because they formerly did not obey, when God’s patience waited in the days of Noah 就肉体的方面说,他曾死去;就灵的方面说,他复活了;19 他藉这灵也曾去向那些在监管中的灵宣讲,20 他们就是挪亚建造方舟的日子、神容忍等待的时候,那些不顺从的人。
Jesus suffered and was put to death. What happened after the cross? Jesus was alive in the Spirit and he made a journey. Where did he go and what did he do? 耶稣受苦并被钉死。十字架之后发生了什么?耶稣藉着圣灵的大能复活了,并作了一次旅行。祂去哪儿?祂去做什么?
There are about 180 different interpretations of this verse. Rather than give all the options, I am going to tell you how I read it and why and if it matters you should know that this is the view of most evangelical scholars and commentators. 对这节经文大约有180种不同的解释。我不想给出所有可能的解释,而是要告诉你我是怎么解读的,及为什么,如果你觉得重要的话,你应该知道这是大多数福音派学者和解经家的观点。
We have the participle here: went. It does not explicitly say where he went. That part is wrapped up in what he went to do. Peter says he made proclamation to the spirits in prison. 我们看到这里有一个分词:去。但没有清楚说明祂去了哪儿。这部分包含在祂去做的事情里。彼得说祂去向那些在监管中的灵宣讲。
Everywhere in the New Testament where you have the plural for spirits, it refers to angelic beings (angels or demons) except once (Hebrews refers to the spirits of people made perfect in heaven). 在新约圣经中,凡是灵以复数形式出现的地方,都是指灵界(天使或魔鬼),除了一次(希伯来书指在天上成全人的灵)。
Likely, Jesus, in his glorified body has a message for some demonic spirits. Let me read a quick cross-references: 很可能,耶稣在祂复活荣耀的身体里,给一些恶魔灵体宣讲了信息。让我来很快读一下相关经文:
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly (the if clause continues and builds up to the “then” clause in verse 9) then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment. (1 Peter 2:4-5, 9) (如果)神没有姑息犯罪的天使,反而把他们丢入地狱,囚禁在幽暗的坑里,等候审判。 5 神也没有姑息上古的世界,反而使洪水临到那不敬虔的世人,只保存了传义道的挪亚一家八口。(“如果”子句继续,直到第9节的“那么”子句),(那么)主知道怎样搭救敬虔的人脱离试探,又把不义的人留下来,等候在审判的日子受刑罚。(彼得后书2:4-5, 9)
Jude 6 speaks of the same event in a very similar way. 犹大书6节以非常相似的方式讲到了同样的事件。
6 And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day 6 还有,那不守本位擅离自己居所的天使,主就用永远的锁链把他们拘留在黑暗里,直到那大日子的审判。
So let us add up the cumulative clues. We have: 所以我们把累积的线索加起来。就有了:
• the plural of spirits (usually a reference to angels) 复数形式的灵(通常指灵界)
• the cross-reference from 2 Peter about disobedient spirits being kept “in chains” – very similar to “in prison” 来自彼得后书相关经文中悖逆的灵被囚禁——很近似于“在监管中”
• followed again by a reference to Noah (both 1 Peter and 2 Peter) 这些都紧跟在挪亚的典故后面(彼得前后书均如此)
• we also have the cross-reference to Jude and the united theme of being kept for judgment 我们还有来自犹大书的相关经文,以及为审判存留的统一主题
Jesus went and proclaimed his victory over these disobedient fallen angels. Right before the flood in Genesis 6, we have a story of fallen angels. Genesis even has the same three terms for the fall in Genesis 3 and the fall of Genesis 6 (Eve saw the fruit was good/beautiful and she took; angels saw the daughters of men were beautiful/and they took). 耶稣去,向这些悖逆堕落的天使宣告祂的胜利。就在创世记第六章的洪水之前,我们有一个堕落天使的故事。创世记中甚至有同样的三个词出现在第3章和第6章的堕落中(夏娃见果子好/漂亮,她就拿了;天使见人的女儿美丽/就拿了)。
Genesis 1-2 gives us the creation story and Genesis 6 gives us the un-creation story. God saw the wickedness of the hearts of man – they were only evil all the time. 创世记1-2章给我们讲了创造的故事,创世记6章给我们讲了反创造的故事。神看见人心的邪恶——他们终日心里思念的,尽都是邪恶。
