今天早上下雨啦,听着哗啦啦的雨声,看我喜欢的纪录片。 今天看了荒漠世界,这些沙子里蕴含着的无限生命,一场雨(可能十年一遇)便可以让它们重获生机,不可不再次感叹生命之伟大。
Sand verbena - It can grow from a seed to a sweetly scented flowering plant in just a few weeks.
Cacti have developed extraordinary adaptations that enable them to not only collect water but to retain it. Instead of leaves which would lose precious moisture through evaporation, they have spines. Each spine has a tiny padded - in space where the water is absorbed and then stored in the greatest swollen trunk.
A large saguaro could hold 5,000 liters of water, and is able to do so because it has another special adaptation. The ridges on its surface are like the pleats on accordion, they allow the saguaro to change its shape. After rain has fallen, the pleats expand and saguaro fills up its water tank. In the dry time, it uses its water to grow, produce flowers, and eventually seeds.
Teddy bear cholla (泰迪熊圆刺仙人掌)(哈哈哈,名字非常可爱的一种仙人掌,其实可凶了)
It called teddy bear cholla because of the thick coating of spines on it, but don't be deceived by the name, there is nothing cuddly about this particular teddy bear. In fact, it's the most dangerous plant in the desert.
There are almost 2,000 different species of cacti, they are spread across the deserts of the America west from Arizona all the way to Mexico and beyond.
Tristerix (仙钗寄生)
It clamps on to the cactus with a special sucker. At the night, when the cactus opens its pores in order to respire, it can invade into the cactus and its tissues spread throughout the body of the cactus, sustained by the precious store of water that they can find there. A year later, it breaks through the cactus's skin and bursts into flowers. Hummingbirds come to drink their nectar and pollinate them as they do so. And then, to complete the cycle, tristerix produces hundreds of white, eye-catching seeds ready to be carried away by a bird to invade another cactus.
仙人掌的部分就结束啦,还有沙漠里最可爱的多肉。哈哈 我要单独写一写。