The spread of sin seems complete throughout the world. Every part of creation is fallen and filled with wickedness. It is the same in Peter’s day. Evil surrounds these believers. People are hostile towards them, the demonic forces are working against them, but believers get to overhear the message of victory that Jesus proclaimed to the fallen angels. The outcome is secure. They have lost. Christ has conquered. Judgment is coming. 罪恶看起来已经蔓延到了整个世界。受造物的每一部分都是堕落的,充满了邪恶。在彼得的日子里也是一样。邪恶势力围绕着这些信徒。人们对他们充满敌意,魔鬼的势力在与他们作对,但信徒们却能听到耶稣向堕落的天使们所宣告的胜利信息。结局已经定了。他们输了。基督得胜了。审判就要来了。
Just like the flood did not destroy all humanity, but some were saved. In the same way, God made a way to save a people from his wrath and final judgment. I guarantee that demons cannot forget that victory speech. We must not forget either. We know we are on the right track because of the next step of the Journey. 就像洪水并没有毁灭所有的人类,而是有些人得到了拯救。同样的,上帝也制定了一个方法来拯救一个族类脱离祂的愤怒和最后的审判。我保证,魔鬼们是忘不了那篇胜利演说的。我们也不应该忘记。因着旅程的下一步,我们得知我们走在正确的轨道上。
3. The Ascension of Christ (He Ascended to the Place of All Authority) (v. 22) 3. 基督的升高(祂升到全权之处)(22节)。
22 who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him. 22 基督已进到天上,在 神右边,众天使、有权势的、有能力的,都服从了他。
The resurrected Jesus became the ascended Jesus as he journeyed to heaven. He is there now enthroned at the right hand of God. He has all authority over angels, authorities, and powers. They are subject to him. He rules over them all. 复活的耶稣成为升高的耶稣,因为祂去了天堂。祂现在就在那里,坐在神右手边的宝座上。祂拥有一切权柄,君临一切天使、有权势的、有能力的。他们都要服从祂。祂掌管他们。
Every being – whether cosmic or earthly that has some rule or dominion or authority – is under the overarching rule of Christ. He is sovereign over disease and death, persecution and politics, the economy and the end times. He is sovereign over Wall Street and the White House and Your House. 一切万有—不管是空中的还是地上的,只要有掌管、统治或权威,都在基督的总掌管之下。祂不仅主宰疾病与死亡,也主宰迫害与政治、经济和末世。祂主宰华尔街、白宫和贵府。
And we do not see it all directly and clearly and obviously. But one day we will. The faith will be sight. Lord hasten that day. Kings will bow and adore and nations kneel down before him. And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. One day, they will all bow. He will no longer be mocked as a fairy tale or a fable and you will not be called a fool because of your faith. 而我们并不能直接清晰明显地看到这一切。但总有一天我们会。信心将变成眼见。主催促那一天的到来。众王要向祂俯伏敬拜,列邦要向祂跪拜。万口都要承认耶稣基督是主。有一天,他们都要屈膝。祂将不再被嘲笑为童话或寓言,你也不会因为信仰而被称为傻瓜。
No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from his hand. Til he returns or calls me home. Here in the power of Christ I stand. 地狱权势,人间诡计,都无法把我们从祂手中夺走。直到祂再来,或者呼唤我们回家。我凭基督的大能站立。
Application: Our Appeal through the Resurrection of Christ (v. 21) 应用:我们藉着基督的复活许愿(21节)
Peter looks at what was happening in the days of Noah. It was epically, cosmically bad. Wickedness had spread everywhere (even the angels participated in wickedness). It looked like darkness and chaos had won the day. But God was patient. He was ready to forgive. He made a way of salvation (the ark). And he waited. Only 8 people were willing to receive the ark of salvation, but God still saved all 8 of them. Even in the midst of spreading darkness and coming judgment (the waters of death), God’s mercy still shined as 8 people were saved. 彼得看着挪亚的日子里所发生的事。那是史诗般的,宇宙级的灾难。邪恶已经到处蔓延(甚至天使也参与了罪恶)。看起来似乎黑暗与混沌已经赢了。但神在忍耐。祂随时想要饶恕。祂预备了拯救(方舟)。祂等待着。只有8个人愿意接受方舟的拯救,但神还是救了他们全部8人。哪怕是在黑暗的蔓延和即将来临的审判中(死亡的大水),神的怜悯依然闪耀在得救的8个人身上。
Peter is saying that it looks dark today. Thick darkness is spreading, eternal judgment is coming, but praise God – He is still rich in mercy and perfect patience and he has provided a better way of salvation today. Jesus is the ark. 彼得说今天看起来也很黑暗。深沉的黑暗正在蔓延,永恒的审判即将来临,但赞美神——祂仍有丰盛的怜悯和完全的耐心,今天祂提供了更好的拯救方式。耶稣就是那方舟。
In fact, the text is very emphatic. Peter says that baptism in water “corresponds” to the ark. The word is antitupos from which we get the word “antitype.” The symbolism at work here is not a random analogy or an interesting parallel that Peter made up. The correspondence is between prototype and antitype. In other words, there is first a picture and we await the coming of the reality to which the picture points that is its fulfillment. 实际上,这段文字的重点很突出。彼得说水中的洗礼“对应”着方舟。这个词是antitupos 从这个希腊词我们衍生出“antitype”(预表)这个词。这里的象征意义并不是彼得随便打的比方,也不是彼得随意编造的有趣类同。这是原型与预表之间的对应关系。换句话说,我们先看到一个画面,我们等待画面所指向的那个现实到来,那就是它的实现。
It is typology – meaning a divinely intended pattern is at work running through history that will find its anticipated point of fulfillment. And the fulfillment is always greater (escalation, crescendo, bigger) than the initial picture. In other words, “it’s not so much that the story of Noah is reenacted in our baptism. It’s more that our baptism was pre-enacted in the story of Noah. Noah is the set up, and baptism is the punch line” (Tim Chester, Truth We Can Touch, p. 28). 这就是预表—意味着一个神所预定的模式正在运行,贯穿历史,将找到其预期的实现点。而实现的总是比最初的画面更伟大(升级,更强,更大)。换句话说,“并不只是挪亚的故事在我们的洗礼中重演。更是我们的洗礼在挪亚的故事中预演。挪亚的故事是系包袱,洗礼是抖包袱”(Tim Chester, 《我们触手可及的真理》, 第28页)。
What does it mean that 8 people “were brought safely through water” (1 Pet. 3:20). The word “through” is a little ambiguous in English. It does not mean that they were saved by the water. No, they needed to be saved from the judgment waters. Noah and the other seven were saved from the water by the ark. 那8个人“藉着水得救”(彼得前书3:20)是什么意思?“藉着”这个词在英语中有点含糊。这并不意味着他们被水救了。不是的,他们需要从审判的大水中被救起。挪亚及另外七人被方舟从水中救起。
In the same way, the judgment of God’s wrath is coming. We can only be saved from the waters of God’s judgment, by being in Christ – running to and resting in all that Jesus has done as the ark of atonement. They run to Jesus and the door is shut and they are safe from the flood of wrath and judgment coming upon the world. 同样,神愤怒的审判也即将来临。只有藉着在基督里——奔向并安息在耶稣作为赎罪方舟所作的一切当中,我们才能从神的审判之水中得救。他们跑到耶稣那里去,门就关上了,他们就安全了,不受愤怒和审判的洪水。
Let us remember what happened in the baptism of Jesus. People who thought they were already God’s people (the Jews) were asked to submit to a baptism of repentance. That is, they all got in the water and confessed that they were sinners. 让我们回想耶稣受洗时的情形。那些认为自己已经是神的子民(犹太人)的人被要求接受悔改的洗礼。就是说,他们都下了水,承认自己是罪人。
Jesus also was baptized. He did not have any sins to confess. John the Baptist was shocked by Jesus’ request to be baptized. John said that Jesus should be baptizing him. Jesus was the sinless one and John the Baptist was not! But Jesus went in that water of judgment with all of those sins as a substitute. It was a symbol for what he had come to do. 耶稣也受了洗。祂没有什么罪可认的。施洗约翰也被耶稣要求受洗而震惊。约翰说应该是耶稣给他施洗才对。耶稣是无罪的,而施洗约翰不是!但耶稣走进了审判之水,作为替代,带着所有其他人的罪。这是祂来要成就的工作的一个象征。
That is why Peter can say, “baptism now saves you” (v. 20). He can say it without flinching. This water of judgment symbolizes baptism which now saves you. What does he mean? He does not mean that the act of baptism saves you magically or automatically. He emphatically shuts that sheep gate in verse 21 “not a removal of dirt from the body.” In other words, the physical act does not save. 这就是为什么彼得说:“洗礼现在拯救你们”(21节)。他可以毫不退缩地说。这审判之水象征着现在拯救你的洗礼。他是什么意思?他的意思并不是说,洗礼的行为会魔术般地或自动地拯救你。他在21节用强调关上了那扇羊门:“不是除去肉体的污秽”。换句话说,肉体上的行动并不能拯救。
What does save? “An appeal to God for a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (v. 21). The word for crying out is a pledge that seals a legal contract. In the moment of baptism, you are making a pledge and staking your eternity on it: I believe in the death and resurrection of Christ. I believe that I am saved only by what he has done. He alone can bring me through the waters of judgment. This is my only hope. 是什么在拯救?“而是藉着耶稣基督的复活,向 神许愿常存纯洁的良心”(第21节)。许愿这个词是指在法律合约上盖章承诺。在受洗的那一刻,你是在承诺,押上你的永生:我相信基督的死和复活。我相信我只有藉着祂所作的才能得救。唯有祂才能带着我走过审判之水。这是我唯一的盼望。
In other words, baptism is the promise of the gospel in physical form. The promise has become three-dimensional. You see the promise physically enacted. You see it. You feel the water. You physically enact the promise because you believe the promise. 换句话说,洗礼是福音诺言的有形表现。这诺言成了三维。你看到了诺言有形的实施。你看到了它。你感到了水。你有形地实施诺言,因为你相信诺言。
In other words, we do not put our faith in baptism. You put your faith in Jesus – his death and resurrection has decisively and definitively dealt with the problem of sin and judgment. 换句话说,我们不是相信洗礼本身。你是相信耶稣——祂的死和复活已经决然、确然解决了罪和审判的问题。
Tim Chester is helpful here once again as he draws upon the Puritan Stephen Charnock. “The gospel sacraments seal the gospel promises, as a ring confirms the covenant of marriage.” In a wedding, the bride and the groom exchange vows and then exchange rings “with this ring I thee wed.” The exchanging of rings does not make the marriage in the ultimate sense, but in the symbolic sense. Baptism saves you means much the same thing as the exchange of rings makes you married. 蒂姆-切斯特在这里再次提供了帮助,他借鉴了清教徒斯蒂芬-查诺克的观点。“福音圣礼印证了福音的承诺,就像一枚戒指确认了婚约一样。”在婚礼上,新娘和新郎交换誓言,然后交换戒指,“你我联姻,此戒为证”。交换戒指并不是最终意义上的婚姻,而是象征意义上的婚姻。洗礼拯救你的意思和交换戒指让你结婚的意思差不多。
But this happens in a context, right? If a man secretly slips a ring on a woman on the street that does not make them married. In the same way, if someone falls into the baptistery, he or she is not baptized and suddenly united to Christ. 而这是在特定情境中发生的,对吗?如果一个男人在大街上偷偷地给一个女人套上戒指,这并不意味着他们就结婚了。同样,如果有人掉进洗礼池,这并不意味着他或她受了洗,突然就与基督联合了。
The exchange of rings happens in a certain context (exchanging vows and commitments of marriage). The rings symbolize that covenant commitment. In the same way, baptism only saves when someone responds with faith to the promises embodied in baptism (by faith, you have entered the Jesus, the greater ark, who saves you from a greater judgment). 交换戒指是在特定场合下发生的(交换婚姻的誓言和承诺)。戒指象征着盟约中的委身。同样,只有当人用信心回应洗礼中所体现的应许时,洗礼才能拯救人(凭着信,你已进入了耶稣这更大的方舟,祂救你脱离更大的审判)。
What if you have not been baptized? Here is what I will say and I am drawing upon something Tim Chester said here. Let’s say you were in a wedding ceremony and you have already taken your vows. Now here comes the moment to exchange the rings. He freezes when he remembers that he left them at his house in all the rush to get to the church. Does that mean the wedding is off and the marriage is invalid? No. They are still married. But there is something missing and it must be rectified quickly. 那要是你还没受洗怎么办?我要说的是,我在这里借鉴了蒂姆-切斯特说过的话。比方说,你在婚礼仪式上,你已经宣誓了。现在是交换戒指的时刻了。当他想起自己因为急着去教堂而把戒指落在家里的时候,他愣住了。那是不是意味着婚礼取消,婚姻无效?不是的。他们照样结婚。但缺了点什么,必须尽快补救。
In the same way, perhaps you have not been baptized by immersion as a believer. Does that mean you are not a believer? Does it mean that you are not heaven-bound and that your faith is invalid? No. But something is missing. And I call you to rectify that as soon as you can. 同样的,也许你还没有受过信而受浸的洗礼。这意味着你不是个信徒了吗?这意味着你就上不了天堂,而你的信仰无效了吗?不是的。但还是缺了点什么。而我叫你尽快补救。
Here is the celebratory point I want to make – with the prayer that Jesus will become bigger. Do you see the judgment coming? Do you feel the darkness spreading? As the storm rages around you, the ark is ready! Do not delay. Run to the ark of Christ’s salvation. Rest there – safe from the waters of death and judgment. 这是我想说的庆祝点—祈祷耶稣在我们眼中变大。你看到审判即将来临了吗?你感觉到黑暗正在蔓延吗?当风暴在你身边肆虐时,方舟已经准备好了!不要拖延。奔向基督救赎的方舟。在那里安息吧--远离死亡和审判之水。
Don’t be deceived today. God is not mocked. He will never excuse evil. A just and holy God will and must judge all evil (whether humans or angels). Judgment is coming. With all the uncertainty of 2020, humanity needs to hear the one future certainty of judgment. 今天不要被骗了。神是不被嘲弄的。祂从不开脱邪恶。公义圣洁的神将会而且必须审判一切邪恶(无论是人类还是天使)。审判就要来了。在2020年的所有不确定性当中,人类需要听到一个未来确定性的审判。
God will not excuse evil, but he will forgive. The cross is the only way. Sin receives it due penalty either at the cross or in hell. There is no other way. 神不会放过邪恶,但祂会饶恕。十字架是唯一的道路。罪会得到应有的惩罚,要么是在十字架上,要么是在地狱里。再没有别的路可走。
Jesus has defeated death and demons and the dark domain. He announces the defeat and overthrow of the fallen angels. He leads them in triumphal procession. They have lost. Christ has purchased his people and they will not be lost. Darkness will not win. 耶稣已经战胜了死亡、魔鬼和黑暗权势。祂宣告了堕落天使的失败和覆灭。祂带着牠们在凯旋的队伍中,游街示众。牠们输了。基督已经赎出祂的子民,他们不再失丧。黑暗再也不会赢。
Do you feel the world is broken? Do you feel the shadows deepen? But, but, but do you know that all the dark won’t stop the light from getting through? The lion of Judah who conquered the grave, he is David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave! He is worthy! Is he bigger in your eyes than 2020? He is the Lord of years and the potentate of all time – the Lord of every year. It all bows before him as Maker and Sustainer and your Redeemer. He is the one who will make all things new when he comes again. 你是否感觉到这个世界正在破碎?你是否感觉到阴影正在加深?然而,可是,但是你知道吗,所有的黑暗都无法阻挡光明的到来。征服坟墓的犹大狮子,祂是大卫的根,也是为赎回奴隶而死的羔羊!祂是配得的。在你眼中,祂比2020年还大吗?祂是岁月的主宰,也是万世的君王—每一年的主宰。这一切都在祂面前俯首称臣,祂是造物主、维持者,也是你的救赎者。当祂再来时,祂就是使万物更新的那一位。
You may feel like a total mess in 2020. It might feel like you don’t have a single victory. Rather you are way more aware of your losses and your fears of what you could lose. You will feel ill-equipped and un-armed if you focus only on your losses. 也许你觉得2020年一塌糊涂。也许你觉得自己一个胜利也没有。但这只是更加意识到自己的失败,以及对自己失败的恐惧。如果你只关注自己的失败,你就会觉得自己装备不足,甚至手无寸铁。
Our hope and our trust and our identity is in him. Our identity is not in the intensity of our faith. Our identity is not in the act of our faith, but the object of our faith. 我们的盼望、我们的信心和我们的身份都在祂里面。我们的身份不依赖于信心的强度。我们的身份不依赖于我们信仰的行为,而在于我们信仰的对象。
Conclusion: Baptism as a Naming Ceremony and Identity Formation 结论:洗礼作为一种命名仪式和身份的形成
Sinclair Ferguson tells the story of a doctoral student from South Asia. 辛克莱-弗格森讲述了一个来自南亚的博士生的故事。
“I knew him as “Timothy.” But one day, when I felt I had come to know him well enough, I asked him, “Timothy, what’s your real name? He smiled and said, Timothy. I smiled back, knowing he would see that I wasn’t convinced this was the whole truth! Come on, tell me, what is your real name? Again, he replied, Timothy. So I tried a different maneuver. What is the name your parents registered for you? This time he responded with his native Asian name. Despite feeling we were in the endgame of a little chess match and that somehow he had a secret move up his sleeve, I said, “So that’s your real name!” No, he said – and then theologically checkmated me! Timothy is my real name. That’s the name I was given was I was baptized. 我刚认识他的时候只知道他叫“提摩太”。但有一天,当我觉得我已经对他有了足够的了解时,我问他:“提摩太,你的真名是什么?”他笑着说,提摩太。我也笑了,我知道他会看出我并不相信这是全部的真相!快告诉我,你的真名是什么?他再次回答说:提摩太。于是我试着换了一个策略。你父母为你登记户口的时候用的是什么名字?这一次,他用自己的亚洲母语名字来回答。尽管觉得我们正处于小棋局的尾声,也觉得他不知怎么就有了秘招,但我还是说:“原来这才是你的真名啊!”“不,”他说—然后在神学上把我将死了!“提摩太就是我的真名。那是我受洗时得到的名字。”
Ferguson, the noted theologian said that he learned a great lesson that day. The name Timothy received at his new birth and baptism was more important than the name he received at his physical birth. Now, we know that changing his name had not changed his heart. That happened in the new birth. Baptism does not save - as if salvation is the physical removal of dirt from the body. Rather, baptism was a constant reminder and reinforce of his identity in Christ. Ferguson said that what made Timothy unique is that unlike so many believers today, he understood that his baptism had ongoing significance for him every day of his life (Ferguson, forward to Tim Chester’s book, Truth We Can Touch, p. 9-10). 著名神学家弗格森说,那天他学到了一个很大的功课。提摩太在新生和受洗时得到的名字比他在肉体出生时得到的名字更重要。现在,我们知道,改名换姓并不会改变他的心。这只有在获得新生的时候才会发生。洗礼本身并不能拯救—仿佛救赎就是身体上的污垢被清除一样。相反,洗礼是对他在基督里身份的不断提醒和强化。弗格森说,提摩太的独特之处在于,他与今天许多信徒不同,他明白他的洗礼对他生命中的每一天都有持续的意义(弗格森,转引自提姆-切斯特的《我们触手能及的真理》一书,第9-10页)。
But you do not need a new name when you get baptized because it has already happened. Jesus taught that “baptism is a naming ceremony” because we were baptized in the singular name of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19). This name is a constant reminder of your identity – who you are or rather whose you are. 但你受洗时不需要新的名字,因为已经有了。耶稣教导说,“洗礼是一个命名仪式”,因为我们是奉三一真神的独一圣名受洗的,即圣父、圣子和圣灵(马太福音28:19)。这个名字时刻提醒着你的身份—你是谁,或者说你是谁的。
We also must celebrate the moment when, “ash was redeemed only beauty remained, and my orphan heart was given a name.” 我们还必须庆祝那一刻:灰烬已赎尽,只余美丽风景,我孤儿的心被赋予了一个新名
“My Savior Displayed on a Criminal’s Cross 我救主在罪犯的十架上被钉
Darkness Rejoiced as though Heaven had lost 黑暗欢呼,以为天堂已经输定
But then Jesus arose with my freedom in hand 但是耶稣复活,我的自由在祂手中
That’s when death was arrested and my life began” 这时,死亡被逮捕,我开始了新的生命
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Title: Seeing and Savoring the Victory of Christ 讲道标题:看见并品尝基督的胜利
Text: 1 Peter 3:18-22 讲道经文:彼得前书3:18-22
Main Point: 要点:
Believers must arm themselves in their suffering with the full truth of what Jesus has done through his suffering 信徒必须在苦难中用耶稣藉着祂的苦难所作成的全部真理来武装自己。
Outline 纲要
Arm Yourselves With the Journey and Victory of Christ: 用基督的旅程和胜利来武装你们自己
1. The Accomplishment of Christ (He Suffered as Our Substitute to Accomplish Atonement) (v. 18) 1.基督的成全(祂作为我们的代赎受苦以完成赎罪)(18节)。
2. The Announcement of Christ (He Declared His Victory over the Demons) (v. 19-20) 2.基督的宣告(祂宣布胜过鬼魔)(19-20节)。
3. The Ascension of Christ (He Ascended to the Place of All Authority) (v. 22). 3.基督的升高(祂升到全权之处)(22节)。
Application: Our Appeal Through the Resurrection of Christ (v. 21; Baptism) 应用:我们藉着基督的复活许愿(21节;洗礼)


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